Tentative Revised 2020 Traverse Schedule


Although we hope to be able to have at least a half-season this year, due to the fluidity of the coronavirus pandemic every single bit of this information is subject to change. The following dates are currently planned, pending the status of Michigan's lockdown and stay-at-home orders. Please note that one of our previously scheduled events for Labor Day weekend has been cancelled/rescheduled as this coincides with the new date for Nationals in Chicago.

Event Dates

July 10 - 12

on State Land

July 31 - August 2
on State Land

August 21 - 23
on State Land

October 2 - 4
at Camp Arbutus (note location change)
YMCA Camp Arbutus
(rustic cabins), 1380 E Arbutus Lake Rd, Traverse City, MI 49696
State Land (bring your own shelter), N Branch Rd & Dead Horse Rd, Whitewater Twp, MI 49696

The cost of a PC Weekend event is $40.
NPCing is always free, and if you NPC the whole weekend you get a bonus NPC Blanket of XP so your Characters can grow a bit faster.
For additional pass and pricing information please see the thread here.
Because of the safety restrictions already on us, it will be difficult to run an event for fewer than 12 PCs. So, if you are planning to attend the July 10-12 "opener", PLEASE PRE-REGISTER NO LATER THAN 11:59PM TOMORROW, JULY 3RD. If we do not have 12 PC registrations at that time, the staff plans to cancel the event.

Additionally, please be advised that Traverse City (the actual city) did have some possible new cases of COVID-19 recently, and some areas of the state are regressing back to Stage 3. If you plan on attending, we will need you to submit a health screening questionnaire to confirm you are not potentially infected/contagious. More details on that to come.

Lastly, as a reminder, this event is scheduled to be held on state land. There are no shelters (bring your own tent), no electricity, no running water. And it is supposed to be in the 80s Fahrenheit all that weekend, with the possibility of isolated storms at the very beginning and very end of the weekend. Masks will still be required but we will provide lots of breaks for those that have difficulty breathing especially in the warm weather.

We thank you all for your cooperation and understanding. This is a difficult time to be pursuing the social things we all love, but the health and safety of everyone has to come before anything else.
Due to low registration numbers, and concerns about weather and public health, the staff has regretfully made the difficult decision to cancel the July 10th through 12th event. Please continue to follow this thread for a decision on the July 31st through August 2nd event.