Recent content by Ket

  1. K

    National Event

    Ditto to what Scott said.
  2. K


    Privyet to those traveling to coming gather, my potion making is available to those who need. Need more purify or cure mortal wounds, let me know. Have over thirty ranks of potion making. Contact me private, we work out detail. Dmitri of Clan Draken
  3. K

    Spirit farewell for Gregor Gallonavich

    Cuar my friend it is too infrequent I hear your voice. You should consider coming around if even for a bit. Ket
  4. K

    Spirit farewell for Gregor Gallonavich

    Familia, Rai, friends, and fellow adventures. It saddens me to have to tell of this but Gregor of clan Gallonavich was permanently slain in battle when the town of Fairdale was attacked the eighteenth night of this month. To exacerbate matters Dame Darlassia was permanently slain trying to get...
  5. K

    Symbol for Gypsies

    Some of us use this flag on the east coast Kevin
  6. K


    Kevin Erwin, veggie but not vegan.
  7. K

    Sue D'Onym

    An' no forjet Laguna iz drop dead zexy....yummy... He make me tink, "Lanna who?" Ket
  8. K

    Tournament Dinner

    then why not give him the npc colors????? :funny:
  9. K

    3G coverage

    Have verizon 3g and get coverage at the site.
  10. K

    Pre-Event Metal

    I would have thought the spamalot soundtrack, especially the sir robin parts would be better for getting into Nigel :mer:
  11. K

    April Event Reports

    don't worry he is padding it by 3 :zonks:
  12. K

    Opener Menu

    Can and will help with things in the tavern
  13. K

    Opener Food Options Poll

  14. K

    Making the tavern cool

    Can also help out some with the tavern taking orders and working the bar since will be in the tavern most of the weekend anyways
  15. K

    Props Donation Drive 2012: Completed! :3

    Re: Props Donation Drive 2012! done