Evorran Expeditionary Force Has Mixed Successes

Official Report From the Royal Regents

It is with great sadness that I inform our peoples that we can only claim a limited success within the Phage region of Greymere. Without a doubt, our brave adventurers have successfully accomplished and resolved several problems within the region; however we cannot claim to have successfully solved them.  Below is an accounting garnered from interviews with many of the local citizens.

The adventurers all quieted as Sir Ansis Phage IV gathered with his retainers, four powerful local families, to greet members of the Ashbury Expeditionary Force. The adventurers were introduced to the ruling families of the region, and the Ashbans found not all what was it seemed.

First it became apparent that the crux of the problems could be looked at in several specific ways. Each family had an important problem to be solved, and several mysteries were clearly apparent in recent history as well as the distant past.

Old wheezing and decrepit Ansis Phage appeared ill and sickly, but was accompanied and protected by his bodyguard and local head of the town guard Captain Brodack. Sir Garrick, the local magistrate, stood stalwartly at their side, sizing up many of the Ashbans.

The Onrus family, which controls the seaside estate of Hogrit’s Cove, indicated that a large organized band of marauders were tormenting the locals and searching for Captain Hierion’s treasure. The Mechal family had lost complete control over their estate to aquatic goblins, making entering the feif of Zephyr Downs nearly impassable and blocking the way to aid the Onrus Family in Hogrit’s Cove. The Marsh Family was having undead problems. Worst of all perhaps was the loss suffered by the Phage family which had suffered the loss and apparent abduction of several family members while on an attempt to solve the undead problem within Sorrow’s Breath.

Immediately following the introductory gathering, the Mechal Patriarch demanded that the problems of Zephyr Downs be dealt with, leading the citizens into the surrounding countryside in an effort to clear out his family keep.

Upon arriving at the keep, a pitched battle erupted against several dozen aquatic goblins inhabiting the place. There are two important issues of note here: The goblins that sporadically attacked the estate of Phage and who were running rampant across the estate of Zephyr Downs were frequently making strange comments during battle. After some discussion, it was surmised that these goblins were speaking a dialect of elvish that was recognizable to the Imladari elves. Unfortunately this was not determined by the expeditionary force, perhaps because no Imladari elves were present during that particular battle. The second note is that within the estate holdings formerly held by the Mechal family is located the former Healer’s Guild of the region.

As the expeditionary force dispatched the goblins occupying the holdings, they encountered a young woman within the Earth Circle that we can only call a “sea spirit” or perhaps a “wild fey.”

This woman (apparently later revealed to be a selkie able to transform into a seal) was beseeching the adventurers not to kill the goblins. As the battle ended, the Selkie was able to explain that the aquatic goblins were likely elves cursed into this form by a greater power. She further explained that they had become agitated and violent over the disruption of their burial grounds in a place only known as the Willow Bogs. The Willow Bogs had become a haven for undead, particularly powerful forms of will o wisps. The expeditionary force at this point pressed forwards to attempt to rid the area of the threat of the Willow Bogs.

The Willow Bogs themselves were extremely dangerous, and powerful corporeal and non corporeal undead inhabited an area of twisted trees. Upon advancing into the area, the expeditionary force met a rain of powerful charm-like affects from the will o wisps and their powerful masters the corpse lights — and many of the citizens were beckoned into the trees themselves which apparently began to feast upon their essence. Driven back, the expeditionary force rallied after losing several citizens including Parduc, Saja, Perwin, Lyssa, Gregor, and two strange vansir traveling among the force.

Rallying, Baron Agnar pushed the adventurers forward and attempted to not only hold off the onslaught of undead but determine a way to free Ashban adventurers from the apparently carnivorous willows of the bogs.

With quick thinking, Baron Agnar attempted to damage the tree, then administer a killing blow. The tree died but the corpse of the adventurer inside was not revealed. A Life spell caused the body to become expelled from the tree, and soon most of the corpses were able to receive a Life spell themselves.

The undead were dispatched and nearly a dozen essences were captured and placed within a lantern by the Selkie herself. She then explained the lantern could be used to move underwater, creating a bubble of breathing air for anyone near the lantern. Dame Azura took personal charge to assure that any goblins/elves that attacked were held captive rather than killed to assure that they would remain alive until a solution could be found to remove their curse.

