A few last things!


Almost got everything I need for the next event! (Even paid for my registration today when I was by Myth this afternoon.)

1) Still need 'tips' for my claw (as a mature/older biata) I didn't see anything that looked like it would work at Michael's, any suggestions? I bought a pair of leather gloves, and I'm going to have it look like I put the glove over the claw, so the talons break through the leather, and feathers out the back.

2) Period-looking lock. I'm considering using my gobbies to purchase a lock for my large coin case that I'm keeping in my cabin. It needs to be big enough to knot some 1/4 inch rope through the hoop. (Also where can I find the rope? I forgot to look when I was at Michael's :sweat: )

After that I'm all set for IG stuff, now just need to get some OOG camping supplies (already picked up some trail mix) any suggestions? I almost NEVER camp, so IDK what I need.
Thanks, Cory. See you on Saturday!

Edit: Upon reading this;
"Tent unless you have pre-registered for a cabin"

If I've pre-registered for the event and paid, does this include a cabin? Or is there something else I need to do? Are cabins shared or individual?
It includes a cabin I believe as we still have slots open, otherwise it's shared cabins (numbers = safety) and unless you requested specifics it's random.
Sakero303 said:
otherwise it's shared cabins (numbers = safety)

Unless you get bunked with the rogue who wants to steal all your hard earned coin! :tears: That's the only reason I was concerned.
That's why you ensure you pay off the likely rogue types lol.
Thumbs up to above haha. Also, if Karuna happen to get to know you, I can teach you ways of hiding said coin, :p