April event favorites!


Hello everyone!
As mentioned during closing ceremonies, your feedback via favorites and our post-event feedback emails are the driving forces in the production, presentation, and improvement of our game.
Please take a few moments to let us know what you enjoyed most about this weekend, no matter what side of the fence you were on! Post-event feedback emails with more specific requests for feedback will be sent soon as well.

Thank you behalf of everyone on the AGB staff. We appreciate all our PCs, NPCs, and staff and can't wait to see you all in May.
Decompression time accomplished. Favorites now.

-Friday night I had a blast in the tavern RPing the drinks and stories with Grim and other adventurers. Stupid o clock River Varda.

-Lots of fun walks in the woods with Kur and Keldar. You guys make a long drive but its always is awesome to hang out with you.

-The Elosdi mod where we realized how boned we were halfway in, and also V's ears practically drooping when being asked by Keldar if she'd checked the survivors for infestation.

-Fae games, hot damn. If only Trel wasn't so distrusting he might have actually competed some but the scavenger hunt was fun to help with.

-Brian makes the best Pantherghast ever. I watched him go again and again, and fighting him one on one was one of my favorite fights.

-During the minotaur mod I was super impressed by the RP detail put into the surgical removal from the gems ftom the minotaurs. It really impressed my character with how skilled and competent the team was.
#1 Thanks to the NPC crew. You were few, but you were FIERCE!
#2 Wellorgian plots. I am glad that wasn't painless haha
#3 I love the direction the guilds are heading. As a helpful tool for myself, I am designing a web thingy to keep track of stuff. If it's actually good, I'll open it for other people to use.
#4 Team kitchen staff!
#5 Dodge Rock and taking a fantastic dive for team men. (Leg's doing fine)
#6 Losing my elf card at the range
-The Elosdi mod where we realized how boned we were halfway in, and also V's ears practically drooping when being asked by Keldar if she'd checked the survivors for infestation.

Boned? Naaaaah. Paralyzed and out of Remove Paralyses? You betcha!

And the survivors are okay. They are just really, really creeped out by Squire Grim. :) Apparently Razorface McCannibal has nothing on Chivalry McBeard.
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All hail the kitchen crew.
Kur's "hoers for Wellorg" drawing and the following effects.
Vox melting.....all weekend.
All the RP conversations I got to have, especially with Grim and Brandr.
That Elosdi Mod, which I think was the first time I actually fought alongside V in any real not-deadwalk sorta way.

So with all that said, I think what I just realized is that I love how much I feel like my characters actually grows every time we make that drive to Barran, and not in a way that has anything to do with build points. Thanks guys.

Oh! Also the look on Simon's face when I told him that not only did he come off as condescending, but that I thought my gypsy hated him.
"HOERS FOR WELLORG". A master work of art deserving of inclusion in the Sage's Guild library.

I'd also like to specially note that I love the way the guilds are evolving. Those organizations have been around way before the Kingdom and Empire and it's really fun to see them finally growing and getting the recognition and presence they deserve. It's a lot of paperwork, but what giant corporation isn't? :)

#1: It was so refreshing to have The Family back together, and I'm excited to see what new relationships we're forming with other adventurers - especially Kur and Kailani.
#2: Getting Tvard back and the very quiet, very gentle roleplay of giving him back his mask and him slowly taking my hand. It was a bummer we had to flee the mod space because I was on the verge of crying like a stupid baby and smothering him in weird motherly affection.
#3A: FAILING FRIDAY DEADWALK. Losing townspeople after investing so much love, time, and money in Fury Falls really took the wind out of V's sails.
#3B: ROCKING SATURDAY DEADWALK. Between the Earth Storms and multitude of undead shutdowns, I was a cannon and it felt AMAZING. I just discovered my new favorite spell loadout.
#4: Elosdi mod with the XRoads crew and the subsequent fail of leaving potentially infected townspeople in my brand. new. house. Also: subsequent hilarious RP of returning to feed the townspeople infection antidotes and Kur chewing on V's furniture/Grim making the locals nervous.
#5: RP with a certain Lord Squire Grim... and being conscripted to aid the Vanguard in their war efforts. So THAT happened.
#6: The Sage's Guild mapping mod that ended up being way more fun (and hilariously terrifying) than we thought it was going to be.
#7: Cadeis, Cadeis, Cadeis. I had two wonderful playdates with my favorite dream/mentor/Cenobite this weekend and it was amazing. I find it especially amusing that a character can get flayed alive, stabbed with her own just-removed ribs, and totally get off on all of it... and no one even kind of raises an eyebrow. Oh, Cadeis, I'll be your squire any day. You just need to find a way to make that a possibility. <3
The was a solid event. I had a wonderful time. Onto the favorites:

