June Event Favorites!


NEPA Staff
Hi there Hq players, npc's and staff! please post your favorites from our most recent event. Help us learn what you liked and shout ou to other players and npcs for awesome times!
I have to admit, I was so super hyped for my role this weekend, I had a tough time getting into any other headspace. Even when fighting as crunch I had to remember, "I'm not him yet".

I love how this game does this to me. And all of my friends.

-DONNA! What a great and terrible mom you are! Also, awesome on every level.
-"Dad, stop, you're embarassing me..."
-Jangidan's Circle of Slaughter.
-Everyone who participated in it despite it's rough and visceral nature. Gore is awesome.
-Willow and Hilary for their awesome roleplay and the side chats. You both helped a very drained Dave keep moving.
-Roguing undead and Nerium's "Friendly" and my response. "Not."
-Tycho and his everything.
-PC's growing wings and flying directly into the sun.
-PCs tough decisions and all of the awesome RP that I saw.
-Being a total Osprey.

Can't wait for the next one.
This event was amazing for me in that I saw three years of effort and machinations pay off in a BIG BLUE WAY :) Val knew this was going to eventually end in something important. She just wasn't certain whether that would be "become the dragon's champion and save the town" or "be enslaved and murdered to permanent death." Glad the coin fell on the former side of the fence rather than the latter (you know - for now). This has given me a really unexpected and welcome opportunity to re-create Valeria into a character with a soul and a motivation that I am passionate about. A really heartfelt thank you to all.

- Boom Boom! What an amazing costume and character! I loved my personal forest :)
- DONNA! COLLIN! FRISCO! PLOT TEAM! THANK YOU. You hit this one out of the park. Nothing felt forced or contrived and everything seemed a direct result of PC actions. I love me a little bit of gray area roleplay, and this delivered in spades.
- "You are the target of a Whispering Wind Ritual. Do you accept?" "NEED HELP." I have never been so twitchy upon seeing a white-headband walk into the room. That said - that first screaming dragon message was INTENSE. Thanks Dave :) The blood was a nice touch.
- The wyvern arena. Oh my god. Stop it, I had So Many Feelings and none of them were OK.
- "It appears as though the hoobajoo magic has run out, sir."
- I loved all of the philosophical discussions regarding law, the Code, and interpretations thereof. All I wanted to do was make Prolon pause and reassess his thinking. It happened...maybe once? He may have just been humoring me. Still good 8)
- I spent most of the event vacillating between being confused, sad, and utterly joyous. The Vakkar elder mod was AMAZINGLY well-coordinated and beautifully conceptualized. Well done. Also, props to Vincent for throwing a fight for the greater good :)
- Dorgun, you beautiful bastard. Despite Val's utter contempt for your actions, that was a Masterful deception for the books. Well done. Really. Well done.
- I never want to see Abbath cry ever again. There is nothing more devastatingly sad. If anyone makes her cry I will stab them.
- Jorma, sometimes I have no idea why I like you, but I do.
- Alda - thank you for being so beautifully fragile and scared and yet strong and wise. You are so much more adept and smart than you give yourself credit for and I am SO glad we were able to share the moments we did!

And finally - unexpectedly losing my pointy ears. What better way to join my adopted family than by the very hand that created them in the first place? :)
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I haven't been this excited for things like writing out my favorites, downtime roleplay, and figuring out an IBGA for a long while. The intensity of this weekend lingers in a positive way. I can't even put my finger on exactly how this happened. I think it was just the perfect blend of non-stop effort, complete immersion, overwhelming exhaustion, multi-faceted challenges, and the knowledge that I have a lot of completely supportive friends, both IG and OOG, to love and support both Alda and me at every turn. (I mean, literally, Erika gave me a hug every time she saw me OOG this weekend. Such warm fuzzies, even through all the crazy Alda tears!!) Thanks, guys <3

Firstly, heartfelt thanks to the tireless staff and NPCs. You folks make it happen. Additional thanks to the amazing players who devote so much love and energy. This game is really about the community.

Now, in an attempted chronological order:

-The moment of realization: "I have herbal lore, can I smell anything on this ooze?" "Oh, you have herbal lore... and you're also an infectious disease researcher. This stuff is toxic." AND the second moment of realization: "Upon boiling, the mixture begins to separate. The blue sinks, and a red froth appears on top. ... You know that stink." O_O WHY, PLAGUES, WHY!?!?!?

