Search results

  1. W

    Getting Ahold of Plot

    Ok, so, I have a BUNCH of questions for any plot member really, but I've been so out of the loop for a while that I don't have any contact info. Anyone mind lending me an e-mail address or something? Please and thank you ^_^
  2. W

    Getting Married

    Sorry to be away for so long! Health issues aside (i am cancer-free!!) Matthew and I are getting married! So, I need any and all advice you as my "other" family can spare please... O.o.... I'm a little outta my relm here.
  3. W

    Clothing for sale and order!!!!

    I'm selling off some of my Romani garb, and now that I have my sewing machine up and running, I will be taking orders for things as well. On my Facebook, I'll be posting pictures of those things I have made so far. Colors, sizing and other spesifications can all be worked out either over the...
  4. W

    Looking for a varda

    My sister tells me she is to buy a new varda in zee next gaser. I vas vondering iif anyvon knew zee going price for such sings, and where, iif at all, I could find one as vell? Let us know eiser by missive or by dreaming. I'll keep my moind and ears alvays open Sank you fellow travelers. I...
  5. W

    New and in need

    Sadly, it seems that those adventurers who would most likely be able to help me procure a long sword and a shield have either left their forges, or are so busy I do not wish to bother them with such a small task. IF there is anyone who would be willing to name a price for such items, I will...
  6. W

    Scavy Masks??

    I'm looking to find a mask for a timber wolf scavy. NE one know where I could check out> Online or not, doesn't matter to me. It's just like trying to find a sar mask, takeing me forever! THanks guys! ^^
  7. W

    Good, Happy energy needed!!!

    *BIG SIGH* I have to go into surgery for a partial historectamy. (I'm aware that I may not have spelled that right). Any advice for prepareing myself, or any happy thoughts would be greatly helpful. I'm a little scared. I'm just glad it's not the full-blown deal. So, any advice, tips, or ideas?
  8. W

    Need Information

    I'm doing a project for college. There's an abandoned Factory here in Central NY, and I'm having trouble finding information. I know alot of you guys are better at working with computers than I am, so I'm asking for help. Anyone who can find info about Alpha beta cement, Jamesville, Ny, if you...
  9. W

    Poem Hits my Heart

    I found this poem in a book my Mother gave me. It hit me like a brick. I wanted to know what others felt about it... It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you...
  10. W

    Food and Sweets

    Just wanting to hear the oppinions of everyone. I usualy have a huge baking-party the day befor an event and bring the sweets and other things to Fairdale to sell or give away. What would you like to see me bring? Usualy I have things out at the Late-night Tavern, but if there are things like...