Royal Expedition to Evorra Announced

His most Royal Majesty has announced the formation of a Royal Expeditionary force to aid Baron Roga Venteer of the Barony of Greymere within the Duchy of Evorra.

The region of the estates of Sorrow’s Breath, Hogrit’s Cove, Phage, and Zephyr Downs are to be repopulated. Reports of foul creatures, aquatic goblins, undead, and mysterious disappearances among the common folk are reported to the Royal Regents. Local nobles bereft with feuds and eternal strife have been unable to solve these problems.

Adventurers of Ashbury are encouraged and requested to attend the gathering within the estate of Phage on first Friday of the next month. Ships are being provided by local merchants to transport adventurers to this locale.

The estate of Phage has always served as one of the key locations within the Barony of Greymere. It served for hundreds of years as a common marketplace for the goods of local fishermen, farmers, and craftsman. Every sixth day during the afternoon, the estate’s major town (Exeter) turns from a sleepy hamlet to a near festival type environment.

The estate at one time was named Poquis, and changed hands a few hundred years ago when Dame Relfia Phage was awarded the estate upon her retirement as ambassador to the Empire of Galanthia. Dame Relfia made it her top priority to solidify and fortify her estate and build the small keep called Trecha. Her son renamed the estate to Phage upon her death, and himself rose to the rank of Knight, swearing fealty, as did her mother, to the Barony of Greymere.

The large estate was broken up into four smaller regions that later became known as Sorrow’s Breath, Hogrit’s Cove, and the Zephyr Downs.

Hogrit’s Cove is a seashore community that in the past has served as a massive fishing and clamming center. There are several suitable harbors in the estate, but the need for several harbors was not needed, as larger ones in southern Greymere possess the sites of most of Greymere’s sizable naval assets. The coves, sometimes known as “Vacarran Coves,” have long been the sites of buccaneer and pirate activity.

One such pirate band, led by a Captain Heirion Zephyr, is said to have buried his sizable fortune somewhere within the area of Hogrit’s Cove or perhaps even the estate of Zephyr Downs.

Zephyr Downs lies between Hogrit’s Cove and the estate of Phage itself, an area known for its bogs, swamps, and beautiful grasslands. If it is possible Captain Heirion placed his treasure here, it would be extremely difficult to find considering the many years in which landmarks come and go at different seasons, depending if the waters of the swamps are high or low.

Sorrow’s Breath lies to the north of Phage and the Zephyr Downs, and is named for the sad tragedies that occurred here. Once named Greenshrine, the estate was prosperous and heavily populated — but after the hideous plague of Icenian History it became nearly one mass grave, the Drifting Death drawing in the populace like fish in a net.

Trencha Keep sits solidly in the middle of the estate, but many of the areas are restricted, as they are the resting place of hundreds of people buried within mass graves, some even open to the earth to this day. The fear of plague is rampant, and common citizens have been reluctant to move into the region for centuries. Dame Relfia made it her priority to show her people that the land here was safe and pure, building her castle within the estate itself.

The Phage family still rules the area today, and hope to bring prosperity back to the region. The current knight, Ansis Phage (4th to bear that name within his family line), is old, and seldomly well enough to travel the area outside of his keep. However, he has three sons (Endric, Roscole, and Netrin) and one daughter (Relfia) who perform most of his duties. All three sons are thought to be suitable knight material, and Endric himself has been sponsored by his father to attempt to pass the tests of Knighthood. His father has brought a request before Baron Roga Vanteer and hopes he will hear news of his son’s suitability from the Oathhold.

Three vassal families rule the various estates controlled by Ansis Phage. The Onrus family currently rules the estate of Hogrit’s Cove; the Menchal family rules Zephyr Downs; and the Marsh family rules the estate of Phage. Sorrow’s Breath itself is ruled by Ansis Phage and his family, although all four estates are technically his as a knight of Greymere.

As has been tradition, Relfia has recently declared herself accepting courtship and plans to wed to a suitable suitor next spring. All local vassal families have suitor sons who have attempted to woo her and win her hand, but so far she has not cast her favor on any one candidate. She has claimed she will choose a fiancee from among the families by the first week of the next month.
Recent recovery of the Phage region has been anything but peaceful after the restoring of the Kingdom from the grip of the Curse of Glanrti. People moving back into the region of the estate of Zephyr Downs have been attacked repeatedly by some form of aquatic goblin, which varies in strength according to local sources from that of a true goblin to that of a troll!

