2017 Big West - Feedback Form


Hey Everyone!

Thank you so much for coming out to 2017 Big West. It was really great to get to see/meet everyone.

Here is a link to the 2017 Big West feedback form!


Please use this form to provide Big West feedback. This feedback will be read in entirety by me. The feedback will then be de-identified and condensed into key take-aways. This will be provided to staff members for 2017 Big West upon request. The feedback will also be provided to whoever is working on the 2019 Regional Events.

You will receive 30 goblin stamps in Seattle for completing this feedback form.

If you would like to submit your feedback anonymously, you will not receive the 30 goblin stamps. To submit anonymously, please write "Anonymous" under the Player Name section.

Again, thank you for your participation!
