Laws of Prince Malidor


All those entering in and around Malidors outpost will be subject to the laws of Prince Malidor.

Death- No murder of citizen races. Period. Conspiracy to commit murder will carry out the same punishment as murder itself. Murder done in self defense or by negligence will be excused on a case by case basis, providing you did everything you could to prevent it. I have zero tolerance for criminals and you will be punished. First offense- death. Second offense- death and banishment.

Theft- Do not steal anything from anyone. Period. If you're not sure if it belongs to you or not, don't touch it. First offense- forced to return item and four times its value as a fine will be paid to the militia for defense purposes. Second offense- forced to return item, four times its value in fines, and a ritual spell will be cast to mark your forehead with the letter T for all to see for one year. Any attempts at removing this, will earn you a death and banishment for defiance.
If you cannot pay your fines, you will be forced to serve in the mines or the militia. Your choice. If you can no longer return the item, you will still pay four times its value to the militia and four times its worth to the victim. If you cannot pay back the victim, you will indenture yourself as a servant to the victim for one year or until they release you.

Breaking and entering- if you break into someone's house, or enter without permission, they have the right to defend themselves. If this leads to your death, they will be forgiven and you will not. Upon your resurrection you will face a trial for your crime where you will most likely pay a heavy fine. If you are caught in any fashion breaking in, stealing something, and leaving, see theft. Fines will be added for both.

Assault and battery- I care not for every argument that takes place over stupidity. You may hurl all the insults and threats that you want, but if it leads to a fight, I insist that you get a member of the militia or the town guard to supervise it. You will agree to terms such as first hit, three hits, five hits, or unconsciousness. Fighting to the death is not allowed. See above. If it is in the heat of the moment, you better provide first aid or healing or else see above under murder. Fighting in the heat of the moment without a guardsman as witness will earn you a small fine.

Necromancy- as all the fru fru elves will tell you- this magic is lethal and deadly to the land around us. I have seen evidence of this myself down below. If you call upon chaos either to raise undead or to use battle magic, you have committed necromancy. If you have planned with or aided a necromancer in any way (including, but not limited to, providing ritual scrolls and components), you will be charged with conspiracy to commit necromancy which carries the same penalty. First offense is death. Second is obliteration. Third is obliteration and banishment. Speaking to undead for tactical advantage is not considered conspiracy, but other friendly conversations with them might be seen as such.

Bottom line is this- in the outpost, we are outnumbered by what surrounds us. I don't need people doing stupid things to one another when we have bigger threats to handle together. Stupidity will not be tolerated. Together we will overcome and thrive.

Prince Malidor Ironbeard