-Tycho!!! That character is so incredibly polite and kind, Alda couldn't have made the transition from timid and uncertain to confident and inspired without his science-y assistance. She really hates being in charge of things, but he really helped her feel safe!

-Speaking of all the plague experiments, Susie felt exactly like the attached image all weekend:

and it was beautiful. Again, many thanks to Collin for nurturing that along and guiding the science that Alda knows so much more about! ((And my apologies to anyone like Bill or Albert who may have seen what Alda was doing and had to subdue OOG twitching in that real science is probably not at all like anything she was whipping up. Hehehe.))

-Meeting Boomboom and experiencing astoundingly significant roleplay, from the standard dryad modern-world laments, to an extreme feeling of solidarity and support when Alda was fraying beyond belief. Sheila H, I love ya! <3

-We interrupt your science experiments to bring you A CONFRONTATION BETWEEN A DRAGON AND AMARANTHUS. And Alda is basically in the spotlight stuck directly between their argument! Thus, amazing philosophical challenges and development was born.

-Prolon helping keep Alda sane, in that she goes to him for both emotional comfort and intellectual insight. Sean, thanks so much man, for putting up with her incessant questioning. Prolon makes Alda feel safe, even when she is being extremely challenged, and she is too scared to talk to other folks like Amaranthus and Dorgun. (Except, by the way, for that one perfect moment: "I don't think I understand you, friend, and I don't think you understand me.")

-The philosophical situation was set up with just as many frustratingly inconsistent variables as the scientific experiments. I think that's what made this weekend truly remarkable. Realizing your true priorities and perspective are not the same as others, yet having them not be entire ... ahh... I could wax poetic, but I don't wanna give away any of Alda's innermost feelings. Everyone come talk to her about this stuff. The RP it encourages is amazing.

-Speaking of amazing perspectives to compare, all the RP with Jorma and Abbath. And Val! I LOVE LISTENING, YOU GUYS. Also, Abbath, the special moment at the end of the weekend will be forever etched into Alda's memories. So adorable, so unexpected. <3 I love new friends.

-Making choices, listening to VAKKARA. THE DRAGON. REMEMBER, GUYS? SHE IS A FREAKING DRAGON. And now Alda has developed opinions about her! PERSONAL FEELINGS. WITH A DRAGON. Be they masked with a thick veil of both terror and conscientious ignorance... it is still super mind-blowing. And lo, do Alda's feelings abound. Agh. More RP. So good. (Alda should start wearing a button that says "Ask me about Vakkara" so she can spew her feels to anyone who will listen.) Being so terrified was so fun to play.

-Grim, of course, being a huge cornerstone in Alda's foundation. Their friendship still baffles me. Alda just thrives around such strength and compassion, even if it is a dwarfy-dwarf and a child of autumn. <3

-Oh, from a mechanical standpoint, the "You need to do this using roleplay, strategy, and within 30 minutes" was an AMAZING mod. RP MODS YAYYYY!!!! And hey, throw in a character experiencing a ton of fear, self-doubt, panic, and underlying long-term zealousness into this mix? PERFECTION. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. SABOTAGE AND FAILURE AND CONSEQUENCE. HOW DOES THIS JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER?!?!?! Y'all are amazing.

Okay, I fear I have forgotten things, but I must get going. I must continue to have Alda organize her thoughts, because there are about a zillion steps she needs to take in regards to this plague. BACK TO SQUARE ONE! :D
Akiva here! The weekend was great. I enjoyed getting to RP with BOOM BOOM, teaching her things I learned over my first month awake, she was a great sister to have around with another dryad perspective.

Shout out to the Camulan seashell sellers, it's been 7 years since I was so excited about seashells, and Merek for purchasing another one for myself and Boom Boom!

I loved Tycho's roles in alchemical experiments and especially the official way he counted and divided up coin so orderly with the role play that accompanied it.

I think my favorite 2 RP sessions were my experience at dinner learning what Euphemism and Innuendo was with Hal, Kiba, Irena and Penny (Michelle's NPC). The other favorite RP session involved Alto's family jewels, I mean they were just so hefty and sturdy and we all blushed as he convinced a bunch of us to peek at them behind his ward one by one...

