Bows don't do body.


Just reading on the rules forum and i found out that bows just do normal damage. I don't know where it came from for us but it is nice to find out that archery isn't as powerful as we thought. Yay, saving 6 build now. Just to reiterate, bows don't do body damage they do normal damage or whatever your arrows do. Thank you Justin for your eternal quest for rules clarification. Forgive me for being redundant if you already knew this.
Yup, that is a holdover from UnderWorld. No worries, we will have our Archers all up to speed at Logistics.
Sorry if it gets nerfed because of me 0-0. When I spoke to Cory I had understood it was a house rule from another LARP that the chapter likes (and I agree, since arrows effectively pierce armour IRL.) and since we don't yet have archers who deal 10-20 points of damage, the balance issues don't yet come into play and it would possibly revisited at higher levels.

And that was good enough for me so I dropped it :p.