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  1. A

    Welcome to Alliance Atlanta!

    Hi, I think the Discord link doesn't work.
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    Rebuild from 2.0 to 2.1?

    Will there be a rebuild going from 2.0 to 2.1? I'm about to build a character (which already has a bunch of XP from pre-2.0 times). I'm not interested in 2.0 crafting, but I am interested in 2.1 crafting (assuming that it ends up passing in something roughly similar to its current form). Will I...
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    Alliance LARP Virginia's 3rd game "A trudge through Miasma"

    Hello, I'm considering coming; I'm planning to make a merchant as a beta test character (level 17 with most of his XP in crafting skills) so I can test out the crafting system. I have a few questions about how this will be handled: - Can I bring in treasure from my live character? Do I get...
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    Inscriber's Tome

    Inscriber's Tome states that "the character with Inscription" can use it. Is this saying that only the creator of the Inscriber's Tome can use it? Or that only characters with at least one level of Inscription can use it? Or can anyone use it and this should just say "the user"?
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    Some possibly unintended uses of the new crafting rules

    I assume that you can't Recycle a Field Crafted tag or use it as an ingredient for something like a Healing Weapon because that counts the number of Production Points it is, and Field Crafted tags do not have a Production Point value. However, - Can you use a Field Crafted tag as an ingredient...
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    Some possibly unintended uses of the new crafting rules

    Do the following work the way I describe them, and if so, are they intended? 1. A player with Recycle in a particular crafting skill (e.g. Alchemy) can convert crafting materials between the two types associated with that skill (e.g. Herbs to Leather or vice versa) by converting e.g. Herb ->...
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    Made a mistake using the CMA

    I have a level 17 character (Andrew) in the CMA. I have PCed this character during 1.0, but have not PCed the character at all yet after the 2.0 reset. I was rebuilding the character in the CMA, experimenting with different builds. However, I didn't realize that clicking spend build is...
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    Getting back in after a long absence

    I used to play Alliance a lot, the last time I played was around 2018 or so, and I'm interested in getting back into it. I think I'm interested in being an NPC my first event so I can get a better understanding of how you run things. I have a few questions for now: - About how many players show...
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    Getting back in after a long absence

    i used to play Alliance a lot, the last time I played was around 2018 or so, and I'm interested in getting back into it. I think I'm interested in being an NPC my first event so I can get a better understanding of how you run things. I have a few questions for now: - About how many players show...
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    Andrew's Planned Return

    Hello once again from the mists. It is I, Andrew the Bard, whom you may remember from long ago, when the lands of Acarthia were first recovering from the War of a Thousand Skirmishes. As a bard, I have traveled throughout the mists in search of stories of adventure. And in all these stories...
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    "Clarify" rules: what can bystanders do?

    I am unsure if this is a National rule (is it?) but several chapters I have been in have had a "Clarify" rule where a group of people can be in a "mini-hold" while clarifying an effect that occurred between them, while the rest of the battle still rages on around them. Most of these questions...
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    Machine gunning rules: tracked separately per-weapon?

    The rule for machine gunning state that you must hit a new location or wait 2 seconds before hitting the same location again. For a two hand fighter, is this tracked separately per-weapon, or taking all your swings as a whole? To be more specific, let's say I am wielding a left hand weapon and...
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    Scholar vs. Archer Damage Comparison

    Thank you for your comments. (Note: Previous version had math error where I didn't take into account miss chance for scrolls. This has been corrected; doesn't significantly change the plots. Also, changed arrows used per battle from 70 to 60 due to feedback that the previous number was too high)...
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    Scholar vs. Archer Damage Comparison

    Considering the current discussion around damage scaling, here is a chart I made to compare the damage output of caster and archer classes (these I thought were the most comparable because they both throw packets). This chart allows you to change assumptions and see how that affects the results...
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    Why not add more denominations of currency?

    In discussions on the forums I keep hearing about how the OOG cost of coin physreps can be a significant barrier to plot teams in terms of what treasure they can put out. It seems to me like a simple way to mitigate this problem is to add additional denominations of currency. For instance, if...
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    Real-World Complexity and Plot

    To me, this would completely defeat the purpose of the research quest. The reason I would be interested in a research based mod is because I would be interested in actually figuring out a solution to a puzzle. To just roll a die or use a skill and say "Okay, you do the research and find X" would...
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    Brainstorming: Low Plot Effort Quests

    Since plot resources are a major limiting factor regarding how much plot can be run, a way to increase the amount of plot run and thus provide more opportunities for players to participate in plot is to come up with mods and scenarios that are interesting but can still be run with minimal effort...
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    [0.9] Paragon Paths

    Thanks for the clarifications. The clarification about qualifiers was very helpful; unfortunately, for some of them, it seems like it makes the powers even more broken than I had thought. It sounds like I was right that an “Elemental” qualifier means that hitting the enemy's shield or weapon...
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    Real-World Complexity and Plot

    I understand that Plot has a limited amount of time available to set up and run plots. That is why I am asking the question, “How can we incorporate these types of activities into the game without taking up too much of Plot's time?” Effectively, since the limiting factor in how much plot we can...
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    [.9] Flurry 3

    The way I would interpret it is that if you are pursuing someone and hit them three times, then you can keep running after them, you just have to wait 2-3 seconds (or whatever the pause duration ends up being) before you can hit them again. You are right though that the flurry rule does make...