The Ashbury Times
August /
September 611
“All The News That Fits, We Print”
Broomis Bouchard Ascends the Icenian
We here at The Ashbury Times know that this is
likely old news to our readers, but we were holding back on writing this
article until we could report on the pomp and pageantry of His Majesty’s
coronation. Unfortunately, His Majesty decided not to have one, preferring
instead to travel the Kingdom and hear the oaths of fealty of his vassal lords
in their own estates. His Majesty states that he did this in order to spare the
Kingdom the expense of a formal ceremony as well as to see all he could of the
land and get a sense firsthand of the problems and concerns of his people.
It is still not clear what
exactly happened upon the Mons Regalis directly after
King Broomis stepped upon it. There are some who say
that Jacelyn Correllia
attempted to strike down His Majesty and others who claim that she was striking
at the
After leaving Ashbury, His
Majesty made for Cil’Cilurion where he stayed
for only a few days before beginning his pilgrimage around the Kingdom. For a
full accounting of His Majesty’s actions since assuming the throne the
Times here reprints the official decrees provided to us by the
Citizens of Icenia,
Know that it is with the
greatest humility that we accept the burden of the trust that you have favored
us with. Our fair Kingdom has suffered much in these past years. The Dominion war, the civil strife following the deaths of our
beloved King and Queen, as well as the spectre of war
once again reaching forth its hand from the south in the form of the villainous
Galanthian Empire. Though evil seems to come
upon us in increasing strength as the seasons pass the Icenian
people remain steadfast and strong, faithful to the ideals of the Code and
unwavering in their resolve to make Tar’Navaria
a better place, not just for their families and neighbors, but for all people
of good heart in our world.
We know that the Icenian people have problems that are many and varied, we
have traveled the Kingdom entire to speak with your Knights, Barons and Dukes
so that we might see the challenges you face, and see all parts of the Kingdom
as places where good people make their homes rather than as notations on a
parchment map. Know that the throne will be making coin available from the
royal treasury to aid those that have lost their homesteads and livelihoods to
the ravages of war. Know also that we have the utmost faith in the Lords who
see to your safety and welfare.
Icenia’s strength
has always been in its people, and it is our oath that the people of the realm
shall always be our first concern.
Bouchard, King of Icenia
Jacelyn Obliterated for High Treason
In addition to the edict
above, His Majesty also proclaimed the following:
People of Icenia,
Let it be known that Jacelyn Correllia of Evorra has been obliterated and exiled for the crime of
high treason to the Icenian throne. The crown has
come into possession of a letter in Jacelyn’s
own hand and stamped with her seal ordering the kidnapping of our former Queen Sidraste DeAnnan during the
height of the war against the Dominion. When confronted with this letter, Jacelyn admitted that she had indeed given that order and
accepted the required sentence. As her corpse did not reform, we know that she
yet lives and thus is barred, on pain of obliteration until permanent death,
from ever again setting foot on Icenian soil.
Know that giving aid to this
woman while within Icenia shall be considered an act
of treason. Outside the Kingdom the crown has no interest in her doings
provided they are not acts or conspiracies against Icenia
or her allies. The crown also has no interest in further acts of justice or
vengeance against her and leaves the decision to its friends and allies of the the other Tar’Navarian
nations as to if they wish to harbor her.
Let it be made plain that Jacelyn Correllia has not been
found guilty of the crime of regicide. Other letters have made it clear that
the deaths of both King Gareth and Queen Sidraste are
the work of the two former Evorran lords Nigel and
Iona Campbell. The crown hereby issues an order for their arrest for the crime
of regicide. Any individual who can bring these traitors before the throne will
earn the crown’s gratitude and, should they wish it, a squirehood.
Bouchard, King of Icenia
Empress Arienne
of Galanthia Destroyed;
Morganna Returns?
Late on the night of August
19, several prophets of Galanthia arrived in
Fairdale. These prophets offered
readings and predictions to whoever wished.
They also informed those present that something world-changing was going
to happen very soon in the area.
Soon after, flashes of light
and elemental energy were seen in the sky.
The prophets were seen to get very excited, and were heard to say things
like “It is beginning” and “They come!”