The NPC's were fantastic both in combat and RP. I was happy to see some new faces this event on dark side. Bill's cooking was excellent as always!
This was a rough event, but I am so appreciative of plot's tailoring an engaging story that challenged our characters and provided some intense RP possibilities.

-Bolting down a bitty corridor to leap through a wall and hand a dragon a sword to prevent their future enslavement will probably remain in my top 5 "felt badass" moments for the rest of my days. Thanks, Tom, for letting me be the one to do that.
-List of specific PCs I'd like to give shout-outs to:
•Prolon: For being an amazing elf-dad while Abbath's whole world fell apart. "For future reference, if you want to choke someone wearing a high-collared shirt, you need to cross your arms, grab them by the sides of their collar, and pull forward..."
•Irina: Emoting as Abbath is, as Frisco aptly put it, like squeezing a dam's worth of feeling through a pinhole, and Irina handled Abbath's feelings with such grace and kindness and was consistently there every time she needed it. It was equally feelings-affirming being there for her after the Circle of Slaughter to help her out in her moment of "impotence".
•Alda: Yo. YO. I was not expecting that RP about how we perceive dragons vs. how literally everyone else does, and it was really fun to get to navigate that discussion and my PC's opinions in real time. Thank you, Susie. You are always welcome to come hang out with Abbath any time.
•Val and Jorma: bros bros bros bros bros JORMA WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO bros.
-I need to give such mad props to Todd Navas, who pulled the Magnificent Bastard card in the most amazing, unexpected, ruthlessly intelligent way ever. I don't know if that counts as mastery, but it should, and even though she hates Dorgun, Abbath actually respects him a LOT more for what he did because of that. Complex Vakkar feelings ACTIVATE.
-The Awful Tear-Inducing Dragon Mom Roller Coaster. Thank you, Donna, for your weird, mercurial, sad, loving, very very blue portrayal of our dragon-mom.
-Plot this weekend was comprised of a lot of grey-area decisions that really challenged a lot of folks' personal moral compasses as well as our perceptions of right and wrong. I, personally, appreciate this kind of roleplay, because it in many ways replicates a lot of the ambiguity of real life in relatable and challenging ways. I loved discussing the cultural relativity of the code and the futility of trying to apply it to nigh omnipotent beings as much as I loved having others explain to me the holes in that argument. I loved seeing other PCs struggling with how to interpret the situation (Prolon, Alda), and I loved seeing how folks acted on that struggle. This isn't the kind of stuff you can put out every weekend because it is draining and hard, but it is a welcome difficulty spike and I welcome it both this time and the next.
-MY PARENTS ARE UNDEAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Abbath must now become both vengeance and the night.

Thanks to all staff: food, plot, rules, customer service, and our wonderful GM! Thank you to our NPCs for working tirelessly! Thank you, everyone, for being such a wonderful community.

Edit: oh and I called Fardaniel a f--kface, so there's that.
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Great event. I don't think I have had so many rough decisions, and feels as Kar in a while.

-Meeting new people and making instant friends
-The "filled with rotting corpses and death" island mods. So many feels and angry.
-Running into the perpetrator, and realizing that we can't stop it.
- Jangidan and the story of Kar sassing someone that can squish her.
Also that moment of him standing behind her when her back was turned. I thought I was gonna die then and there.
-The feels of not being able to free the "cupholder" (OH MY GOD ANGEL)
-Bonding with Irena and Kiba afterwards, and just singing out the emotions
-Tavern Tag with Jorma
-Science time with Alda and Tyco!
-Tyco coming up to Kar and going "people are taking exception to your decision" and Count Ulthoc deciding to fill in whatever people wanted to take.
-Swan Boats
-The big blue gem
-Bonding time with Count Ulthoc and Lord Vryron going over emotions and harsh decisions.
-Kar and Jadden protecting Tyco and the "Jar of blue goo" and not being able to save people.

I'm sure I don't remember other things, but Just overall the event was awesome, and challenging.

A side note: **** rain
I completely forgot - thank you to Vry for keeping me warm and ensuring that I stay that way even when he isn't around! :)
The tagline to this weekend was pretty much "wait, what?"

I went into the event with a lot of stress and emotions, looking for a laid-back time to chill out and take it easy. That's definitely not what I got, but I think it's what I needed.