After freeing the area of Zepyhr Downs, there were several other strange happenings during the night. An assassin called only “Crazy Boris” attempted to kill heir to the region Netrin Phage several times.

Citizens and guardsmen alike made every effort to preserve the life of the young heir. In addition, a powerful undead was discovered wandering near town, and it was revealed to be one of the sons of Ansist Phage turned against his will into a powerful mindless killing machine. This led to a significant investigation into the happenings on the night of the loss of several townsfolk attempting to shut down the undead appearing at the burial pits in Sorrow’s Breath.

The only survivor of the incident was apparently Mobley, who distinctly indicated that they were all slain by undead. He ran and barely escaped with his life. People were not convinced of his story.

On the morrow of Saturday, people spent a significant time preparing for the arrival of the families for the festivities surrounding the quest to win the position of suitor for the hand of the fair Relfia Phage. It was without question an enjoyable event as members of the expeditionary force as well as the local families attempted to win her selection as suitor for courtship. All members of the families made a supreme effort, including Rory Mechal, Mobley Marsh, Silk, and Jean-Philip Tiberon to name a few.

Silk won the first contest by freeing Relfia from some symbolic bonds via a quickly thrown Shatter spell. He withdrew when he discovered that he wasn’t going to get both of the Phage family members, just Relfia. Jean-Philip dazzled Reflia throughout the competition and was clearly in the lead as it was announced she would make her final selection at midnight that evening.
However more and more other things slowly indicated that things among the family members were not at all good. It was discovered that many of the Onrus family as well as Relfia Phage possessed black spots (more like black wounds) on the back of their neck. In addition, many of them possessed blackened finger tips. Perwin in particular broke open a large part of the Onrus conspiracies when Ether Onrus (who did not have the black wounds on his neck) indicated he was forcibly being blackmailed by his brother who was using Euphoria poisons on him. Ether provided some critical information that his family had “changed” and they were not the same as they were.

Rory was then discovered to have been remaining nearly catatonic and unable to speak due to having secretly followed the townsfolk investigating the Sorrow’s Breath undead problems. It was with great effort that two townsfolk members managed to get the entire story from Rory and assure he was healed by a competent Stone Elven mind healer.

Rory apparently had witnessed a woman controlling undead and strange creatures murder members of the Phage, Onrus, and Mechal families. The woman, who he could not identify, apparently ordered the sharks to rip his sister apart, lifting her over and over again as they tormented them. The sharks then dragged the helpless townsfolk beneath the waves. He also confirmed that Mobley was not present and never came on the expedition. Dame Azura also grew very close with Rory and assured that he was aided later to strike back against the undead of the Sorrow’s Breath pits.

During the afternoon an apparition was seen near the edge of a pond near the center of town. Several times he was seen appearing and walking down to the water. The expeditionary force was quick to investigate. The apparition appeared to be caught within a portion of its life, repeating it over and over again. Several individuals tried communicating and were generally ignored by the apparition who sat by the edge of the water talking to himself about the area being unclean and that he would use a means to cleanse the area.

When someone attempted to touch the apparition, the apparition turned as it to attack and struck the hand away, startling several individuals. From then on the apparition seemed mildly aware of the presence of others, and seemed to nearly listen to discussions about his seemingly pointless dialog with himself. The apparition disappeared several times to begin the entire process over and over again, while the scene lengthened based upon the actions of the adventurers.

They quickly discovered the pond itself was a burial pit for hundreds of victims of the ancient plagues. It was only once Solemn Judgement whispered into the ear of the apparition some strange words that the apparition went berserk, screaming “You will not kill me or threaten my family, Ansis Phage! I will defeat you! I will cleanse this place!” The apparition then disappeared, only to appear nearly an hour later.

He led the expedition off into the woods where the apparition was organizing resistance against Ansis the Black, an ancient undead from the Phage family. Apparently there was a meeting discussing the use of a ritual to cleanse the undead from the region. He asked for volunteers to help him but was unable to convince several of the earth casters in the area to aid him.

The apparition later appeared again at the lake and more of his conversation revealed more of his story. It is rumored that several individuals followed the apparition later that night and that the Registrar intervened, but nothing is known of what they encountered.