Furthermore, strange undead forms have been seen moving throughout the four estates, and several citizens have resurrected after encountering these horrible creatures.

Sir Ansis has dispatched two of his three sons to seek out and destroy this menace, but they have not been heard from in the past two weeks. Netrin bore the family ancestral weapon, and that too appears to be lost. Dozens of citizens have been killed, and the modest guard the Phage family possesses has yet to be able to turn back the tide of Undead.

Hogrit’s Cove appears to be doing well, but is unable to market its fish by land, and is forced to transport its food to the south rather than pass through the Zephyr Downs. This means food is growing scare throughout the Phage Region. Hogrit’s Cove also reports several bands of “adventurers” (more like brigands apparently) have set up camps throughout several small coves, apparently searching for Captain Hierion’s lost treasure. Several run ins between these treasure hunters and Cove locales have been reported, and the Onrus family has requested more guardsman. Rumor has it that one group has already found the treasure but is pretending to still be looking in order to allay suspicion.

One fisherman recently reported that while fishing off the coast of one of these coves, his ship was attacked by an enormous fish that nearly jumped into the boat, taking one of his legs with it. The fisherman still claims that this is the result of an old legend about a local wizard’s tower that fell into the ocean years ago not far from the reef where he was fishing ... likely this is more like a local fish tale then a true piece of information.

In any event, the nobles of Evorra are hopeful that the adventurers of Ashbury, who saved them from the Curse of Glantri and who helped to oust the Freejyn from Falkirk, will show the same valor (and have the same luck) in dealing with the problems facing Evorra. Adventurers are encouraged to meet with the Baron in Greymere on the 4th night of Salamander.

Ashbans Assist in the Freeing of Falkirk from Freejyn

The Siege of Falkirk has been broken thanks to the dedicated efforts and martial prowess of the Kingdom and her citizens.

The Ducal Armies of Falkirk waged a noble war against the vile Freejyn Horde and our hated ogre enemies to win the Duchy free of all forces. His Grace Colin Hendry has successfully recaptured the Keep of Deananburg and managed to bond with the land successfully, in the process with the help of dozens of Ashban adventurers defeat an attempt to restore Macasek.

During the swirling melee to recover the heart of the capital, it was discovered the ogres were within attempting restore Macasek a powerful creature thought to have the power of a near giant. The Keep itself built historically on a place of great magical power, seemed to be to source of restoring the fallen ogre ruler to power, but it is unknown what would have occurred had the Ashban Assault force been held back. The victory against the ogres can not only be attributed to the valor of Ashban citizens but in addition the foolish nature of the Freejyn Warchief Betanoyhoo.

Arriving early in the evening just behind the battlelines in a recaptured village, the adventurers of Ashbury found the Commander of the Blades of Dawn, an elite sisterhood of the Falkirk army awaiting for them with instructions. There was little finesse required of the adventurers: what was required of them was not their minds, but the strength of their sword arms and casting arms. Citizens were gathered dozens of times all evening and morning to assault positions of strength or to conduct attacks against occupied villages in the nearby location.

Several villages that were believed to have fallen in previous battles were the site of tremendous undead activity. It is not known if the rise of undead was due to a force of chaos within the area, or perhaps the result of the Freejyn’s dark hold over the land.

During the weekend, other battles were fought as well, some having only the slightest connection to the Freejyn. A group of goblins, for instance, had taken over a small village and one group of adventurers took it upon themselves to rid the area of these pests. Wave after wave of goblins defended their village  until the brave (but relatively inexperienced) adventurers realized that they were out of resources and attempted unsuccessfully to escape. They were eventually rescued by the Shokan Ryujima.

In another village, an innkeeper hired Perwin, Gregor, and Selrik to clear his inn of traps left by the Freejyn when they abandoned the place.

Meanwhile, a so-called “Freejyn Queen” was often seen surveying “her” lands with her bodyguards in tow. She apparently was a calming influence however, and her guards only attacked and shouted Freejyn slogans when her back was turned.