Red spectral figures soon
came out of the darkness. The creatures
were later identified as blood wraiths. Each pair bore a pedestal corresponding
to an elemental plane, two foundation and two magisterium: Blue for water, green for earth, red for death
and white for order. It is rumored that
the pedestals had terrible effects upon anyone touching them. The Galanthia
prophets were seen to be celebrating the spectacle. After placing the pedestals, the blood
wraiths materialized and attacked the surrounding adventurers. They were all dispatched.
Later that night in the very
late hours, a group of adventurers were notified of a possible Galanthian command post eight or so miles from
Fairdale. The adventurers crept upon a
clearing where several torches blazed and spied upon a meeting between Galanthian leaders and a group of vampire gypsies. The Galanthins were
Empress Arienne, Lord General Lochaber
and General Arken.
The gypsy vampires were later
revealed to be Lucrezia and Cyprian Trajana, vampires from the bloodline of the ancient dragon
mage vampire Morganna, who was banished by Gabriel
Bruce many years ago.
These enemies of Ashbury were
overheard discussing a ritual to return Morganna from
his banishment. It seems that four gems
contained his fragmented spirit and that each gem had to be placed on the
appropriate pedestal the next night starting at midnight. The Trajana
vampires seemed to have quite a rivalry with Arienne,
but agreed to help bring back “Father.”
It was later brought to light
that some crucial information was not discovered. The blood of a vampire of the pure Morganna bloodline was needed on each pedestal and also the
blood of a mortal before the gems could be placed. It was also found out later that this all
needed to be done within one half hour starting at midnight.
Throughout the next day,
elementals of the attuned type were seen to rift in and attack at each
pedestal. There were also many Swords of
Lore (the Galanthian army’s soldiers) attacking
throughout the day. It should be noted
that these Swords were accompanied by undead, something not seen in the past.
Later in the day, Lochaber brought in a larger forces of Swords of Lore and
undead. It is believed this was to
determine the strength of the forces in Fairdale. Baron Harrison, Sir Ulthoc
and others were instrumental in driving off the Galanthian
forces and Lochaber.
At a bit before midnight on
the evening of the 20th, a large force of Swords of Lore, Blood
Wraiths, Trajana vampires and other undead arrived
near Fairdale. They approached from the
south and quickly set up a limited Circle of Power in the field where Arienne and Lucrezia began some
sort of blood ritual.
Baron Harrison gave the order
to attack and the battle ensued. Sir Ulthoc ressurected when Lochaber struck him down then tossed the Vansir knight into the Circle of Power. The vampire known as Cyprian Trajana was staked and put to permanent rest.
It is rumored the Ashbans believed that Arienne
held the spirit gems, but during the chaos, Lochaber,
along with a Sword of Lore and unnamed Trajana
vampire, completed a blood ritual and placed a gem on each pedestal before the Ashbans were even aware of them. Spouts of necromantic and elemental energy
shot into the air and it became apparent the ritual was complete. Lochaber
immediately sent his Swords of Lore into an organized withdrawal, showing
concern for the lives of his troops. He
also sent away the blood wraiths and other undead, stating to Squire Ithaca
that there was no need for more Ashbans to die.
A figure formed in the Circle
of Power with Lucrezia and Arienne
… a female figure. Despite their
surprise, both the vampires Arienne and Lucrezia declared that this was indeed Morganna
once again taken flesh. Lochaber was was more incredulous
and even chastised Arienne for fooling with rituals
beyond her understanding. But Arienne convinced him to also enter the Circle of
Power. Lochaber
and the “New Morganna” touched hands
which seemed to convince Lochaber, and then all four vampires spirit
walked away.
The next day, a ducal ranger came to Fairdale stating that Arienne’s sanctuary was found. He had fast horses for twelve and led these
twelve (whose names we are not at liberty to reveal) to the sanctuary. While other adventurers distracted the Galanthian forces from the sanctuary, it seems the stalwart
twelve were successful in destroying the vampire Arienne.
However, the day was not to end in triumph, but in a river of
blood. Soon after Arienne’s
destruction, an enraged Lochaber and Morganna arrived in Fairdale with death as their only
agenda. Accompanied by many blood
wraiths, who had never been seen in the daytime
before, the vampiric duo blazed a path of destruction
through the adventurers. It is whispered
that the Ashbans had their guard down after their
earlier victory and were caught flat footed.