First and foremost, the NPCs this weekend were absolute champions. They rocked it nonstop and did their best to give everyone a good weekend, despite the chill and the rain and the icky goopy sticky blood we threw all over them. They ran themselves ragged and that was fantastic. Thank you so, so much for that.

On that note, the entire staff was amazing. Having these folks behind me takes a huge amount of stress off of my shoulders, especially when I need to be a crazy dragon mom making everyone feel bad for several hours. I'm so glad and so grateful to have a staff that works cohesively and efficiently enough that I can rely on them to run the event while I'm out doing other things. It's really special.

Some highlights:
- Watching the plot Collin and I have carefully constructed over the last two years finally come to the surface feels absolutely amazing.
- Every moment I spent as Vacarra evoked so much raw, powerful emotion from those around me just by the virtue of being there. The roleplay was so stellar from absolutely everybody -- I'm so so honored to play this role for you guys, even when I'm a walking morality nuke.
- Getting in and out of Vacarra's costume was a bear, but Hilary, Tom W, and Britney were consistently there to help me as my darling ladies in waiting. It was freaking awesome and I really couldn't have managed it without their help.
- Seeing Dave as Jangidan filled me with so, so much terrible joy. What an ******* that guy is. I love it.
- Susie. Susie's roleplay was so engrossing, she almost made Vacarra feel bad for the shaking little tree. Almost.
- Abbath: quiet and cautious but the one who actually, legitimately gave Vacarra pause about her actions. She got right through her scales.
- Jorma. What a freaking psychopath. I love him so much, and watching his progression as a character has been such a pleasure, especially when he does utterly insane things like, you know, murder an elder in cold blood.
- Tycho! Our interactions were few but really, I was so delighted to see Dan Gelerman finally PC. That character is so well thought out, constructed, and played, I was deeply impressed any time I was in the same room with him. You, sir, are a model hobling. Well done.
- Alex did a phenomenal job being Fardaniel and being the biggest butthole villain. Thank you so much for being a great douchebag -- it felt pretty awesome to watch you start skittering away from me the moment I turned on you.
- I never really thought I would ever have to fight dress-and-longsword, but it happened, and you know what, it felt pretty badass to be a pissed off dragon whipping around an artifact sword. In a dress. Let's just not do that again any time soon.

There were so many small, meaningful moments this weekend -- no matter how brief, they made an impact, and that's what matters. I loved watching the PCs take this plot car and drive. I had a great ride.

Thank you so much, everyone. It was a bear of a weekend. Now let's go party.
This event WAS NUTS! Alto is really done with these stupid islands.... :p

I honestly was not looking forward to this weekend. Alto (and myself) were just really burned out. Now I have all the reason for Alto to NOT show up next month.

Thank you thank you thank you to those fantastic NPCs this weekend!! You guys freakin awesome for dealing with that terrible, awful weather we had. And despite being somewhat clueless IG all weekend, a BIG shoutout to Plot/HQ Staff for an amazing weekend. It was as crazy as Syniva Part One!

Moving on to highlights:
- Alto's family jewels. Proof that Alto has a great sense of humor (sometimes). Thanks to the PCs for playing along with that. xD
- Chopping fruit for breakfast Saturday. Um, I've been watching a lot of cooking shows lately lol
- Dave as Jangidan. Alto stayed in the middle of the group partially for that reason. **** that guy.
- Dan as Tycho. DUDE. DUDE. I love that PC! What a fantastic job. I 'cannot' wait to interact with that PC again.
- Everyone asking if me and Faelwen were a couple (for one reason or another). Then what happened later.
- I FINALLY RESURRECTED FOR THE FIRST TIME AS ALTO!!!!! :eek: It was an honor to go down fighting for the "right thing". While Mich said she would be the one to do my rez when I died, it was Faelwen who ended up doing it. Which couldn't have been better! (for soooo many reasons)
- Donna, you rocked Vacarra. She was majestic and beautiful, she also looked like she could murder me with a blink of an eye. So, I stayed far far away.
- The hardcore fighting alongside Dominic. We just freaking rolled together all weekend. Good to play again with my shield buddy!
- Getting to borrow Faelwen's bow! Gosh, its been forever since Alto picked up and used a bow. Really nice to shoot one again.
- Tea time with Murphy!! Dude. Your PC is the shiz. I look forward to have EPIC TIMES in August at our combined table.
- Speaking of Murphy. LIGHT OF IMLADAR. Oh man, that was funny.
- Finally getting a platinum piece after seeing stacks of them for years (as Alto). Valim's gonna crap himself.
- Rolling with that foreign noble to fight elf panthergasts.
- OOG seeing the MI reps me and Lauren made all weekend. It made us really happy. I guess we need to make Donna more.... :rolleyes:

I think that's it? All I can remember offhand, I'm still worn out!