The final push against Falkirk was coming soon, and with little doubt the land was nearly preparing for the bonding with a madman. Several assault forces braved nearly endless waves of undead in several villages in an effort to rid the local areas of chaotic taint. Four individuals on these assaults were possessed with the spirits of felled Falkirk soldiers ... including Find’rth, Baron Agnar, Gilwing, and Rokonn. (See accompanying article)

The next day several assaults and defensive engagements occurred against local strong points held by ogres and Freejyn. Led by the Blades of Dawn, the assembled strike force attacked positions in strength. A small ruined hamlet was overrun as a staging area for the Freejyn, but the assembled Ashban force crushing them in a long hour long battle. Duke Colin Hendry appeared for the conflict, and confronted Warchief Betanoyhoo himself.

Like the former Warchief Zuesheharra who was plaguing Ashbury until his recent retirement, Bentanoyhoo was able to evoke Freejyn’s powerful name and cause disease and berserk powers throughout the ranks of the Ashban citizens; however he quickly fell beneath the blades of the Ashban forces. During the conflict however, many of the Freejyn visibly displayed strange powers — indicative of bleeding from their eyes — as their gazes glazed over in a strange and somewhat vicious glare. It is clear that despite their setbacks, Freejyn’s power is growing.

The following day, the climatic assault on the capital city of Deeananburg began. His Grace’s goal was to get into the central location of the hereditary Keep of the Dukes of Falkirk. Word had come forth from ducal scouts that it was being held by a large force of ogres who had taken it from the Freejyn only days earlier. Some foul ritual was likely taking place within the Keep, a site built on a place of magical power.

It was clear to many Falkirk citizens that only one such ritual could be taking place — the resurrection or restoral of Macasek, a being that can only be compared within Ashbury history to perhaps Fangthorn. The Barony of the Ash Forest, The Keepers of the Way, Shokan Ryojima, The Sage’s Guild, and several other groups of adventurers all gathered, with Dame Azura at their lead, and prepared for the assault on the castle itself.

The assembled adventurers say the ogres perched upon the battlements waiting for their arrival, and fired arrows and spells upon the crowd as they pushed forward against strong resistance into the central courtyard. In the central tower was guarded heavily by ogre forces as the citizens attempted to prevent the ritual to restore Macasek from completing.

The assault on the tower was brutal and bloody, but Baron Agnar and Duke Colin, with the help of Find’rth, dropped the walls of force and crushed the two ritual casters who seemed to be sculpting an enormous piece of hardened clay or stone into a vaguely human form. Colin Hendry then stood stalwartly in place, attempting to seize the land bond of Falkirk while Baron Agnar stood guard, killing all creatures that attempted to interfere.

The battle reached new heights and complexity as Warchief Betanoyhoo’s forces stormed through the Southern and Western gates in an attempt to seize the central tower. The battle entered a frenzied pitch as citizens rallied around Dame Azura and Lady Azrael. The battle was now being conducted by three forces — all fighting against each other.

The battle turned against our expeditionary force and things looked hopeless. Many healers gathered the fallen into an area and attempted to protect and first aid them, but they were overwhelmed by insurmountable odds.

Lady Azrael then screamed for Baron Agnar to rush forward and aid those who had fallen in battle. Determined to guard the Duke, the Baron at first resisted but was pulled from his post when his wife screamed “You possess the only healing left! If you do not come to help, the battle will be lost!” Baron Agnar leaped into the fray and utilizing the healing abilities he possessed from being bonded with the spirit of a Falkirk healer (see accompanying article), restored many citizens.

The expeditionary force then surged forward as Ducal Colin Rejoined the fray after invoking the power of the Falkirk land bond. New strength and constitution surged through those citizens as they were filled with the power of magical nodes of the Duchy, and the forces of evil we pushed back.

Left and forgotten however the statue of Macasek began to bubble and churn, turning from stone to a mound of decaying flesh. The creature surged forward, hitting many members of the Shokan Ryojima with a life draining touch or foul spittle projectiles. Whatever the ogres were trying to fashion had gone terribly wrong.

As the battle still went on around them, Find’rth, Baron Agnar, Kestral, Duke Colin and many others fought the foul monstrosity to a stand still and then killed the creature. The ogres were the first to exhaust their power, and then the remaining Freejyn were quickly dispatched.

With a cheer of power, the Expeditionary Force was victorious. Hundreds of nearby troops gathered at the capital and celebrated for nearly three days.