Later in the afternoon, a powerful force of Vacarran Corsairs appeared looking for Captain Heirion’s treasure. They demanded to know where it was. Raiden claimed that the pirate’s treasure was in a submerged tower along the seashore of Hogrit’s Cove. Unfortunately Raiden’s quick thinking came after several squads had attacked the citizens of the town, killing Parduc. The Corsairs immediately departed once they were given information.

The Onrus family came forward before dark and asked the expeditionary force to aid in the removal of “treasure hunting brigands” from their estate. The Onrus family claimed to possess at one time several magical stones when used could detect other stones of their kind. They had possessed three at one time, but two had been stolen. The third they retained and it would lead them to two of the other stones.

Pressing forward, the adventurers proceeded to follow the stone through the Zephyr Downs. Immediately entering a dense copse of woods near the seashore they encountered an organized unit of Galanthian Swords of Lore.

The Ashbans immediately attacked in a running battle through the forests, crushing the Galanthians with understandable prejudice. They came upon a small fort, clearly constructed by the Galanthians, and laid siege upon it. The Onrus family was extremely helpful offering aid and assuring none of the Ashbans were killed during the fighting. The Onrus family recovered all four stones, the fourth stone apparently having fallen into Galanthian hands long ago.

A Galanthian servant of the Devorra was captured, and spared in the fighting. Apparently he had visions of a great ship that would help the Galanthians recover some of their naval powers on the Bay of Vacarra, and he also had haunting visions of an apparition and words came to him beckoning him to this place. It is apparent this Galanthian may hold critical information as to undead within the Phage Region, but he was locked in a cell and unfortunately forgotten.

As the evening began, people waited with anticipation for Relfia’s selection of an heir, however, before it could be announced, there was a great attack of undead from the pond in the center of the estate of Phage. A crazed sharklike creature with nearly impenetrable skin was killed near the pond earlier in the afternoon; however more of these creatures returned and apparently by some strange means called undead forth from the pond itself, using the corpses of dead citizens killed centuries ago.

Dame Azura led the attack against these creatures, closely supported by members of the Ash Forest and Black Unicorns. It is not known if this was the work of some necromancer hiding deep in the darkness where the citizens could not see him or her, but no explanation could be given for how these creatures successfully summoned up undead from the burial-pit-turned-pond itself.

Rory Mechal then rallied the town to come forward and to strike forth and attempt to destroy any undead present at the undead pits. He was determined to get vengeance for his sister’s murder or abduction — hoping that by doing so he would find out the answer what happened to her. As the adventurers approached Trecha Keep, the burial pits could be seen a few hundred yards away. As the citizens arrived, a horde of undead stumbled from the pits moving towards the keep and the expeditionary force.
From the tower in the center of the keep Ansis Phage was seen throwing himself off his keep, falling dozens of feet to his death. No one knows why the elder Phage committed this suicide, but clearly there is some unknown aspect to this we have yet to determine.

The adventurers quickly moved into the keep itself taking a defensive position against the undead. Undead poured into the keep until they were briefly beaten back and a wall of force was placed on the main entrance. Undead moved through other apparent gates through the walls of the keep and began to renew their attack.

Screams from outside the keep could be heard as a clearly female voice screamed for the undead to rise from the pits and kill the Ashbans. The very same necromancer clearly was responsible for the dropping of the wall of force, allowing undead direct access into the keep itself.

The Ashbans fought and killed nearly four hundred undead in an hour-long battle for their lives, all the while the necromancer beyond the gates summoned more corpses to animate and pour forth into the castle.

Baron Agnar, with his powerful threshold, waded through the undead and swept through them like a scythe through wheat.
He ordered Perwin, Auric, Raiden, Saja, and Gilwing to slip out of the castle in an attempt to eliminate the necromancer. As this crack team ventured closer to the burial pits they saw a form in the darkness dart into the woods. They halted the undead attacks by going out to catch the necromancer, but after nearly thirty minutes of cat-and-mouse searching for the vile defiler they gave up the search, but with her absence, the undead stopped.

The expeditionary force returned to Phage and the families gathered to hear Relfia’s selection for her suitor. Netrin was named heir and Lord of the region by right of birth. Relfia then took the fore and stated she had made her choice.

