When do you all gather?


Chicago Staff
Greeting! I wish to exchange tales of battle and glory. When next do you gather? I give coin to any who best meself in fight! HAHAHA. I want to hear of your wins! Who fell this Targus, who fell the Ighex, who slain the Thonesh. Victories heard in my lands; but no face to put to.

I can wait. I can come back. Though me wait no longer than a year AHAHAHA, as I have beast to slay also! HAHAHA

- Oric
Warrior of Riverside Beach Party
I too am curious when next we meet. The season has been a strange one. I miss all my friends and colleagues of Wayside.
Oric and other members of Riverside Beach Party,

I do not know the time of the next meeting, as I have been traveling. I have heard only rumor about your group and would like to know more of your group. It would be good to hear tales of of my homeland and how your adventuring group started.

~Capitan Aramis Seablade
Oric of Riverside Beach Party,

I would enjoy meeting with you to exchange tales. Once a date is scheduled I can let you know so that we may meet. I look forward to our conversation.

Lady Liddia FallingStar
Oric, if you intend to engage in fraternization with a group of foreign adventurers, take care that you do not find yourself in violation of Section 3, Subsection A, of the RBP Charter.


I would be honored to match blades with you, the best teacher is defeat at a more skilled opponent.

Ignathis Nachtfeuer
The Company
What did the Great Mage Collective say to the Hearthguard?

"Please enjoy this refreshing beverage."

It is the joke.

Joyful First of April.

HAHAHA I never understand your jokes! RSBP shall join you all for lunch in 5 days time. Make it good, we want to know how the Easterners feast!

My challenge still stands!

- Oric
We will be passing like ships in the night as I will be heading to the Northlunds as you are coming here. Be safe on your travel and perhaps we will meet another time. However, if any other from your group are staying in the Northlunds perhaps we shall meet on my journey home.
~Captain Aramis Seablade