Eye of da Storm


Hey so GRONK was gonna head back ta Wayside for a while but I got sumtin I gotta get done first. Sounds like we got most a' doze artifacts we been lookin' for but ain't nobody done anyting on da Eye of da Storm.

I gots a Vision scroll and I got components and I got a pretty good idea what to look for wit it, but I'mma need a bigger Starmage dan me ta cast it. Asura? Ilana? Gandian? Somebody else? Da caster don't really matter as long as dey can pull it off. I wanna do dis at da gaddering next month.

Da udder ting is I heard Vision scrolls work better if da person dat da Vision is cast on knows anyting about seer stuff or fortune tellin' or any udder type of divinin' ting where you look to da future. Da only people I know of dat do dat are Ragnarok and Lady Liddia - I ain't gonna ask Raggles ta get a Celestial ritual cast on 'im unless he really wants to, and Lady Liddia don't come around ta Gaden too much. If dere's anyone dat wants ta look into da past to try to find da Eye wit me, I'll tell you what you gotta know.

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Me think that Jamina knows some stuff about fortune telling if finding a seer is dat important.

Hey so Urt, Violet, you guys wanna come out fer dis? I dunno if anyting's gonna come out of it right away but I figure da more Ogres we got da better. Also any udder Ogres dat wanna come adventurin'. Especially if dere's a wind-seer or whatever da Erudan version is.

Oh, GRONK didn't hear Ragnararok dere. Yeah, if Jamina knows dat sorta stuff, I tink dat'd help a lot.

Ragnarok is right. I have made a few coins here and there Seeing for people. And I would be happy to help.


If you still need a caster when the time comes, I'm always ready and willing. With my strength being more focused in battle magic rather than formal power at the moment, I might not be able to True Empower it, but a Touch of Empowerment is still certainly within my talents.

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Hey Gandian, Jamina,

Yeah if you guys can do da casting and da seeing I'll bring everyting else, and we should have at least a couple Ogres around ta witness it. I also gots a Foresee da Weather scroll if you tink dat'll come up, like if dere's a storm we gotta track or sumtin. I might gotta trade components around ta find da right ones but dat ain't usually a problem.

I will be around and believe your work to be of high priority. I will bring components to trade in case you need them.

Walk with Honor,