Many resurrected, including Sir Ulthoc a second
time. Baron Harrison was particularly
targeted by Lochaber, who fed various parts of His
Excellency to a bestial vampire. Lochaber screamed in rage that his vengeance had only just
begun and called Morganna to follow him to other
towns and villages of Ashbury.
Galanthia Declares War on Icenia
following was received by the Ashbury Times and also posted throughout the
kingdom. It is also rumored a formal
declaration was sent to His Highness King Broomis
Bouchard and His Grace Duke Sir Frost Vardik.
To All Citizens of All
Sovereign Nations of Tar Navaria,
For years I have treated the Icenians with honor and respect. I have not taken a step into their lands
except when absolutely necessary for the good of my people and my nation. I have offered non-aggression pacts, treaties
and aid, most of which have been rebuffed. Yet I did not take insult.
When Icenia
was the main focus of the Dominion, I took my own troops…my beloved
brothers and sisters in arms…into the Plains of Rage to take the war to
the Dominion. I did not have to do this,
as the Dominion was not directly threatening my country. My people died in honorable combat and spared
And when the Icenians have attacked me and mine in the past with little
to no provocation, I have done my best not to bring death upon them. I have made every effort to combat and defeat
them with honor and with as many of their misguided “heroes” left
alive as possible.
And I was repaid with deceit
and murder. They have taken from me my
family. The “Heroes of Icenia” are naught but foul murderers.
More importantly, they have
taken from my nation its Shining Radiance.
They have left thousands of deserving citizens without their beloved
leader. A leader who had abolished
slavery, a leader who made sure even the most common citizen had food and
shelter, education and healing, a leader who brought order to chaos and light
to the darkness.
I may have been able to
forgive the personal nature of murdering my only family, but I cannot ignore an
outright act of war against a sovereign nation.
Let it be known that on the
22nd day of the eight month, the Sovereign Nation of Galanthia has declared open war upon the nation of Icenia for the crime of regicide. May the fates have mercy upon your spirits,
for I will not.
General Matros Lochaber
of Galanthia
Galanthia Moves
Troops into Contested Lands
Large numbers of Galanthian troops have moved into the Contested Lands,
spanning from Bartleby to Capulus. Bartleby had been a former stronghold for Morganna and it can only be assumed that she has some plan
for the occupation of this area. It is
estimated 10-15,000 troops have been moved into this area. They seem to be digging in and fortifying for
the time being.
Ducal troops and some royal
troops have been mobilized and are moving to intercept this threat. Duke Sir Frost Vardik
is leading the troops personally and has left the day to day business of
Ashbury in the hands of Sir Eros and Sir Indorian.
The Victory at Storm’s End
Sir Nevin Kendrick, Royal Paladin
Galanthia may be
baring their fangs at us and the reconquest of Trellheim may still look so far before us, but we should
not forget the battles that truly matter. Never forget the lives that have been
lost in this noble duty.
Storm’s End is a safe
haven for many of us. Ducal soldiers from Ashbury and many from Brittington, merchants, adventurers and more have all
called its keep home.
In the Month of Ferret,
Storm’s End faced the united hordes of the Broken Spear tribe. Though we
had reached some sort of accord with the Bugbear, Rackmaster
General Les-Grahk, reports filtered in of goblinoid maneuvers in the west. Concerned that this might
lead to an attack, I traveled to Storm’s End Keep myself and posted a
notice in the Black Stag for others to meet me there, just in case.
Better safe than sorry when
dealing with goblins.
Adventurers gathered,
including several knights of Ashbury and Baron Harrison Ryatt
of Nordenn, and we set the caravan westerly from
Fairdale. Closing on the wall of Storm’s End, sounds of siege engines and
soldiery were heard. We drove off the rearguard of the siege force and brought
down their siege engines.
The wall had already been
The caravan rushed to the keep
itself to warn the Stormblades of the invasion. In
the course of the debriefing it came to light that the Rackmaster
General present in the fight was not Les-Grahk, it
was a bugbear by the name of Tesserak.