And don't worry, I'm still PCing next month. Just not as Alto. ;)
(Lauren is gonna NPC!)
Oh, man. You guys. I totally forgot about something really wonderful that happened this weekend.

The Worst Band In The World, starring:
Val, professional eefer
Jorma, a hambone-whiz
Abbath, who knows a thing or two about jugs
Grok, the drummer who kind of has rhythm
Dorgun on the weird woobly metal guy

-Plot this weekend was comprised of a lot of grey-area decisions that really challenged a lot of folks' personal moral compasses as well as our perceptions of right and wrong. I, personally, appreciate this kind of roleplay, because it in many ways replicates a lot of the ambiguity of real life in relatable and challenging ways. I loved discussing the cultural relativity of the code and the futility of trying to apply it to nigh omnipotent beings as much as I loved having others explain to me the holes in that argument. I loved seeing other PCs struggling with how to interpret the situation (Prolon, Alda), and I loved seeing how folks acted on that struggle. This isn't the kind of stuff you can put out every weekend because it is draining and hard, but it is a welcome difficulty spike and I welcome it both this time and the next.

Kris said it better than I could, so I quote. Well done Plot for putting on such a complex, challenging weekend, and well done PCs for acting and reacting and pushing each other in new and sometimes terrifying ways. And as always, thank you to the tireless NPC crew who make it all run. You da best.

Wow. This weekend. It's always hard to list the gut-wrenching moments as "favourites", but they were absolutely the most impactful, so I think they apply here. They gave Irina the opportunity to bond very deeply with other characters; really, that's the only way she got through it all.

~ Holding Kar and Abbath while they each cried, for very different reasons, throughout the weekend. Irina loves them both dearly and seeing them in pain is Not Fun.

~ Angel's Camulan in Jangidan's slaughterhouse. That's going to stick with Irina for a very long time.

~ Singing the heartbreak away with Kiba, Kar and later Hal.

~ Erika knocking the Lantern and the Moth role out of the park and providing Irina and Prolon with no good options.

~ A beautifully genuine pep talk from Ulthoc. Tom, I cannot begin to tell you how moved Irina was by that.

~ Finally getting to collapse on Despona, for a moment or two.

~ Asking Jorma if he would accept Irina resurrecting him next time: "Every second of every day."

But there were also some happier moments! There are always lights in the darkness.

~ Irina, Pinni and Hal teaching Alon about euphemisms, and two communal peoples attempting to explain land ownership and property rights to another communal people.

~ My Deadlands-based Camulan NPC coming home for awhile, meeting the current crop of adventurers, watching people hit on her daughter and generally being Home.

~ Sean as Ria Dragovich. He's so dreamy. I'm glad I was out as Vaune and not as Irina though, oh boy.

~ The Worst Band.

~ Boom Boom! The wig, the costume, the makeup, the personality. Well done, Sheila!

~ Frank and Erika's Kin dealing with Irina's complete lack of filter by that point in the night. However, we really needed a win, and rescuing and rehoming slaves was just the ticket. Also, Erika's people hands!

~ Bonding time with Grim and Ezri in turns. Also my boy Vryan, visiting from Deadlands!

~ Foooooood. You know I can't resist dat mash.

~ Declaring "vacation" a liar's word and scolding anyone who tried to use it.

~ Getting to see Vacarra fight dress/sword. It was the most perfectly draconic thing I think I've ever seen.

Until next time, beautiful people!
Just a few from the dark side:

1.) Feedback from the PC's on the Goblin pirates mod that they felt they got a good hard clean fight.

2.) Army training breakfast with Grok, and Dominics look when we told him there would be a test on everything later.

3.) Sportsmanship from several PC's with whom I fought. It is always good to get a smile and a hand-shake from people after killing yourself to challenge so many for so long.

See you in July!