The families and members of the expeditionary force alike all gathered to see who she would select. She first declared Loban Onrus her selection, then with a strange pause she declare Mobley her selection.

She kept changing her mind back and forth until with a scream she began to writhe on the ground. Jean-Philip left forward to tend to her, and an enormous tentacle ripped through her stomach and begin to attack the assembled people. The tentacle had huge thorns on it, and it dripped a vile substance that was deadly to the touch. Jean-Philip was swiftly killed by this creature as citizens rallied forward to crush the foul thing.

With its demise, Relfia was quickly Lifed, only to have moments later the Onrus family begin to shake just like her! They began a transformation and tentacles grew out of their faces as they all screamed controlling orders to individuals among the expeditionary force. Citizens apparently who had been tended by the Onrus family during the attack against the Galanthians had been infected with some sort of egg or embryotic life form.

The Onrus family ordered their controlled minions to attack Baron Agnar, and immediately Baron Olin attacked and killed Baron Agnar. Olin was subdued at first then reached forward to attempt to kill Agnar again. The Onrus family battled for their lives, but were quickly subdued. Loban fought against his brother Ether and attempted to escape but was slain with a powerful blow from young lord Netrin.

All were executed in the Onrus family in hopes that the affliction they suffered would be cured. The Onrus family returned later to beg for forgiveness telling they had been captured by squid-like creatures and bent to their will. Free from the affliction she suffered, Relfia chose Jean-Philip Tibaron has her suitor, and he immediately proposed to Relfia and they were immediately wed.

The next day the Ashbans struck out to the submerged castle they had heard so many rumors of during the course of their adventure. Using the lantern (which seemed to be ill-protected all weekend — only a stroke of luck prevented it from falling into the hands of some evil person), they submerged themselves under the water and approached the castle.

The entire crew of a Vacarran Corsair Dreadnaught apparently had fought their way into the keep at one point, dispatching many creatures within. They were forced to withdraw.

The adventurers came upon the second attempt to enter the castle, led by the infamous Captain Nil himself. Had the Corsairs not been tipped off of the location of this castle, they would never have arrived here at such an ill time. The Corsairs spoke and bargained for entrance with powerful sharklike creatures. On a nearby shelf the expeditionary force could hear that Vacarra herself lain within! The two forces quickly resolved their differences and the pirates were to be brought inside to speak with a being they had long though dead and gone.

The Ashbans quickly followed and attacked the creatures. The fearsome Captain Nil himself cut down many Ashbans, shattering their swords with his tremendous strength. Again the town, weakened from several powerful battles, managed to rally and defeat Captain Nil’s crew and the minions guarding the keep. It is not known if Captain Nil survived his first encounter with the citizens of Ashbury.

Ashbans proceeded upwards into one of the towers to discover encased within a bubble of magical energy an elven wizard. Calling himself Pentalairen, the wizard was apparently a lord of Imladar who had lived along this coast thousands of years ago.
With the appearance of the Dur Namarie, he and his citizens chose to hide his keep beneath the waves and enter a slumber in hopes that someday they would awaken to a world in which the Dur Namarie were no more.

He explained that he had defeated a powerful creature known as Vacarra, a sea drake of tremendous power. She had come and awakened several hundred of the elves and forced them into service to her, until the elves had awakened Pentalairen who managed to drive her off. They remained vigilant for nearly a decade, and returned to their slumber, leaving powerful guardians behind.

Vacarra’s wrath was great, as she defeated the guardians and imprisoned the sleeping wizard. She then transformed many of the elves into goblins and forced them once again into service.

They rebelled against her soon after she became undead for some reason, but her power was too great so they fled onto the lands of Zephyr Downs nearly three hundred years ago.

The Ashbans took the lantern and the four stones in their possession and placed the items on a pillar as instructed by Pentalairen. The keep shook and quaked and was raised to the surface of the water, once again to see daylight.

Proceeding downward into the keep the expeditionary force discovered sleeping rooms filled with empty beds and in some cases elves still waiting to return to the world. Deeper, they confronted Vacarra herself. In the form of a human she stood within a circle of power, still dressed in the garb of a corsair.