Tesserak would be
quite the pain in our collective asses throughout the siege. To our repeated
chagrin the Rackmaster General had a controlled
spirit store ritual and a rugged persistence. Many thanks go to the Stormblades themselves for tracking down his spirit trinket
and cutting him down until he ceased to reform.
The tale recounted to me of Tesserak’s
fall was one of desperate battle with no options but success or death. A tale
better asked of those who were there.
Within the Keep proper, a
defense strategy began to form. The map of Storm’s End proved
instrumental in the planning stages. The goblins had infested the sites within
the outer wall with the alacrity of flies on a feast. Unfortunately, due to the
natural layout of the sites themselves the soldiers and scouts of the Storm
Guard could only blaze trails to two sites at a time. However, the lack of
forces in the keep meant that sending two strike teams at once would open the
Keep for assault and capture. Hard choices had to be made and these choices
were made with wise council and heavy hearts.
Magical ruins dot the area
around Storm’s End, the control of which provides a prodigious amount of
power both mundane and mystical. Should the filthy goblins have taken these
sites their means of waging war would have changed drastically.
On the other hand, commoners
were still trapped with the outer wall. The scared people had holed up in their
farms, their market, the wagon road and the Storm Guard’s Humble
Each time the scouts opened a
path, at great cost to their own numbers, the choice fell between choosing to
drive the goblins out of the sites of power or to save the commoners.
The choices were as follows:
The Oreforge:
Retaking this location prevented the goblins from arming themselves with better
weaponry, both mundane and magical. The
The Curesprings:
Retaking this location prevented goblins from producing healing items and
regenerating. The Farmlands were lost. The Stormblades
liberated this area.
Greencage was simultaneously
assaulted by the Stormblades, but the assault was
unsuccessful. Tesserak attacked the Keep itself
immediately afterwards.
Though the Humble Abode was
lost the Storm Guard fought to the last drop of blood. The only soldier to
resurrect gave me the account of Guard Captain Arthur Coram’s last stand.
If you wish the tale, ask me when I am in the Black Stag. I will make sure
there is drink about to toast it proper.
Sheriff Davin
Holst’s story will also be told. He fought
valiantly against the bugbears and met his final death. I have no words for
paper to properly honor him for those words are for bardic
tale alone.
With goblin invasion blunted,
the power behind the green came to light. The vampire known as Riordan had
elements of his undead army present with Tesserak’s.
Including a being that could produce undead at a high volume whose name is
currently unknown. (As is the location of its phylactery.)
Riordan’s attempts to
run supplies and weapons to other elements of his force were thwarted in large
part by the combined might of the assembled adventurers.
At the final break of the
siege the undead and the bugbears were driven out in the majority and Izer of the Stormblades was named
Sheriff. He will certainly do Holst’s memory
As this siege is now several weeks pass and rebuilding is still
underway, we must take moment to reflect on the lives of commoners lost, but
not in vain. The Keep still stands and Trellheim
stands but a few hard fights away. We have the steel, we have the spells and we
have the sand to take all comers. We mustn’t lose heart now, for we are
truly battling evil with cessation.
Friend or Foe?
The Unseelie
Fey calling himself Lord Faust once again appeared in Fairdale, this time to
enjoy dinner in the tavern. He was
accompanied by several other fey of his court.
They remained peaceful and many of those present enjoyed their company
and some even rifted out with them to return later.
However, it has also come to
light that the spirit gems of Morganna are the very gems
Faust was acquiring via deals with the adventuring community. When confronted on this, he commented that it
was his fey nature to make deals that benefitted him, regardless of who they
were with. He stated he has no choice in
the matter.
It is clear that Faust has
aided Ashbury in the past. But it is
also now clear that he has aided Ashbury’s most hated enemies as
well. He has never been outright hostile
or directly caused deaths or other trauma, nor has he ever been seen to break
the laws while in Ashbury. But is his
presence a boon or a bane? As of now, it
seems that each of us will need to decide for themselves.
Hagarath to Host
Hero’s Tournament
Gavah the Crooked
Fellow Ashbans,
I have heard tales about Fairdale and I like what I am hearing. Apparently it is a rough and tumble town
filled with constant battle, mayhem, and the occasional murder. I have good news. My family and I don’t intend to change
a thing.
