

During the past gathering a number of us encountered a variety of threats that are attributable to the influence of the being known as Outcast.
I've managed to piece together some information about this creature (it is part Vampire and part Chaos Elemental so I have a hard time calling it a person), but I presume that those of you who live in the area may be able to augment my knowledge.
I would like to share as much information on the matter as possible since it appears like Outcast has big plans for the area and I don't know how often I will be able to travel.
If you have information I would encourage you to share and at some point before the gathering I will post additional information here so that others can learn from my experiences.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I have encountered this Outcast face to face only once. He is attributed with many heinous deeds, though he made no claims to them. During the meetings he made no aggressive acts and was fairly forthcoming with information. He seems relatively easy to communicate with, as far as creatures of his type go, and will find you if you seek a meeting with him. Contact me this next market day and I will go over my encounter with him in more detail.
After multiple visions, dream walking, and contacts with several people around town this is the information I have presently. I too have a fondness for bullet points.
  • The outcast is indeed a Vampire Chaos Elemental hybrid. He is attributed with near Icon-elemental power levels.
  • His goal is to break open the demi plane created by the World Dragon. This plane is a utopia that acts as something akin to a prison for those that have abused large amounts of power. Typically in the past it was many monsters but a large amount of these prisoners are greater races who throughly abused enormous amounts of power. I have been told that this breakout is likely inevitable thanks to processes that are already in motion. It will have to be mitigated rather than prevented.
    • The Guild of Arden (sp?) is something of the hand of the World Dragon in attempting to mitigate extreme sources of power as a neutral group in order to preserve balance. They use talents and powers of Order to do so.
      • The power of Order is not an element or even the opposite force to Chaos. It is in fact a power that governs over creating balance in the world. A mitigating force, not an element such as Fire, Stone, or even Earth.
    • It should be noted, once again, that the villain responsible for the catacombs we cleared of extremely powerful undead was a greater human. It is believed this is the first escapee of this demi plane to have shown their face.
  • The Outcast's father is a prisoner of the demi plane. He is a greater elf. In the vision I had of their past together this father over saw his son practicing the powers of necromancy in a forest. They were harming the trees and grasslands. At that time Order elementals came and collected the father. The Outcast has vowed revenge because of this incident.
    • It should be noted that the King himself assisted with the capture of this Greater Elf/Father many years ago. It is certain this man was a villain.
  • The Outcast was once mortal. He summoned a vampire, commanded it to bite him, and then staked the undead.
  • The Outcast once rifted into the World Dragon's lair and bit it while it was doing a ritual. In the vision the Dragon banished the Outcast and giggled after doing so.
  • My vision showed the Outcast years later in a castle surrounded by blackness. Inside the castle were nothing but chaos creatures and elementals. The Outcast was looking at a map of the planes and the plane known as the City of Night is crossed off, and there are little figures of chaos surrounding Arden.
    • I confirmed that the City of Night was indeed destroyed
    • The little figures of chaos that dotted Arden on the map that I saw in the vision, to the best of my interpretation, represent the towers he has placed there and throughly defended/obfuscated. One of these towers was destroyed last weekend. beyond the obfuscation a circle of power surrounded the tower and had to be destroyed.
  • The Outcast has somehow traded his inherent weakness for healing magics for the far more rare Order damage/magic. Healing energies hurt him no more than any other magical attack.
  • After the Order of the Emerald Flame and many other allies attacked and destroyed the tower it faded out of existence. The denizens of this tower were spirit like and were clearly being roughly puppeted by the hand of the Outcast.
    • In retribution the Outcast placed two glyphs on the doors of the OEF cabin. They each were Chaos Vengeance glyphs striking with the power of four hundred dagger blows each. I was able to only destroy one of them before I left to return home to the north. The front door of the OEF cabin remains glyphed, be warned.

Order of the Emerald Flame
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I'm very worried about how the Greater Races play into this. I spent time several years wandering before I ended up here. I was the first of the greaters to show up after years of them absent. I deeply hope it wasn't my presence that set this in motion. Or worse that my memories are fake and I spent time in that prison.

He also has freed a Greater Gypsy. Kit or Banradi can provide more details. But, it was clear from our encounter that she was working for the outcast as well.

Order of the Emerald Flame
The dimension is something of a holding cell for anyone that upset the balance of the world. This can include evil people and things like we saw in the catacombs last gathering, as well as extremely powerful proponents of life and healing as well.

