
Fighters are the indomitable front line – built to deal and withstand massive damage. With the highest body-point-to-experience ratio in the game, they prioritize physical prowess. Fighters master weapons of all kinds and, depending on their race, can wear the heaviest armor. Though less skilled in magic or crafting, their raw combat power is unmatched.

What kinds of things are they good at?

Fighters are the ultimate combat specialists. They inflict heavy damage, endure tremendous punishment, and use skills like Dodge, Parry, and Intercept to control the battlefield. While somewhat limited in magic, they can benefit from trade skills like Smithing, allowing them to repair their gear in the heat of battle.

What kinds of decisions do you need to make while building one?

Consider these aspects of the Fighter experience:

  • Combat Lover: Do you enjoy the thrill of battle above all else?
  • Weapon Choice: What kind of Fighter do you envision? Sword-and-board, polearm-wielder, etc.?
  • Race: Do racial armor restrictions fit your character concept?

Fighters take naturally to the physical combat arts and rely mainly on strength and stamina to accomplish their goals. They can wear any type of armor and can learn a number of battle skills to aid them with their chosen weapons. If being on the front line and honing your fighting prowess is what you want, this class will give you the most power to accomplish that goal.
Though any race can choose a fighter class, certain races provide bonuses more suited to this class, so take that into consideration when building your character.