Duke Frost has agreed to
allow my family to run the bi-annual Individual’s Tournament and we
intend to make it one that no one will ever forget. From the reports I’ve received, past
tournaments have been rather tame. Sure,
a few people have died, given up their noble titles, or been found guilty of
necromancy, but where is the real fun? I
know I’ve been asking myself that and I am sure you folks have been,
too. The good news is that we are
prepared to spice up the tournament and make it fun for all.
First and foremost, every
single event will involve gambling. We
will set the odds and put limits on the payouts. But whether or not you are participating, you
can have a stake in the events.
Furthermore, some events specifically allow audience interaction. So get your clubs, spells, and alchemy ready,
because you never know when you may be allowed to help or hinder a participant.
Opening ceremonies will be
held Friday evening, starting at nine hours past midday. Kortal
Karlag Garath will begin
the games with a traditional “Lodar Kraumtaum”,
or “Drum Rite” around the fire. If you have drums or percussion
instruments of your own, bring them and participate. Afterwards, those of you
who wish may announce your intention to compete in the tournament and offer
tribute to the Kortal. Though such offerings will
earn you no points towards the tournament, it is considered an important sign
of respect.
Now, on to
the events. We will run seven
events. Individuals may participate in
none, some, or all. I highly recommend
everyone participate in some. It is the
healthy choice.
Dueling – You
register for this event Friday evening at which point you will be given an
armband to wear for the remainder of the tournament. At any point until the tournament ends, you
can challenge anyone else wearing an armband, but there must be a tournament
master around to record the results and, more importantly, to arrange betting
beforehand. A particular pair of
combatants can only fight once each day.
On the second and third days, combatants will be ranked based on success
and defeating higher ranked combatants will be more valuable than equal or
lower ranked combatants. Sunday
afternoon, the highest two ranked individuals will square off for a final bout. All fights for dueling are weapons and armor
Grand Melee –
Don’t let the name fool you, participants can fight using any method they
want. Spells, alchemy,
weapons, whatever. Laws regarding
necromancy apply, but assault or murder laws don’t. The last man or woman standing wins something
Race –
Remember when I promised that the audience can participate? This is one of the audience participation
events. Runners will run a set course
and the first one standing to cross the finish line wins. Runners may use any weapons, armor, spells,
alchemy and magic items they want to hinder other runners. The audience may similarly participate. The course will be kept secret until a few
minutes before the race starts. So, if you have a dog in this race (or elf, sarr,
high-ogre, etc.), prepare in advance and then move to your favorite watching
point as quickly as possible.
Throwing – We
will provide the knives and the convicts as targets. You will provide the aim and the
bloodshed. Don’t worry too much
about the convicts. They are avoiding fines
by agreeing to a few minutes of bleeding.
Speed of throwing and accuracy are both important as you will only have
a few seconds to hit your targets.
Knowledge –
This event is sadly bereft of any form of mauling or bloodshed. For you smarty-smart people, consider this to
be essentially the Trivia competition from previous years, except some of the
trivia will be given in the form of a puzzle.
The contest starts Friday night and goes all weekend. At various points, a new puzzle will be made
available in the tavern. Once available,
find a tournament master and give the correct answer. It is that easy.
The Hunt – For
once this event will live up to its name.
On Friday evening, a tournament master will recite the hunt list. Everyone who is interested needs to listen
and do their best to memorize it. It may
be repeated at various points during the weekend, but that is entirely at my
family’s pleasure. Find the items
on the list and turn them in for profit.
Most of the items on the list will actually require participants to
enter the woods and hunt deadly creatures.
Entertainment – The
whole tournament is entertaining, why do we need more? Ah, well, some of you like to show off your
singing, dancing, and instrument playing skills. On Saturday night, the Garath Clan will host a feast in the Black Stag Tavern. You
must announce your intention to compete in this event before it begins. You
will perform for the revelers and the assembled judges while the feast is going
on. Audience response will be taken into account.
With these events, the
tournament is bound to be amazing. There
are a few rules, stipulations, etc.
First, tournament prizes have not been set yet. Expect money, magic items, and other things
adventuring types like. Second, all
participants must follow the rules and are never permitted to bet on their
opponents. Third, audience members may
only participate/interfere in certain events.
