Event Assessment: Tavern Into the Wilds


Hi Folks!

As we ramp up our events and prepare for the weekend events the PLOT and Logistics teams love to hear from the players about their experience at them. As such we ask that everyone who attended gets a chance to toss in some input about these events. What you liked, whay you disliked, and how we can make things better is always important to us. Constructive Criticism is welcomed!

So for the event we would like to know:

1- What you liked
2- What you disliked
3- Any particular part of the night that made an impact on you (Combat, RP etc)
4- Any suggestions for improvements

This is an OOG topic, so you are not answering "In -Character" but from your personal point of view!

See you in May!
One additional note I would like to add: if you have any personal PLOT related comments, questions, or suggestions, please email them to plot@alliancealberta.ca instead of posting them here.

If you have PLOT related comments and such that are general in nature, please feel free to post them here so that others can chime in as well.

I would like to thank plot for the evening. I enjoyed the flavor of Tavern.

What I liked? I enjoyed getting insulted by many people. Yes I tend to react more in character, so if I seem offended don't break character to tell me that it is only about my character. Watching people jump about when the goblins stormed the place. And that no one really took control. Seeing new players get into it more then not. The king still keeping an eye out on me, I guess I won't be able to do sneaky things for a while.

What I disliked? The Players breaking character to tell me things that I shouldn't know, also to go while their character were insulting me it was only against my character. The sized adventuring parties, I understand why but the kind of hard limit might seem a bit unfair.

Moments of impact: Oh the kind being a blood minded person and getting the special scroll at the end of the night.

Areas to work on: None right now the game is still young, and I can't see anything that I would change just yet.
Overall another great event. Only thing I didnt "like" was the restriction on party configurations and size. This forced us to break up our party to fit the requirements. I can live with the size restriction as that makes sence plot wise, but like any group if we are missing a character type we just have to deal with the loss of that skill set. Again overall another great event.
hehe. Yup. Adventuring parties are rarely 12 plus players! You need to work with others to help you out. Some "modules" just cannot handle massive groups. Think of it in D&D terms. How big of a table of players can you handle? I've seen groups that do have 13 players at a table. A character only gets to do something once every 40 minutes or so until the action comes back to them. 6 is a fine amount as it also helps us manage our NPCs/Monsters better.

What it means is that although you have a ton of firends, everyone should be working together to form smaller "excursion" parties that can "break off" from your main group should the time arise. You just can't take everyone, all the time. Hard choices and leadership will be required always. Do you need 4 Earth Casters in your party? How about 3 Fighters etc. Probably not for the smaller modules. Time to go chat with a rogue or a Celestial caster if you don't seem to have the right skill set for your team. ;)

If players do start to form "guilds", "companies" or "adventuring parties" it also means that PLOT can start targetted stories as well.
My only issue was the clues and stuff for the parties. By the time we found a Celestial wizard who was free for 5 minutes to open our scroll, all the clues had been taken from the wine bottles, so it was a waste of time and money since we needed to pay for his services and the "adventure". We had our group formed for awhile but everytime we went to see a Celestial they had left the room or were off talking with the Magus, yeah I said it, magus. So having only 3 people able to open the scrolls was irritating. Especially since at first we thought we needed one in the party. It wasn't until about an hour later someone mentioned we just needed them to open the scroll.
I agree with Cory, on the questing restrictions. I feel it helps get people to interact with others outside of their group of friends and can alow everyone to get ot know one and other. I had no really problems from the night and learned alot about some of the other players in attendance, as well as some info to pass along to plot. Combat was good, clean, fast and fun for me anyway, and other then a bit of OOC conversations it was fun. I hope the Magus had fun! :p

So far as the "old fart larper" it is good to see that wide-eyed innocence again in a bunch of players wanting to at least try and work together and do the right thing. Heck of a change from the prior Alliance game in Alberta, though a lot of that sadly was how that plot crew literally set up things and even over-ruled and instructed players that they "had to be evil" etc. (And then they wondered later why there was no cooperation solving problems? Yeah odd that...)

So far it is a very good thing indeed. Mind you it's fun having to play with a set of characters that are utterly paranoid and suffering from a kind of "battered spouse syndrome" based on what they escaped from. It does make for more interesting role-playing.

So High Points:

The players and their characters themselves. Once more this is what keeps me coming back. Biggest failing I've seen in some Larps is when the NPC's are the glory. Here, oh I'm going to love what makes these players and characters tick.

NPC's. Well they certainly are keeping things lively and it is fun to try and work with whatever their motivations are. And so far they are sticking to the "guide" part and not stealing the spotlight. Instead it is that "gentle prod" to get the players to step up.

Hooks. I suspect there are more of them that the character isn't aware of, but that's a good thing. Not everyone needs to be taking the same path or plotline.

Improv. That really is the basis of the best of the best Larps that I've ever taken part in, and that adaptability does appear to be showing. I've now become more curious than ever before just what this crew can do with a weekend.

Low Points:

An accidental choke point in a possible quest path. While I grant my own "whoops" in that one... (NEVER send the alcoholic to drink the bottles...ever...darn role-play.) it has been my long experience to make sure such a possibility is prevented by either accident or willful. Usually this is done with "take one only" or an instruction as such. Otherwise I have seen it time and again for it to happen in many a Larp game. (Put it this way, as much as you design to Idiot proof something, the Universe works harder to make bigger idiots.)

Player frustration. This isn't a problem that is "plot" related though. I blame it on playing a character too well that when he's trying to do something completely helpful...like pass clues along so his companions don't know about it to others...yet can't get anyone to go along with it. I think the solution is going to have to be played out in character during events trying to figure out a way to "do better" etc.

Odd Points :

Hearing issues. It is comical to see this pop up as a "concern" from a Plot/NPC character that in the robes they can't hear too well. It's Ironic seeing as the "former Magistrate" is seen as arrogant for ignoring people when the simple fact is the player IS deaf! :funny: Don't worry I am used to a lot of hearing people having "odd stereotypes" on what deaf people go through or how they behave. The "invisible disability"

However, that said. It is really heartening to see and understand that once players and plot become more and more aware of this "disability" they do adjust for it. (My main problem is "I don't ACT deaf...I still don't get what the heck that's supposed to mean... :whistle: ") And the fellow companions around me who are aware of it for some time are now making further efforts to "sign and explain later" when it is pretty evident I have missed something due to it being an "invisible disability".

Why I like this group, I feel I can have a large amount of trust towards it; players and staff alike. That helps as I guarantee it is going to happen where I will miss something and have to defer to the judgement of those around me. (And it won't be "exploited" like it was in another Larp, but I digress nor will go into it.)

And yes I've digressed a lot. Sorry, problem with living in a quiet world. Advantage is I can sleep through anything. :funny:

Overall, any Larp in its first sessions is going to run into bumps, hiccups and outright "whoops". The best ones find a way to work with it, and sometimes even turn it into a "happy accident" and learn to deal well with the surprises the "Christopher Walkens" of the group come up with when they once more go off the script. Heck the best chronicles I've run have a lot to thank for "going off the script" thanks to the players.

And I am very looking forward to what this crew can do with a full event ahead. It will be glorious. :hahaha: