Recent content by Loki

  1. Loki

    Nationals 2018 favorite moments

    What a crazy event! It definitely had its ups and downs, particularly with getting injured, but despite that this was still one of the best events I've had! On that note, a few of my favorite moments: The hunt! I am so overjoyed that I was able to participate in that, and absolutely heartened...
  2. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, I give you my own word that no harm will come to you from the court for the duration of the meeting and for a half hour past your departure, to protect you while you leave, so long as you do not take action against any of us first. I hope that works. - Squire Aikoll of Rivervale
  3. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, Thank you for the clarification of the untruth you gave earlier. In regards to obtaining any other information would you be willing to negotiate when you temporarily remove the curse from Panax? As you've declined my other offers it would make things smoother if I could confer with...
  4. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, I do agree to these terms, and I will bring the item with me. I can't speak for the scholars of the court but I will pass along the message to all of them so they are at least prepared to offer their magic themselves if they desire. Will any of what I offered also work as an opening...
  5. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, While I don't have much, I can offer the following: a pocket watch, broken on my first night as a squire in the heat of battle and the memory of a very tough lesson; a necklace crafted by me with one of my own feathers; a magical gemstone containing the ability to restore a single...
  6. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, I agree to bargain with you and, to the best of my ability, meet the price that is set; if I do not fully understand what is asked of me I also agree to state that. As your mental signatures have identified you as 'definitely not a chivalric type,' all I ask is a token of goodwill...
  7. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, Are you sure there's a curse? Our current reports from around the barony place Panax in Foxglove Hallow already. If there is a curse on him, of course we would be willing to negotiate for its removal, but without knowing it does exist, it's somewhat silly to have it 'removed.' -...
  8. Loki

    Rivervale, Rivervale, Rivervale I speak your name and you should Appear.

    Superbia, we acknowledge your proposition. Because of its nature, and because it is hard to place trust in an unknown being based solely on their word, we would like to request more information about the nature of the curse and its target before we begin negotiations. - Squire Aikoll of Rivervale
  9. Loki

    November favourite moments (season closer)

    What a long, strange trip it's been! Wonderful year overall. In no particular order, my highlights: Swearing my oath to Dame Katherine and taking the red belt! It's been close to a year-long journey- and it's barely just begun! I look forward to what the future brings and how the character...
  10. Loki

    Fortunes from the Box of Mysteries

    Helo evryone. For thos of you who didnt heer I compiled a list of fortunes from the box of mysteries in the theater of the dead. If you hav any I misd plees add them. I hav no idea what any of these meen but I did write down both halfs of eech and separate those by content. ~ A wylderkin with...
  11. Loki

    Favorite moments

    I had a TON of fun this weekend! As I'm having trouble picking a single favorite, here's a list of mine. Nearly getting into a fight with Tal and Kellan when they started accusing Puck of being in charge of the goblins. I love a little bit of animosity now and then. Taking charge of the field...
  12. Loki

    May favored moments!

    Holy moly was this a fun event! Even with figuring out that sometimes, even in game, relationships change. The aurora borealis. Specifically, catching it with the Captain and Abtus AND not getting hit by monsters while staring at the sky Mysterious note of mysterious, round two! I am both IG...
  13. Loki

    Colorado Medieval Festival Details

    Both myself (Aikoll - Katie) and Zach (Captain Roberts) are willing to be wanderers with flyers on Saturday. We'd also be willing to switch with anyone at the booth who would like to go for a walk, and will likely have basic blacks with us as well just in case more NPCs are needed.
  14. Loki


    Definitely willing to NPC as needed (outside of the mod I'm on), and I'd also be willing to take over a kitchen and crank out some grilled cheese sandwiches for the NPCs. -- Katie
  15. Loki

    September 2016 favored moments!

    What a weekend! Glad I decided to cross over to the PC side, even if it was scary. Very scary. Out of character: Someone knowing EXACTLY what breed I'd picked for my inspiration! ABSOLUTELY made me light up. Not having a lot of people recognize me in character. It means I definitely get a +1...