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  1. Cenarith

    Celebrating Harvest Season!

    My friends, Mabon, the time marking the beginning of the harvest season, is upon us this market day. Which means festivities full of fresh breads, apple cider, mulled wine, baked apples, more wine, hard cider...Ahem. Much merry-making, hearty feasting and drinking to be had. I'll try to bring a...
  2. Cenarith


    I noticed at one point this event that NPC camp seemed to have little to no packets, and Mark and I were running low as well. Do I need to organize a packet-making party so we can stock back up?
  3. Cenarith

    Goals for next market day.

    It has come to my attention that we seem to be coming to a crossroads in regard to our connection to the Broken Lands. The way I see it, soon we'll either have to merge them into Arden proper, or seal them off entirely as was originally intended by the founder of the Paladins. It has made me...
  4. Cenarith

    Satyrs and parties!

    As some of you may know, in return for a satyr's horns, which were used to make a permanent celestial circle, I promised some satyrs that I'd spend a good portion of my time with them until next market day. Eldandiril will also be with me, since there will of course be a good deal of partying...
  5. Cenarith

    A few questions.

    To anyone who might know, Has anyone tried to perform a ritual in the broken lands? Did it work? Or perhaps someone performed a ritual from our side of the portal, say, a vision to see something or someone in the Broken Lands? I mainly ask this because I have now seen Glitter with my own...
  6. Cenarith

    The Faldric Forest

    First of all, many sincere thanks to those who were able to show up to help sing for the forest or protect those who were singing. Without you, Eldandiril and I would not have been able to successfully renew the protection and cleanse all the remaining chaos. I am completely wiped out now. I've...