#1: Getting a chance to move forward with a guild. I might not have Kris' time, but I think I can help facilitate some things and keep business moving.
#2: Seeing the low body monster putting up spell shields and figuring out what that high magic flame stuff is for.
#3: Walking down the trail and realizing I should have brought a wand....having a younger adventurer say "like this?" And proceeding to throw my arm out.
#4: Taking inspiration from my fellow to set half of the second anchor. I will have to finish it later.
#5: The look on Em's face when I told her which anchor it was.
#6: being forced to fight the monster I wanted to let others fight...and getting the magic item for it.
#7: paying attention to where I am walking....and the reagents on the way.
#8: Grim telling me I am a condescending jerk, then all my private thoughts.
#9: The reluctant team of three.
#10: Hey Em...stabby stabby!
#11: Watching the whole town go off on the hunt and the 5 people left in town not on a team going all like "which way did no one go...wanna go? Okay...oh look it's the uber elosdi....oh wait only one guy can hit it, oh darn, he got engulfed, now what,

KAILANI TO THE RESCUE (death death win)

Joe Siegel
1. And so it was written, on the 19th day of Talashyir, 1007, that Wellorg of Hydera was gifted one masterfully artful representation of one HOERS.
2. Guilds. At first I was like "What the frak? So in order to make the guilds more fun, they made a crapton of paperwork?" And then I read the paperwork and was like, "Oh, wait. This paperwork is actually tons of fun. I might be a Sage after all."
3. Tvard got his minimum of one existential ramble in, at the expense of Kailani. Welcome to the Family, where Tvard never shuts up.
4. "Mum," for a number of reasons, all of which are feelings. (Gretta Sendall is going to beat her son with a rolling pin if she ever does come back.)
5. Dodge Rock was an INSANE amount of fun, and it was good natured fun all around. The fae that ran that competition did a great job making it a blast.
6. The map making mod was admittedly a huge exercise in cat wrangling at first, but it COMPLETELY paid off 100%. It was an insane amount of fun to creep through the woods and try not to be murdered while taking down little details!! Good work to all the NPCs and the mod makers!
7. First time soloing a Terminator, which felt awesome. Lead Baron to the rescue (4.8 lb rescue xD)
8. Winning the bakeoff snack section with my hot sticky biscuits.
9. Being a **** to Rali, because "Sister"
10. The fact that my armor didn't put me into sheer agony by the end of the weekend.
11. Sprinting back and forth across the site made me thankful that I was doing between season training!!
12. Cadeis is one of my favorite characters to interact with. There is such a pleasant bluntness to his and Tvard's relationship that I greatly appreciate. "Welp, he's cutting a hole in my head now. Lovely afternoon, isn't it?"

I'm sure there were a lot more, but it is late and my mind is weary. I will be posting hella Sage's Guild stuff SOON.
So after family Easter and other assorted shenanigans I've finally made my way here. Thanks to the AGB staff for a fun weekend, especially the NPCs!

In no particular order...

Seeing my Primary's squire from a different character's eyes. It was hard not to get all mama bear on her sometimes, but she's Kai is definitely growing into her own.

Entering into game via rift, reuniting with the family, saving Tvard, and all the feels that went along with that - whether Kamryn had time to express them or not. "Wait... I've been gone HOW long?"

Foreplay, and Fae shenanigans in NPC camp.

Euphoria bubbles, knowing damn well that Rayna wasn't in her right mind but having absolutely no way to fix it. And you were poking at ME for not being in bitch-mode! ;)

Dave as Elder Raven. Yes, I'm having a good time!

Bobo as the pantherghast. A good sport as always. He could have just beat me down when he realized I didn't have a magic weapon (and don't get me wrong, he DID terrorize me) but instead he followed me at that "somehow no matter how fast you run, Mike Myers is still right behind you" pace, until I could get my hands on one and have a good fair fight. Thanks, Brian!

Dodgerock! That was some silly, good-natured, fun competition. Thanks to all who played!

The 2.5 mile, two hour long, tromp-through-the-dark-woods, pee-your-pants-with-paranoia mod. Kudos on smushing 3 guild tasks into one module without it feeling contrived. And OMG thanks to the NPCs on that one. When every misshapen tree gives you the willies for days, you know it was a good encounter.