Deceased Falkirk Razors Avenged

Captain Sloan of the Falkirk Razors sought the aid of the Ashban adventurers in the hopes of eliminating an undead threat that had plagued a few small villages in that duchy. When the adventurers were gathered, they were told that Sloan’s men were sent in, resurrected, and mentioned that the undead seemed to come nonstop during their assault. They also noticed a green glow coming from one of the buildings but never came close enough to investigate it. The forces from Ashbury investigated the village and indeed found many undead that did not stop their attack.

Gilwing led several adventurers inside a building where a green glow was emanating out of. Inside, they fought a Death’s Head and found the source of the glow. A glowing sphere was laying still in the corner and could not be moved. When it was destroyed by Gilwing, a transformation took place. No one knew it at the time, but Gilwing took on the persona of one Private Brady of the Falkirk Razors. When this sphere was destroyed, no more undead appeared.

Three more undead controlled villages were likewise destroyed by Ashbans and three more Ashbans were possessed by deceased Falkirk Razors who were under the command of Captain Sloan. No one knew about these possessions until Warlord Baron Agnar of the Ash Forest emerged from a building with his sword sheathed saying, “Who needs healing?” He was the first who openly showed his true self as Doc the Pacifist of the Falkirk Razors.

Several of Captain Sloan’s guards later resurrected, saying that they were killed by ex-members of the Falkirk Razors in different form. They were all confused but were later made aware that their deaths made it possible for this team of four possessed Razors to reveal Captain Sloan’s true colors. The team found Sloan’s journal that proved he was behind the death of an entire unit of Falkirk’s toughest, the Falkirk Razors. Apparently, he eventually became tired of fighting for Falkirk and getting no recognition. After many years of watching troops fall, he figured he might as well get wealth and power. His journal revealed that he made a deal with the Freejyn for gold and power. What the extent of that power was, no one can say.

Since Ex-Captain Sloan’s obliteration sentence by Duke Colin, he has somewhat reformed. He shows obvious signs of regret and has vowed to do all he can to stop the Freejyn menace (see letter to the editor).


To His Grace, the Citizens of Falkirk, the Falkirk Razors, and Ashbury adventurers:

It is with deepest sorrow that I write this.

For many years I have served Duke Colin to the best of my ability. I have seen soldiers fall and die under my command. They did so with honor, for they knew the chance of death was real in warfare, yet they did not care.

They respected me as their leader and I betrayed them.

I have dishonored their memories. I let greed and power get to me, offered by the Freejyn.

Money and power can not pay for the lives of those who held my trust so high. Money and power can not help me when I have to look at my face in the mirror.

I implore all those who read this. Do not trust the Freejyn. Do not make deals with them. You can not befriend them, you can not trust them.

How can you? They want to slit the world's throat. All of the world. Plain and simple. They work for dark forces that seek the death of everything living. How can you ally yourself with that?

I no longer possess the rank of Captain. I have taken three deaths for the crime of High Treason, one given to me by the adventurers of Ashbury when they were possessed by my former soldiers, and two given to me by the Duke himself. How ironic that I sent the adventurers to clear the undead from those villages that led to their possession.

My only wish now is to redeem myself.

I will no longer attempt to rise in rank, but I will do whatever necessary to seek the ultimate destruction of the Freejyn Horde.

Freejyn:  You have not heard the last of me.

Ex-Captain Sloan
Ex-Falkirk Razor

To the People of Ashbury:

From time to time — when I am off duty, of course — even I can be humble, and I must admit that I am humbled by your actions.  That so many of you came to Falkirk’s aid and gave so generously of your time and your lives is truly a marvelous thing. And while I believe that there’s nothing under sun or moon that a Falkirk can't do as well (or better) than any man or woman alive, I’m coming to think that we could do it twice as quickly with your help.

In the space of a few short days, we pushed the Freejyn back and allowed Duke Colin to bond to the land, and these were no mean tasks.

I give thanks on behalf of myself and all the Blades of Dawn.  It was a pleasure fighting alongside of you.

Dame Keegan
Warlord of Falkirk

My Fellow People of Ashbury:

It has come to my attention that there are several harsh and rather cruel rumors concerning the court of the barony of the Ash Forest being spread across this fair city.

Please have respect for my Lord Baron, Agnar AntiTiburon, as well as his Lady, Azrael Vardik, and his squires (namely myself and Squire Rasq DarkMoon), and discontinue the spreading of these untruths. They do not concern the entire court, but only a certain element which, to my knowledge, has been taken care of.