Joe Siegel
Resident Jerk
This weekend was rough.

Thank you NPCs! You all rock!

Watching Chris and Ryan play Jadden and Arc at HQ was fun.

Goblin mod. We had seriously JUST said " Let's smoke then go to bed" then Joe walks right up to us.

Lauren- I really enjoy roleplaying with you. We have some good laughs.

Dan-Tycho is awesome! Red still isn't sure how she feels about him though...

Dan-Murphy's tea time was a perfect break.

Kyle-Grim is still so fun to rp with. Even if he has only a few things to say. Red really looks up to him and is glad that she meet him.

Utholc. Tom I have always loved your PC. But just the awesome bonding we got to do this weekend was great. Yay for Squire and Barron bonding moments.

Speaking of.....rezzing for the first REAL time. I should have gone right....

My Camulan NPC. Watching ALL the faces after I woke up. It was so perfect. Not to mention how many people tried to help. I seriously thought one of you was going to die.

Ah yes all the blood.....it hurts when its in your elbows and armpits though....

Making the choice to go do something knowing fully well if my Barron didn't agree with my choice I could lose my belt. But I stick by it because I felt in my heart he would have wanted SOMEONE to go.

Sunday morning finding out what Jorma did. ALL THE TEARS! Frisco you're a jerk. I love you for it!

Almost rezzing again during the last fight. Only to have Donna walk by and life me. Then I got hit again. Yay count reset.

I had a blast. Thank you all for the good time.
Great event guys! Had a really great time even though Jadden was a bit scared and timid and thinking everyone from icinia is dumb or crazy.

-Mega shout out to bill for the awesome dinner, seriously dude I could eat that for weeks and not get sick of it.

-all things duffy and jess! I had a fantastic time this weekend with you guys. Between the mods, rp, and misc shinanigans I loved it.

-even though he won't see this I want to thank my friend Ryan (Arc). Who said he probably wouldn't be able to pc the event. After about 10 seconds of begging he caved, then we had to come up with a story on the fly lol

-holy crap jeremy! Sneaking around while the enemies backs were turn to feed him a potion then to grabbing him, dropping a circle, then lifeing him and looking around going..... well crap I'm out of potions..."me too".

-Tycho!!! Dan I loved the rp with Jadden and Tycho! Every time you sat with me I had a small burst of excitement!

-being in charge of something and actually participating in part of the plot. It may have been a small thing but I enjoyed copying the map!

- awesome rp Saturday night after everyone left. Bill, Todd, Sean, Jamie, and Josh! I loved it.

- Jamie as always I love the personalities you give your characters, and no matter who I'm playing Kerigwan always brightens my game!

- special shout out to my lovey lady Angel for some sweet rp and being there for me when work was being dumb. I almost left because we had a surprise meeting Sunday morning. She talked me into staying. So if I seemed glommy for part of Saturday and Sunday that's why.

- last but most certainly not least, Alex as Kar! Not only did you have Jadden's back on multiple occasions you also made him feel welcome in strange lands. I'm super excited for our future rp

Great work npc's, yall were machines this weekend!!!!

-- Jorma. "Are you Camulan?" "No." "Good." Well, at least he's honest. Such directness is kind of refreshing.
-- Speaking of directness, Alone and Boomboom. The whole conversation of cutting through social constructs most people take for granted was beautiful. Yes, we're all just confused children in some ways.
--Vry time. Getting to see Lord Vryan be not in charge long enough to actually sit down. And having a very (array of adjectives) chat.
--Getting rogued in the dark and kissing the grass at 1 body, Drained, being really really thankful for borrowed Arcane Armor. "Friendly." "Not." Good answer, Dave; well played.
--The pit fight/Jangidan. Being on the correct side of that encounter, shouting "pull her hair!" and throwing necromancy rather than being utterly horrified.
--Irina, Ezri, and Kiba talking about Chullain being the reason Ezri's baby doesn't walk yet. So much cuteness.
--Performing a resurrection for the first time as this PC and finding out that her (largely plagiarized from a Deadlands NPC) story was alright by the person who heard it.

I NOPE'd out on the plot, very much by choice because my PC didn't want to end up distraught over problems she won't be around to see through because she's a homebody from Laerthan. So I can't say much about it, but it looked like it was great and people were very into it. Thank you NPCs for keeping running through the rain.