It will be made clear at all times which events are which. Finally, all rules will be enforced by our
associates, Bardok and Renzio. Be advised, they may also “fine”
you once they have beaten you to a pulp.
Your presence in Fairdale during this tournament amounts to agreement to
these terms.
Monty Wins Talent Contest
By guest writer Citizen Checkers T. Clown
It is with great enthusiasm I
announce that Monty the Dwarf has won the first edition of Icenia’s Got Talent, with a rousing rendition
of some song about Tobacco, Lasses and his wife. I’m not really sure where the lyrics
were going, but the song was a lot of fun and there was a lot of table pounding
and bellowing by all. That’s my
kind of song. Monty received the grand prize, which did not suck.
I would be remiss if I
didn’t mention our other awesome conestants,
each of which deservedly received consolation prizes. Some of the consolation prizes did suck. These contestants included Ket, Lanna, Anya, Luka and Balls.
I am also relieved to announce no one got a pie in the face due to being a poophead, though Kantil did get a free case of the clownies. It was also very obvious that Kantil has no idea what a balloon flobber is.
Mages’ Guild Report
There is little I can
report on about the Guild currently. As many of you already know, I have been
away on Royal Guild business with the Songbringer’s
Lute and remain so even now. The past few months, Guildsman Soren and Senior Guildsmen Raven have been taking care of
Guild duty in my absence and I thank them for that. Unfortunately I have
not received as many reports from Guildmembers about
the goings on in Fairdale as I would have liked, save a few reliable sources
who took the initiative to contact me themselves.
My special thinks to
Guildsman Eldarion and Apprentice Aubry
for your valuable assistance with reports and Guild service these past few
months. You have both been awarded Guild points based on your
I will be assessing
the donations, Guild service records, and the outcome of our recent missions to
award points to other members as I receive reports. A quick thank you to
Grim, Balls, and I’zer for their Guild service
recently, I have received reports of your assistance and it is appreciated.
I will try to provide
whoever is handling Guild duty at each gathering I am away, some notes on
current Guild standings and instructions regarding our current missions, but as
always, specific inquiries about Guild standings as well as progress reports
and assignments should be directed to me directly. Thank you.
Nathan Westwind
Fairdale Mage’s Guild
Elemental Warden of Icenia
Healers’ Guild Report
For all those who were at the
last gathering, I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for what you had
to endure. I know your personal,
physical, and emotional sacrifices were great.
In remembrance of lives lost
and courage shown by all, we will celebrate our wins and mourn or losses. I’ll bring cake!
Due to many requests, the
Guild will partition off an area before its entrance to allow for a member
access outside of the Circle. The foyer
space is a relaxing comfort zone for stress release. Please leave your egos at the door, or rather
the cloth. We also hope to save the bunk
closest to the Guild for Guild associates if possible.
A few personal notes:
To the commoner I have protectives to and who seriously against all odds risked
his life to save me: Please see me. I wish to properly thank you for being so
To the new Sheriff: I wish to publicly thank you. It has been a long time since someone paid me
more than coppers for healing them. Your sincere thanks were dear to me
personally. You are a man of honor.
Now on to
Guild business.
I am tired of having to clean
dishes every time I go into the Guild.
While everyone is welcome, and the Guild is a wonderful place to relax
and party, I would appreciate some respect and concern in return. If I have to
clean up after you, I will either charge you for my time or restrict your
ability to enter the Circle in the future.
If you leave your possessions all over the floor, I may place them
outside of the Circle. I am not in the
best of health and it isn’t fair that I must clean up after you.
The Guild meeting will be on
Saturdays of gatherings from 9:30 am until 11:00 am. The first half an hour is social time. Bagels and coffee will be served.
If you are interested in
interviewing to become a member of the Guild, please see me on Friday night so
that I can get to know you before the Guild interviews
An Open Letter from
the Storm Blades
to the Adventurers of Fairdale:
Greetings to the brave defenders of the lands of Trellheim and Storm’s End.