It is disheartening to hear rumor that the Baronial court has been “killing townsfolk,” when it is our sworn duty to protect the very people saying such things. I will never cease in my duties, nor will the Baron or Squire DarkMoon. I find these rumors to be personally damaging, for anything that pertains to the Barony of the Ash Forest also pertains to me.

If anyone has a complaint or problem with the court to which I have pledged allegiance, please do not hesitate to speak with me. It is my goal to settle some of these unnecessary fears and complaints so that the Baron can perform his noble duties to the best of his ability. The baronies should not be so intimidating that the townsfolk feel that they cannot communicate with them out of fear of some sort of violence.

I thank you for your attention, and continue your battles against injustice, wherever it may arise.

Yours, In Service,
Squire Talin Gildenlily
Squire of the Barony of the Ash Forest
Royal Embassador to the Elven Nation of Imladar

Adventuring Groups Honored

This Month: The Blood River Bridage

Chartered 599

Formerly adventurers from outside the Duchy on the oldworld, the Blood River brigade are a fun loving hedonistic bunch.  While in particular they don’t have any majorly notworthy achievements, the Blood River Brigade operates out of Peppercorn in Nordenn and has several Orcs and Mystic Wood Elves in their company.

They love to drink, battle, and drink.

While chartered, they have declared themselves  responsible for defending the shores of Nordenn, and drinking as many toasts to His Grace as possible... and naming children after him.

The Blood River Brigade was the first and most prominent adventuring group to come to the aid of Hopewell when the wineries were attacked by trolls last year.

Sage's Guild Report

by Cedric Fruvous

The Sage’s Guild is pleased to announce that Sareth “The Verse” El’Noray, Symerille Strongbow, Jaquari Chiharu, Ikmoqs, and Dadrian have joined the Guild. We are pleased to welcome them.

Lyssa K’Lauren and Gregor Quill have completed their book on Falkirkian Lore. All interested are invited to come by the Guild and read it.

We are also forming a Guild Guard for people who wish to become members but are not sages. Interested parties should speak with Captain Athgar or Clan Jade Raven.

Jessamy Vorik was accepted in the Guild a few months ago and Cedric Fruvous was promoted to Guildsman, as were Lyssa and Gregor.

If anyone has any information on teh Malus Crepsculum or how to free Queen Sidrase please visit the Guild. Remember, the entire world as well as every race is at stake!

The Sage’s Guild is looking to purchase the following items: An Earth Circle of Power scroll, Investiture Scrolls and components, Earth Regeneration scrolls and components.

The Guild can teach the following skills  and offer the following services: Armor-smithing, potion creation, celestial and earth magics, gas globe creation, alchemical books, weapon training, trap disarming and creating skills, and of course historical, archeological, and various other lores.

Astrological Forecast

by Solemn Judgement

The height of summer brings on the essence of Fire, symbolized by its avatar the Salamander. News reports that the Duke and his court of adventurers plan a trip to the Duchy of Evorra seem well omened by this token, as the expedition will seek the home of Fire, in the south. If the voyage proceeds by sea, this is well (as a hint of Water may bring balance to preserve the company). Evorrans are by all accounts a fiery people, and much like the magical creature who rules the coming month, there is a great potential for unintended harm and damage which runs unchecked beyond the initial intent.

Those who accompany the expedition are sure to find great adventure, with attendant danger, in the early Salamander.
This is amplified by the greater signs as well: for one thing, the voyage will take place in the fading shadow of Balance, which Ashbans surely seek ever, and then too, this is the crest of the Year of the Arbalest in our cycle of Alliance. There is an opportunity for great gain among diplomatists skilled enough to run the gauntlets of peril that lie ahead, and such aid will be needed, no doubt, against whatever deviltry the Freejyn (certes the embodiement of the Arbalest) still hold for the law-abiding citizenry.

But those who choose to remain behind must heed the same councils, as fires burn within hearts as well as on the edge of blades. Venus ascendant will govern the sudden beginning- or ending- of romances and life-long passions, and just as with war and duels, care is advised beforehand, that much sorrow and ill-advised entanglement may be avoided.

A Little Birdie Told Me

by Sue D’Onym

With many of the most important people in Ashbury away in Falkirk last month, I am at a loss for a lot of gossip.  Still, fortunately, a few kind spirits sent me some News They Don’t Want You To Know and I relate them to you now:

In Falkirk recently, several soldiers were overheard offering to “purchase” Dark Elven women. Apparently, Inari T’Varian, the Seneschal of the Shokan Ryujima, overheard this as well, and these men were swiftly brought to their superior  by the Shokan and Dame Azura for a stern repremand. From the look in Inari’s eyes, and how the men huddled nervously in her presence, the Shokan, or at least their Seneschal, felt the repremand was too lenient...

