IBGA Policy for 2015


Chicago Staff

In between game actions may be submitted to waysideibgas@gmail.com
We will only accept written IBGAs to the mentioned address. Verbal and responses sent to other inboxes will not be considered. We've been very lax on this in the past, but we want to enforce this inbox as it's seen by all Plot.

We encourage everyone to submit IBGAs in order to keep the game flowing between events. You may:

- Take one main action
- Write one letter (you may write multiple, but we may not respond to all)
- Take lesser actions based on your Craftsman skills. (At least 1 CO-based action is guaranteed a response, but feel free to submit others - they just may not be responded to, as your character runs out of time.)

A Major action includes researching something, meeting with far away NPCs, Building something, investigating or guild work. Please understand that if multiple actions are given, plot will pick one to respond to (we will ask which you prioritize though).

We did have Winter IBGAs for the 1day. This will take place after the 1 day. So once that event is over, we will open IBGAs up for the May event.
Are there any other restrictions or changes? I would presume that magic items cannot be used as it is not a game-day and there are limits on travel. It would be very helpful for me if any changes would be posted here.

Thank you,
What is the deadline for ibgas for the may event? Haven't seen it yet and I would like to send something in

Thanks, Carrie
Please Note anyone who wishes to submit a late IBGA may. However, we do not guarantee a response. We will attempt to respond to late IBGAs. We also ask that late IBGAs be directed as follow up to plot happenings and kept to only 1 task. Please not responding to a letter or dream that Plot sends your character does not count towards that.

So am I correct in that travel is limited to in game means? Horses, foot, ship, and possibly waystone.

And items cannot be used, as it is not a game day?

I am trying to work out time constraints and such for the different chapters that I play in. I see Liddia as being busy this year .

Thank you,
Please keep travel in mind if you play other chapters as it takes a week there and back as a rule of thumb. You may use a horse, a boat or Waystone. These do have cost and will be asked you pay for such at logistics (unless it's your own personal transport)

In an RP sense items magical can be used, but you couldn't go to a Crypt, kill all undead with all spells then run away--that would be a small encounter. Basically, no combat actions however for flavor plot may respond with combat for cinematic effect. You won't lose items, you won't die, you will be same as before--except with an RP story to tell. Note that this doesn't happen with every IBGA.
Thank you for the clarification.
