12/07-12/09 Cabin List


Hello Seattle! Here is the cabin list for this upcoming weekend 12/07-12-09.

The list right now only contains people who have pre-registered, but DON'T WORRY, if you're planning to attend but haven't preregged, or if you know someone else is in the same boat, please contact me whatever way you feel most comfortable, and YOU WILL be put somewhere you want to be! Same goes for if you want me to move you to another cabin for whatever reason.

Please let me know and I will make arrangements.

NPCs aren't on the list because y'all can figure your stuff out onsite.

We will be back in Stradyn, so feel free to do your Stradyn stuff.

Since we have some new players, I will mention that we are not allowed to use pins or tape other than blue painter's tape in the cabins, BUT there are convenient eyelets set into the ceilings around the bunks, so you can still hang stuff up even on the top bunks.