

I've been summoned by my family to return to the more civilized side of the kingdom to aid in this war. I would like to know as much about the enemy and their motivations/abilities/tactics as anyone might provide.

Thank you,
Zane Al'Vera
Order of the Emerald Flame
Undead everyvhere, and Barbarious Barbarians. They have alchemy that iz not to ve trifled vith and fighterz ov the sort vou vould expect from tribesmen. I believe Mathis haz zpoken ov vou vonce or twice. It vill be a pleasure to meet vou.

Kitaruen Kopanari
Well met.

Can you tell me any details on this Chaos Icon monster rumoured to be called the Wanderer or Creeper or something similar? I'm speaking of the one I heard is found in the Faldric forest. I need as much information that I can get in order to seek him out in the dream realm. Any detail will be a help.

The Outcast. His realm is Bedlam, also known as the plane of chaos. His tendrils are everywhere, although I know not if the chaos of the Faldric Forest is his.

Any details are important. What does he look like? How does it fight? How does it sound? What powers had anyone seen it use?

I need to create as full of an image as I can. Anything at all helps.

I'm not entirely sure but, I believe he either needs to make deals, or is compelled to make them. I've never seen him. He created a bunch of twisted cats in Faldric, and manifest wells of chaos where the cats live.

Order of the Emerald Flame
The stars must have aligned. Zane Al'Vera I have not seen you since after the shattering. How have you been? I would very must like to catch up. I unfortunately do not have any information on this topic. And if you are investigating the Faldric Forest, I would of course aid you. The forest has been tainted for too long.

Lady Liddia FallingStar
It is good to hear you are well Liddia. I have changed quite a bit I think. We will speak when I arrive of course. However I would be grateful if you could contact any that reside in these lands to provide any information they might have here tonight. Time is a factor in this.

Of course your skills and assistance will be welcome if not outright required.

I thank you.

We haven't had the pleasure to meet yet, however I am familiar with a few members of the Order of the Emerald Flame.

To share more information that you are seeking regarding the Outcast, it seems that toughing him causes you to be nauseated. During the time without adventurers and magic, the Outcast offered to the Elders of the Faldric Forest his protection, and without magic to protect themselves they agreed. His protection turned out to be over protective and protected the forest against the mystic wood elves as well. I have heard rumors that he is ancient, as old or older than Valdanis. I have heard speculation that he is a vampire or something akin. I have only witnessed him once and he traveled alone, though I would not be surprised to discover if he has some or total control of the undead that reside within Valdanis. I hope this information is found valuable.
I thank you Raynn, and everyone else.

I will be near the forest until it's time to gather. Send me anything else you might have here.
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I was one of the first to learn what happened to the Faldric Forest from a mystic wood elf who managed to escape while the forest was completely tainted. The people of the forest fled from a battle with Dark Elves and Dwarves after suffering heavy losses. The Outcast came to them and promised to turn creatures of the forest into ones that could protect them from attack. He showed them that he could make a cat many times its normal size and just as strong, and they agreed to let him protect them. However, to do so he tainted the entire forest with Chaos, and while the creatures did scare off the Dark Elves and Dwarves, they soon turned on the mystics and began attacking them as well. Since then the mystic wood elves have been essentially trapped in their own forest, and they had to pull back their remaining people to the central city. They have been starving and without means to obtain resources, and most of the mystics' leaders have died. They attempted an exodus of many about 50 years ago, but they were massacred by the beasts. They seem to come from chaos-tainted pools of water around the forest. We have taken care of most of them, but the biggest and most important remains tainted, and Eldandiril and I have to perform a ritual to cleanse it, we will definitely accept any help in reaching this pool next market day, since as it is the largest tainted pool, it will most likely protect itself more viciously than the rest.

In short, it seems this Outcast will be deceptive and act like he will help you or is doing something beneficial, but nothing he says should be completely trusted, and seems to have no sense of mercy.

Also, when the World Dragon was changing the world, it was bitten by something just as the elders were about to be taken away, and I am not sure of the truth of this, but there are at least a few of us who believe this Outcast, who was formerly a vampire, was the one who bit it, and that may be how he became as powerful as he is.

I hope this information is helpful, although you may want to have it verified by others, as I have admittedly little experience in adventuring and may not know the exact details.
Assuming the pools don't regenerate, we destroyed the largest pool 4-6 months ago. To my knowledge there are only 3 pools left, 2 medium sized ones, and a one smaller one. Eve was there with us as we destroyed the large pool. I can show you the location of them, I mapped out the pools then. Although, summer may have enabled them to spread or grow.

Having spent some time in Faldric, I believe the forest will mend itself after the last of the pools are gone. However, I know the Free Spirits who lived there had some kind of protection on the forest, or the forest offered some kind of protection to them. That seems to have been damaged or destroyed. Perhaps that cleansing ritual will fix it.

Rituals and cleansing Chaos pools, just like the old days.
I'll mark for Chaos and hopefully we can help clean this forest up so it has a fresh start come spring.

I have no idea what marking for Chaos means. Coming from anyone other than Mathis I would be concerned.

That said I just realized how much this DOES sound like the old days. I wonder if there is some raciest Life Lord nobility I can disregard, or murderous Dark Elf nobility, and supremely powerful and crazy Biata undead tackling me bodily to the ground and then rift-dropping me back into said ground to round out this scenario....
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I have seen him do it before. This is definitely a good thing, since it looks like we will be facing a lot of chaos at this next gather. Also, oddly enough, he wasn't undead, but we just killed a supremely powerful and crazy Biata that escaped from the Graveyard of the Four Winds at the last gather in Dragonreach.

The Starbinder is long missing from the world, I haven't fought organized dark elves in at least four years, and Invictus Blackthorn is, as far as I know, rotting away in the Graveyard of the Four Winds.
As for "marking for chaos," since we last spent time together I have managed to find my path to ascension and gained the ability to absorb the taint of elements on the lands. To do so I must prepare for the element I wish to battle by marking myself with symbols. So when you see me with black marks across my face please don't tear my arms off, I'm not infested with chaos.
From what I've heard from other travelers, I would say that matters here in Valdanis (or whatever they're calling it these days) are as bad as we've seen in years. I'm glad to hear that you'll be joining me to assist Link at this gathering.
Travel safely,
Oh, right then. I'm glad to hear all that. Noted on the Chaos killing in efficient elf ways.

I'm looking forward to standing on the Green and Black lines again.

You as well,