Since the pseudo jailbreak hasn't happened yet it's safe to say that anyone that managed to escape thus far has done so at the will of the Outcast. It's logical to say they are all crazy powerful wielders of Chaos of one kind or another.

Considering the level of power that was displayed in the catacombs in both the power of the undead forces as well as the human's ability to rift faster than any dragon I have ever seen I think we are dealing with power levels we don't fully understand yet Link. Power you, Mathis, myself, and others haven't achieved yet.

This is more than a feeling I have, there was a great deal of wisdom imparted to me on the Order and their methods by his Majesty.

Still I am concerned about the greater races as well. There is little way to tell what we are up against.

Can anyone lend more to this story? Even better, any of the history involved here?

Order of the Emerald Flame
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As most of this occurred in the 200 years the adventurers were absent, I'm not sure how much of this particular history is known to us.

200 years ago, the existence of the Creator Stone became known. It led to a massive war, not just between nations, but between planes as well. This stone literally had the power to remake, or unmake, the world.
Long story short, the World Dragon reclaimed his stone, and remade the world. This included the removal of the elder creatures, races, magik, etc.
Clous gave up his powers of order to become King.
When we returned to this World not quite 1 year ago, the Outcast greeted us, and essentially told us to leave his work alone and he would leave us alone.
The nations we knew had dissolved into areas of racial segregation.
The Barbarians had siezed power and demanded tribute from the assorted races in return for the right to live.
In a world with minimal magic, alchemy rose in popularity.
Now the adventures have returned. The tenuous balance between nations is being stressed, magic released, chaos challenged.

I'm sure that is not terribly helpful.

As Order seems to be the weapon of choice, what access to such things do we have?
Does anyone have strong ties to order? the plane of order? order elementals? etc

My race as well as the gold you met have strong ties to Order directly. Beings comprised of the powers of healing such as my greater elf friends also posses a strong connection to such powers. At this time I am bound somewhat to the long dead founder of the Order of Arden, the group that seems to be aligned with the World Dragon.

I will do my best in the coming days to find ways to pass these abilities on or find sources others can use. It's likely those who wish to use them must prove themselves worthy.

Order of the Emerald Flame

Do we know what purpose these towers, of the Outcast, serve? Or are they simply points for his minions to work from? Because there is one on each major land mass.
I'm afraid we don't know what the towers do exactly. Considering the defenses provided for them they must serve as some kind of point of power.

For those that didn't go a dark circle surrounded the tower. Touching it earned you one heck of a jolt of Chaos. We destroyed the circle and the tower appeared. Before it could be seen it could felt by almost anyone as a feeling of wrongness. Then it could be felt by Chaos trying its best to kill you.

It's very unlikely that this is some kind of staging ground for troops as there were only spirits guarding the place with puzzle locks preventing our climb to the top. I think these towers harness power for the Outcast and provide a conduit for him and his minions to rift to easily.

Order of the Emerald Flame
The Towers that Outcast created act as reservoirs, collecting little bits of chaotic energy that are loose in the world. The unbalance energies created by the uneven releasing of the Elders increased that energy, hopefully that is all corrected.
When the reservoir is full, Outcast consumes the energy to increase his power and then allows the reservoir to refill.
After some of us were able to deal with the Tower in the Evendale, there are two Towers remaining, one amoungst the Ogres and the other in the Wilderkin lands. The Tower in the Wilderkin lands is full of Chaos elementals that, like Outcast, are weak to Order. The tower in the Ogre lands is guarded by golems, however it appears that there is more to invading that Tower than simply killing all the golems.

Order of the Emerald Flame
Molly iz no threat now, and vill ve left alone. Vith that said there seems to be a tower in the Dwarven lands of Magrice. It seems this may be an actual staging point or hideout of his not one of the powerpoints.

If possible, I would like any in-depth information regarding the the 'processes in motion', including the process by which the Outcast is opening that plane. Through the knowledge I've gathered, paired with the millennia of predecessors, I believe that I, if provided with the correct resources, may be able to reverse any damage to the barrier. Though far removed from any form of formal magic, there are many ways in which the forces of existence may be manipulated to achieve extraordinary ends. If the time exists for one of you informed enough to explain the exact nature of this 'rip', I would like to see if, and in that case what, I can do something.

- Wycliff