With a strangely reasonable tone, she offered to strike a bargain with the expeditionary force. She claimed to be cursed by her foul enemy Glantri to become undead. With his words “If you step upon the wave, die!” her corsairs took the form of undead upon the waves and she also became cursed.

The townspeople confronted her for her actions against the elves, and she clearly indicated that it is the strong that rule — and that it was a long time ago. The citizens unfortunately failed to possess or had failed to discern any means to restore her to her form. Parduc even went so far as to indicate that Vacarra wanted the expeditionary force to clear up the mess she had created by harassing Glantri in the first place.

At this impertinence, she began summoning elementals. Visibly impressed, the concern grew for a means to save the elves from her transformations.

Several gypsies entered her circle and attempted to remove her curse, and it had clear positive affect but was not enough. Frustrated and angry, Vacarra told them the Wizard could rot in her magical cage and the elves could remain in their forms until such a time as they restored her, and then without hesitation, she spirit walked from the circle.

Clearly the issues of this area are not yet resolved. How much was Vacarra responsible for what was happening in Phage? Who killed the townspeople? What were the creatures that converted the Onrus family? Will Netrin accept the proposal recently offered for his hand by Aubrey Marsh? Will Vacarra be coming to Ashbury demanding the cure? What did the Galanthian know about the apparition? What did the apparition know? Are the burial pits still active since nothing was done to stop them? Why didn’t the Magistrate and Captain arrest Mobley on the urgings of Dame Azura? Were the others who were abducted killed, are they undead now? Who was behind all the undead?

Clearly we shall watch the Phage region very carefully to see what lasting impact occurs to the Duchy of Evorra.


To the People of Ashbury:

I thinks its extremely important for me to point out how important and appreciated the Order of the Black Unicorn has been recently in the past few months. In particular, I have to say thanks to Saja, Raiden, and Spartacus who have helped me considerably in many conflicts. Saja has always been ready to apply a timely shield magic, Raiden healing, and Sparticus standing at my side. Every combat they were there, and their professionalism on the field of battle is an example to all teams within Ashbury. Commoner and Noble, fighting together .. supporting each other.

I would would be remiss if I did not point out the valor of Gilwing, who has without hesitation put himself in harms way to assist me in battle.  Thank you all so very very much.

Lady Azura

Attention all casters:

In my recent trip to the estate of Phage I have witnessed something that I found very disturbing. During numerous battles that our expeditionary force has encountered, I saw many of adventurers wielding aura bunch up together behind the fighters, not really doing anything. I cannot watch this any longer without voicing my opinion.

Why do any wish to take up the profession of a scholar mage if you do not utilize your skills? I have been teaching celestial magic to more people that I can remember in the past four years. Apparently people do not want to learn because at times I feel like I am the only caster in town and I know it is not so. I have spend over ten gold in scrolls during the expedition and I do not want to make this a common occurrence. Mages should be in the front lines neutralizing the enemy’s spell casters and clearing the way for our fighters. Never assume that a caster is the last line of defense for you will suffer a quick death if this actually holds true.

It is not my wish to die before it is my time, and because of that I shall continue to be up there in the front lines eliminating my enemies before they have a chance to kill me first. The only advice I shall offer is to do the same, and not watch others do it. In the line of business that we are in you have to spill a sufficient amount of blood before you become a true defender of Ashbury. Sitting in front of a candle inside a warded building, reading a book will not save the duchy. The ability to cast a simple flame bolt from your finger tips is just as powerful as any other knowledge that you may possess.

Go out there and master your craft because our kingdom will not survive without our combined efforts.

Senior Guildsman Saja
Ashbury Mage’s Guild
Order of the Black Unicorn

To the people of Ashbury,

For seven long years, I have been a defender of Ashbury. I have lived through many historic Battles. I have stood next to people like Sir Angus Grimsby, Selina Vardik, and countless others. But all of this has finally taken its toll on my spirit. I am retiring to my family estate to raise my son.

This is the most painful decision that I have had to make. But I wish for my son to see his father and be there for him. I have never let anyone down but I have a responsibility to my son.