The Storm Blades wish
to offer their greatest thanks and well wishes to those who helped hold and
then free Storm’s End from the combined forces of the Broken Spear clan
and the undead menace that has rooted itself in the area. In recognition for
the help and sacrifices made by those who continually give freely of themselves
to protect the commoners of the once great barony of Trellheim,
the Storm Blades wish to dedicate a memorial, which shall be located in the
central market adjacent to the humble abode. All who stood with us shall have
their names recorded so that future generations shall know that they owe their
lives, and the lives of their children to the adventurers who threw back the
invading hoards of Broken Spear; so that a bright light in a darkened land did
not burn out.
Along with the
physical memorial the Storm Blades bid their most heartfelt thanks to everyone
whom did rally in defense. In the aftermath that follows we shall rebuild and
remember those who gave all to protect the kingdom and common man alike.
The defending
adventurers alone had suffered thirteen resurrections; the Storm Guard of 200
suffered well over 160 deaths, many of whom did not make it back to us. The
commoners suffered the worst of the devastation, with over 2000 dying at the
hands of the invaders. It is too early to know how many have not made it back
to us.
It is with deepest
sorrow and regret that I am to report that my predecessor, the honorable and
great Sheriff Holst, did take his final death this
gather. Hail the Glorious Dead, may he find rest in the Hero’s Graveyard.
In closing, thank you
all who continue to safeguard this great kingdom, and keep it and its people
from harm.
A Little Birdie Told Me
By Sue D’Onym
Hello, dearies! Time for another installment of the News They Don’t Want You To Know!
The adventurers of Fairdale have always been a greedy bunch, but lately
it seems to be getting worse. Rowan,
Senior Guildsman of the Healer’s Guild supposedly also serves on the
noble court of Blythedale, but he was overheard
charging Baron Harrison 20 gold for
a whispering wind scroll so that His Grace Duke Frost could be warned of an attack. Five times the normal asking
price for a whispering wind? That doesn’t sound terribly noble.
And Sheriff Izer
caused quite a rift with the nobles when a panicked Squire Ezri was searching for a Gift of
Life scroll and he told her she’d need to find some way to pay him for
it. The rest of the Stormblades
don’t seem to agree with him though and later tried to explain to Baron
Harrison and a very angry Sir Ulthoc what he “really” meant.
And speaking of Harrison and Izer: Apparently the Sheriff wishes for something
to be done about the Baron, which may be related to the time the Baron ordered
the Sheriff killed as a squire’s task (He was healed afterwards).
Meanwhile, Squire Garathon Von Storm led one of the small units
of adventurers responsible for stopping the undead forces and their runners
during the recent siege of Storm’s End. Those who witnessed his
leadership claim that not a single adventurer fell due to his superior battle
tactics, and that this was far from the first time he has commanded a victory
in the field. Why hasn’t this man been knighted yet?
It is said that the
reclaiming of Storm’s End was amply assisted by a collection of new adventurers
named “The Reliables.” Despite
overwhelming odds, these new warriors fought just as bravely as any member of Nordenn, Blythedale, or the Stormblades. Will this stalwart band of heroes stay
The baronial team of Blythedale, by the way, can’t seem to get it
together. Another gathering with no treasury?
Gabriel showed up
in Ashbury after many years just in time to meet his ex-wife Arienne. As usual, he didn’t make many
friends. Well, that’s not
true. He was seen often fighting side by
side with the Galanthian Esten, whose battle cry was
“For the Glory of the Empire.”
Many are wondering why
Raven, despite being a Kiergani, seems to behave very differently from his kin.
What does a Wild Elf need with nobility, coin, or a construct?
Was the Healer’s Guild robbed? Rumor has it that they can’t find their magic items and have been very stingy with what they do have lately. Or maybe that just has something to do with Zatarina, whose feather colors changed overnight it seems, and who, by all reports, has become very angry over something.
That’s all for this
month! Just remember: If you can’t say something nice about
someone, come sit by me.
Public Notices
CURRENLY SEEKING information on Children of Autumn who seem to be infected with some sort of disease which causes them to secrete a black oozing substance. Anyone with any knowledge is asked to please contact Kialda Loa or Squire Ezri Silverthorn.
STORM BLADES are looking for ritual components and will pay two gold for any that
do not expire within the next year. Please speak with
the town of
SCROLL WANTED. I am currently able to
offer 150 gold but I may have some ritual scrolls or
production items to trade from both Icenia and Arandin. CircleMaster Rowan La’Tour