The Ashbury Times

November / December 613

“All The News That Fits, We Print”


Stoneborn Continue to Unleash Powerful Trolls on Fairdale


After warnings of new types of trolls filled the dreams of many Ashbans, adventurers and nobility alike returned to Fairdale on the first Friday of the month of the Fire Ant.  There arrival could not have been more timely, as that very night, trolls attacked the town in seemingly unending waves.  Despite clearly being part of the group mind created by the Stoneborn Acedik nearly two years ago, they were abnormally stupid.  They also displayed powers of regeneration and delivered dizzying blows in ways that no previous troll had.  The initial strikes were random, but constant and took its toll on adventurers that had not dealt with trolls in a long time.

After the tide let up some, a ducal soldier arrived in Fairdale.  His name was Aaron, but he was not in control of his mind or body.  The Stoneborn Irak, ostensibly an ally of Ashbury, seemed to reside in his mind and spoke using Aaron’s voice.  The message he gave was nothing new.  He continues to hate Acedik and all troll emperors and offered his assistance in helping any who would kill his enemy.

Over the course of the next few days, Irak revealed a plethora of useful information.  According to the Stoneborn, Acedik is continuing in his aspirations to become the reincarnation of Fangthorn, the troll king and dragon mage that devastated Ashbury decades before.  One step he has taken towards this end is creating new breeds of trolls, apparently still trying to recreate the process of breeding cauldronborn.  Not yet successful, he has created new breeds, including silverborn, which are immune to wooden, steel, and silver weapons.  His newest creations are only a month old, which is why they seemed so abnormally stupid.  In addition, he has either bred other new types of trolls or as yet undiscovered breeds of trolls are rallying to his banner.  Whichever is the case, Fairdale was beset by river trolls whose icy claws could freeze a person in place, swamp trolls that could exhale poisonous gas, and unnamed trolls that exhibited abilities that include the ability to curse foes with physical attacks, immunity to flame, and channeling of chaos.

While Irak continued to feed Ashbans information and provide tips on where to find troll gatherings for the duration of the weekend, he did not do it from the body of Aaron the entire time.  The stone elf Tempest, after trying to settle Aaron’s mind, agreed to let Irak ride in his mind in order to lift the burden from the ducal soldier.

The assaults from the trolls came to an odd conclusion, though likely a temporary one at best.  Saturday evening Lady Oblivia spoke with Sevaria and offered to assist the Ashbans in destroying the Stoneborn threat, and possibly the troll threat, permanently.  According to Oblivia, she lives in a cave with a Homestone.  She claims that if the adventurers can collect essences from each of the war troll leaders that Acedik created, she can feed those essences into the Homestone, which would cause it to explode.  She also offered an alternative, most likely because the biata would definitely be opposed to the first idea.  Her alternative was that she could feed those essences into the Stoneborn Varishik, currently captive the Vanguard, and doing so would kill Varishik and all of the trolls that were in the group mind as well.

The reason that Lady Oblivia was willing to make this deal is because, according to her, Acedik had gained the landbond of Death when Tranquis died and Lady Oblivia believed that by killing Acedik she would be next in line for it.  Sevaria and Rupert considered the bargain worthwhile, agreed to this deal, and attempted to collect these essences.  But, about an hour after midnight, when Lady Oblivia appeared to finish the deal, Sevaria and Rupert were nowhere to be found.  Angered at this, Lady Oblivia declared they had not lived up to their half of the bargain and disappeared sarcastically wishing those present luck in dealing with the trolls.  Despite this, no more trolls troubled the town for the remainder of the weekend.


Royal Paladins Come to Ashbury


Captain Flint Boulderbackand, along with a party of other adventurers arrived recently escorting four paladins of Cil Cilurion:  Nevis Honorium, Beatrice Windham, Galen Harrows, and Lamont Graham.  He told those he saw in Fairdale that Cil Cilurion greeted them with open arms, they were honored guests, and they roamed freely through the city before returning that day.

Sir Garathon was mistrustful, believing the paladins were not providing aid to duchy and did not feel it appropriate that the paladins had decreed themselves as rulers of Icenia.  Flint was quick to defend the paladins, assuring the knight that the paladins of Cil Cilurion truly lived the Code of Chivalry and that only simple misunderstanding was preventing a lasting partnership between Cil Cilurion and Ashbury.  For just as Ashbury mistrusted Cil Cilurion, those who lived in the city were convinced that Ashbury was filled with frothing and aggressive warriors, no more civilized than the Freejyn Horde.  Cil Cilurion is a place of order and the rumors of chaos in the duchies is what made the citizens stay behind their strong walls.

Shortly after the paladins arrived, they attended an open forum noble meeting.  All present drank an enslavement antidote to assure that none were under compulsion and then the meeting proceeded.

Duke Nevin spoke for peace and willingly agreed to accept the judgment of Grand Paladin Rose Brewer when she arrived to try him for treason.  Then the floor was opened to others to speak, with Paladin Galen assuring all that none would brought up on charges for anything said at the meeting.

