Nero Directory

I dont know about the rest of you all, but I rarely have ways to get in contact with people. So, I am going to be compiling a Nero Directory So that people will be able to get ahold of one another quickly and easily.

Before I bgin with the particulars, let me assure you that the listing will not be on a web page, but on a downloadable .pdf file that people can get and reference on their own computers. This is to help people safeguard their information from spyware or other such malicous things.

Right, so, I would need the following for this to be a successful directory:

-Your oog name
-Your character(s) name(s)
-Your phone number (one that you are not concerned about being shared amongst Nero members, i.e. if its already listed in a phone book)
-Your email address (again, one that your comfortable with it being shared with Nero members)
-Any of your Instant Messenger aliases, which would include AIM, YIM, MSN, and other such things.

Optional stuff that could be useful:
-What chapter you belong to.
-Your Nero Seattle Web board onlinee name.

I know that alot of people already have some of this stuff listed, and I can very easily go through everyone's profile information and grab whats there, but I would much rather have people willingly email the information to me as not to make them feel like they are having their privacy violated.

I would very much like to encourage everyone to make this possible, due to the fact that things are always heptic before events and the needing of rides, orchestrating plans, and other such activities. I believe that an established and current directory would help everybody in the long run.

Please send your infromation to:

My thanks to any cooperation given.

If possible- could everyone include the race of the character is? I would like to write up some racial specific mods and propose them for plot.

Thanks !

Actually, I dont know how far this thing is going to go, because I have recieved only 1 email so far from the PC's.

Whats up, people? I thought this would have been something that everyone needs?

Perhaps we may want to give folks a chance to recover from the event and celebrate the holidays. I think it is a great idea.
So far I have recieved information from the following people:

Cassandra (Pearl)
Haley (L.E.)
Matt (Thorn)
Dan (Shikar)
Bryan (Kalendril)
Sean (Izlude)
Myself (Johnathan)

Please send in your contact info if you havent already. Dan has agreed to host the file in a members only portion of the web boards to further ensure the integrity and saftey of your information.

I'm giving until a month from now (Feb 10th). At that point, if you havent sent in your info, you will not be in the initial Nero Directory.

Thank you to those who have sent theirs in already.

Well, its not quite February 10th, but I think I have a good amount to start something. I'll update it every week or so as more and more people send in their info, but I think its high time we get some of the info out already.

Plus, this will be a great way for Dan to show off how secure our stuff is.

Johnathan Lancaster said:
Well, its not quite February 10th, but I think I have a good amount to start something. I'll update it every week or so as more and more people send in their info, but I think its high time we get some of the info out already.

Plus, this will be a great way for Dan to show off how secure our stuff is.

umm you have my info i know you do i just know you do