To my Duke,  I am sorry for the sudden let down. But I will return to your side as quickly as I can. I will not forget my promises to you.  And I will be there at anytime for you, old friend. Barons Olin, Agnar, and Jonathan:  I have stood with all of you on the field of battle for many years. Please continue bringing unity to the people and leading the way. All of you are the leaders we look to. And i will miss our conversations. To my Squires Shya and Malfalin: The two of you are the best squires a knight could ever want. Please keep up your studies under Baron Jonathan. Ashbury needs new leaders for the future and you two are excellent examples. Xavier: What can I say? Stay out of trouble and become a knight. I know you will someday. And to the last two people I want to say good bye.  To my cousin Celosia:  Follow your heart and it will lead to on the right course for your life. You will be great at what ever you do. Please don’t be a strange. You are all the family I have left. To my wife Dame Azura,  I know things are estranged at times between us but I will always be there for you. Stay out of trouble and be careful. Please come home sometime. I will be waiting for you.

And finally to the Defenders of Ashbury. We all honor you in what you do for us everyday. Do not let the like of Requin and others get you down. There is one thing that we have the they don’t — Heart and determination.  Fight till they are gone. There will be others but they don’t have what we all fight for. Till I return.

Yours in Honor
Sir Daniel Star Grimsby

Astrological Forecast

by Solemn Judgement

Strong forces appear to be at work in the heavens as the month of the Gryphon approaches: as usual, he signals the onset of large movements and great power. From his perspective as the highest flier of all creatures, the Gryphon can bring the cosmic drama into perspective and understand the larger picture. Similarly, we as mortals are well advised to take stock this month and try to see our place in the grand scheme. By that same token, however, there is a danger of missing detail, of letting hints and clues drop betwixt our fingers, if we do not pay careful mind to them (the Gryphon is infamous for this fault). As the final burst of the Sun for the season of summer predominates, it is a time of Life, which can include a return to Life (or increased activity) for those who have been beyond the Pale. This augurs well for the crown's continuing effort to locate the Battle Queen, which in turn should prove to be a major factor in the struggle of Icenia versus the forces of Amora Dun. Of all months, this may the one where the power of the Arbalest is weakest: this erring and weak diviner could always be wrong once more, but I see no signs of His presence in the near future of the stars, and it may be that the Freejyn (whom I take to be the avatar of the Arbalest in this, His year) will give us leave. Beware of other dangers, howso’er, as the evil in Amora Dun will hardly be so kind — and its threat is just so subtle as to contain many small details which are much like to be missed in the coming weeks.

Public Notices

MAGES: There will be a mandatory Mage’s Guild meeting Saturday night the 1st at nine bells. Also, sign up for duty on Friday night. First come, first serve. We need to discuss information about the mirrors and their links and possible dangers. One down, three to go. Cedric, make sure you find me early Friday night to discuss your matter of importance. – Ducal Guildmaster Tiriflorn MacMannon, Warlock of the Elements

BE SURE NOT TO MISS the September auction of the Liche’s Horde Trading Company. Goodman Luigi, your scrolls are ready.  I will have them sent to you. –Kazz’d Karr, Proprietor

IF YOU WANT to exchange your components and scrolls for coins, come to the Mage’s guild. We buy all Celestial scrolls, ritual scrolls, components, and magic items.

LOOKING TO BUY magic items. Paying top gold from large treasury, will be in town for a short while, seek me out.  – Calis

ETHER: Thank you for all your help. I hope things have returned to normal with you and your family.  – Perwin

LOOKING FOR ANY DARK ELVES from the old  world that were trapped here. Please contact Find’rth T’Varian, formerly of Clan Ryusiel. I may be reached in Ashbury City.  Your privacy is assured.

REWARD: 100 GOLD CROWNS for the capture of the hobling bandit known as Luvo Piper. Let us return law and order to the Duchy. – Sponsored by the AMC

PERWIN’S DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS! Baked goods almost always available when I’m in town, like my famous baklava, but you can always stop by my bakery in South Point for fresh treats. I also take special orders, just contact me for details. –  Perwin the Baker

WANTED: Sergi Karento, Gypsy. To be brought in for questioning by the order of His Grace the Duke for  alleged crimes he performed in Ashbury. Any and all information will be kept confidential. Contact any member of the Town Guard with this information.

JOIN F.O.I.L.! (Free Our contamInated Land).