The following exchange was complicated as various individuals aired grievances, many of which were true, but many of which proved to be the result of critical misunderstandings.  Sir Garathon, for example, was concerned that the paladins has stepped up to lead without the right to do so, but the paladins countered that without a Mons Regalis there is no way to choose a rightful ruler and the paladins were simply making sure the Code of Chivalry continued to be followed given the lack of a king.  They agreed that they were not particularly adept at leading, which is why most of the decisions were being left to Dame Brewer, but there was no one else with a legitimate claim.  Lord Squire Marcusgrim attempted to claim that Nevin was declared the heir, but Paladin Galen pointed out that he was simply presumed as heir.

Much of the discussion continued in that vein, with one person airing a grievance, and another providing evidence that at least part of the grievance was the result of misinformation.  Even Duke Nevin seemed to side with the paladins at times, for example when he insisted that none present do anything to bring shame to the Grand Paladin Rose Brewer and when he defended her actions against him as being entirely within her authority.  And yet, at other times, he clearly revealed that he too had grievances with Cil Cilurion.

The most valuable information to come out of the summit was the paladins had journeyed to Ashbury in order to provide aid and that they would do anything to aid the duchy.  Flint, Dame Keegan, and others vouched for their many fine deeds in recent months and it became apparent that they were not the enemy.  They still insisted on watching Duke Nevin for signs of treason, because that was their sworn duty, but they were open to the idea of him gaining the regency if they concluded that he was innocent of those charges.  By the time the meeting adjourned, many hard feelings had been left behind.

Duke Nevin Trial Leads to New Ordeal


On Sunday, everyone in Fairdale was gathered by Duke Nevin Kendrick, to witness the verdict on the charges of treason against him.  Dame Brewer condemned Kendrick of treason, but before she could get out another word, she was interrupted by the other paladins present.  They overturned her decision and informed her that every other paladin of Cil Cilurion had signed an injunction against her, stripping her of rank and title.  Immediately afterwards, they rifted back to Cil Cilurion.  There was almost no time for anyone to react to those events before the Jade Skeleton arrived with an army of undead. The adventurers pulled Brewer away from the frontlines, and battle ensued.

Pyatt, ignoring the battle, was speaking to some people when he shocked everyone present by forcing his undead to crumble to dust, and transferring his chaos landbond into Duke Kendrick.  This caused the Duke to immediately die and, even more surprisingly, made the Jade Skeleton corporeal.  Many tried to restore the His Grace to life, but to no effect.  Eventually it was realized that only Rose Brewer could save Kendrick, as the order landbond would balance out the chaos one.  Many tried to convince her, but her hatred of Duke Nevin seemed too great.  It was Count Ulthoc that turned her by offering to let her put him on trial and to accept any judgment she gave him, despite the fact that she no longer had the authority to judge him.  She agreed and passed her bond to Duke Nevin, reviving him and grievously wounding herself in the process.

Simply saving him was not enough, though.  Upon recovering he revealed that the fragmented landbond was killing him.  If all the pieces of it cannot be gathered within a year, he will surely die.  If the pieces can be recovered, he intends to take the crown, but with only a year at best, the challenge may be too great.  This ordeal will likely be even more difficult since it is likely that Rose Brewer will demand Count Ulthoc’s life when she recovers.


Izer Convicted of Treason

      Dame Rose Brewer’s first order of business upon arriving in Fairdale was to hold a trial for Sheriff Izer on the charge of treason.  Based upon his recent statements refusing any Paladin entrance into Storm’s End and threatening their lives should they enter, he was summarily found guilty. 

Rather than sentence him, Dame Brewer gave him the opportunity to be absolved of any punishment.  She offered to let him withstand an archaic test called “The Trial of the Heavy Blade.”  Surprising many present, she called upon a landbond of order to summon a massive blade.  Then she bade Izer to hold the blade over his head while another paladin read aloud Sir Eros Clearbrook’s treatise on the Code of Chivalry. 

In accordance with the test, if Izer could hold the sword above his head for the duration of the recital without wavering in the least, that would constitute proof that he deserved leniency from his act.  Izer managed to withstand the trial and avoided death.  Despite this he had been found guilty of treason. 

Knowing that a man found guilty of treason could not continue as sheriff, he offered his resignation to Duke Nevin, who solemnly accepted.

Amaranthus Knighted


If this headline seems like a repeat, that's because it is. The difference is that Sir Amaranthus was alive this time. 

Sir Amaranthus was previously knighted posthumously, as he was presumed dead. Sir Timothy Black had delivered the news, along with the biata's squire's belt to Queen Sonia herself, and she knighted him at his funeral. However some months later the adventurers of Ashbury lead a rescue mission, citing “until I see a body, he’s not dead.”

Incredibly, they were able to recover Sir Amaranthus, though his experience left him somewhat traumatized, and without a large portion of his memory. The queen relieved him of his duties temporarily, so that he could convalesce in peace.

With her vassal now fully recovered, Queen Sonia Forthiatis Bouchard arrived in Fairdale and at midnight and reinstated Amaranthus as a Royal Knight of Brittington.


Public Notices


Avalon was killed by an unknown party.  Any information about this murder should be reported to the appropriate authorities.


Seeking a Permanence scroll here from Icenia. I have coin, permanent magic items, plus more for trade. Please contact privately and simply name your price. - Ithica