While in Falkirk, Gilwing was recently put in charge of a group of younger Ashbans in clearing a village of a manifestation of undead when he ordered the less experienced out of a building in which a mysterious glowing orb was located. Ostensibly he remained behind to destroy the fell item and didn’t want anyone at risk. However, when he did so, an enormous clatter of coinage was heard from the building. Shouting to find out what happened the others were answered with “Don’t come in here!” from Gilwing. With looks of disbelief, the otehr adventurers looked in and discovered Gilwing to be surrounded by treasure. Gilwing then took charge of mopping up the loot for an even distribution with his fellows.

A loud explosion was heard in the barony of Blythedale last month. No word yet as to the source, but has anyone seen that girl with the hat who was always setting things on fire?

Well, that’s all people sent me this month, and since I was stuck here in Ashbury, I’m afraid I don’t know what else interesting may have happened! Keep me informed or this is a dull column indeed! So until next time, remember — If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.

Public Notices

ATTENTION CITIZENS of Ashbury: The town guard is looking for a few good people to join our ranks. If you are interested in bringing justice to the unjust, then see either Sir Morgasander, Guardsman Hawkwood, or Glorianna

KEEPERS OF THE WAY and new friends of Ashbury:  You fought well!  I was proud to fight by your side.  – Dame Azura

AMRESCA:  Come and join us soon, sister-we miss you! Sareth: Such sincere and talented flatterers are always welcome in our camp. Come by anytime.  – The Blades of Dawn

SAJA: Just give it up now; is his life worth yours?

CHILDREN OF CAMULUS: Our time is now!!

LOOKING TO PURCHASE Ritual scrolls, Components and Magick Items of all kinds. See Parduc

UNGUER MITHRAUKO, lle nadorhuan: Antolle ulua sulrim. Lle wethrine amin, ar'lle wethrine Edhil. Lle desiel, Agaryulnaer? Gurth gothrim Ashbury! Elen sila lumenn omentielvo, Mithrauko. Elen sila lumenn Ashbury! – Magorwen Talinith’aria Peldraug Lotelaure

F- Happy Anniversary, my young man -D

PERWIN’S DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS! Baked goods almost always available when I’m in town, like my famous baklava, but you can always stop by my bakery in South Point for fresh treats. I also take special orders, just contact me for details. –  Perwin the Baker

REWARD FOR INFORMATION. Help put criminals where they belong. All sources kept confidential, all rewards distributed quietly. You have my word as a noble to His Grace. See Lord Magistrate Eros for details. Reward relative to worth of information.

I HAVE BEEN CHARGED with creating as thorough and neutral a text as possible on the history of the Biata. Anyone with knowldge of or involved in Biata history in any time period please contact me and tell me your story. – Cedric Fruvous, Biata Emissary

REWARD: 100 GOLD CROWNS for the capture of the hobling bandit known as Luvo Piper. Let us return law and order to the Duchy. – Sponsored by the AMC

SHOKAN RYUJIMA: Thank you for your generosity.  –Dame Azura

LOOKING FOR BULLYWUG COMPONENT. A Kingdom is at stake. Reward. See Saja

ATOR: Have you had any luck yet in finding the artifact? I have some information that may be useful to you. Please contact me. – Bertram

JOIN F.O.I.L.! (Free Our contamInated Land). AElves of Ashbury, band together to rid society of the menace of the savage Wild Elves! Ward the Wold! Join the society of freethinking, civilized beings who will work to effect a better culture, unfettered by adulteration and horrid admixture. Send your names, requests for membership cards, contributions and letters of support to: Teril Belayson, President and Treasurer, Belayson’s Honey Farm, Elindil, Ash Forest.

GILWING: Shall we say seven minutes next time?  – Dame Keegan

EXPERIENCED NAVIGATOR with ship looking to hire out for Business expoditions. Contact Parduc Negrie

WANTED: Sergi Karento, Gypsy. To be brought in for questioning by the order of His Grace the Duke for  alleged crimes he performed in Ashbury. Any and all information will be kept confidential. Contact any member of the Town Guard with this information.