Please Bring In-Period Drinking Vessels!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks,

Check out the following picture:


It’s a fantastic picture with fantastic lighting of a fantastic player with fantastic costuming, but there’s one problem that really tears it down: That plastic bottle.

We are always striving to make our chapter look better and feel more atmospheric, and we think that out-of-genre cups and bottles are little things that have some of the biggest impact on taking people out of the immersion. We think that if we could just have everyone drinking out of more in-period-looking cups, it could really make the game feel a bit more real.

This being said, we are asking our players to start the practice of bringing an in-period-looking cup for themselves to each event. Cups can be ceramic, metal, wood, whatever; as long as they look appropriately in-period. However, for safety and breakage issues, please do not bring cups made of glass. Inexpensive, in-period drinking vessels can be easily found at almost any thrift store (and you may even have something suitable at home already), so if it is at all possible, please do your best to bring something to events.

Every event we deal with a huge amount of cost and waste when it comes to disposable products like water bottles and plastic cups (you do not even want to know how many half-filled water bottles I disposed of when cleaning the tavern at the April event this year), and this could really help us cut down on these issues as well as make the game look better.

I admit that it is a bit close to our event next weekend for me to make this announcement and require everyone to bring a cup, so for now this is just a strong suggestion and request from your staff, but just think how great it would be to have everyone with an in-period cup for this next event! You only have to care about your own cup, but if you want to pick up some extras to lend to players that forgot to bring one, that would be awesome. We will do our best to have a few spare cups available for those who forget, and I might even pick up a few cups to have for sale before game-on (likely sold at-cost for $1-2), but try to bring one for yourself and if you have extras to lend around, I offer my sincerest gratitude.

Let’s make this chapter look even better than it already does!

~ Alexander
I was just at the Goodwill today and picked up a cup for $0.99. I even found some silverware for myself to use in game, instead of plastic wear - $0.29 each - that is $0.87 for a three piece set of eating utensils :O

We will have "REAL" plates and bowls again next event, now that we are back at the permanent site - no more paper products :)

I will be arranging for bins that your dirty plates can be "dropped off" at for cleaning {after you have scrapped all them clean}.

I can probably also arrange to have a small wash station set up for you to wash/rinse your personal cups & silverware.

Chris --> a.k.a. Socora / LARP Mom
For our metal hating Dryads, I bring cups and will have some extra, but they are smaller