Castle Event Room Reservations


Current Room Reservations

Upstairs (4 person Rooms with Shower) $120

Hunters Rest - <Reserved - >>>THE<<< Keepers >
The Heart's Haunt - <Reserved> Griffon Guard
Griffon's Perch - <Reserved> Wayside Wanderers
The Ancient's Grove - <Reserved> Small's Smarties

Down Stairs (2+ Person Rooms, with Bath+sink)

Boggles Bungalow - <Reserved> - Shadow's Light
Kobolds Kottage - <Reserved> - Shadow's Light
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I assume if we plan to stay in one of the mass bunk rooms, there will be more than enough space and no specific reservation is necessary?
That is correct
Is the 2 person rooms the same price as the 4 person rooms?
That's it folks, the private rooms are fully booked! Seems like we should build a second castle to hold everyone!
Oh man, didn't hop on this quite fast enough, hopefully you're ready for some visitors downstairs :)
Please ensure that you pre reg for the event as well.