A Dwarf amoung Little People

I dunno about that... his head looks very photoshoped...

and the blonde hair?

But 3-5 pound dumbells? I mean, congratulations to him, but that's not impressive.

and the blonde hair is a tad out of place, I think.
I checked out the stats on this little dude and his upper thigh measurements are smaller around than my neck! That's crazy.
I bet that means you could lift a 3.5 lb dumbbell with your neck!

Oh... wait... n/m ;-)
Seems like an odd thing to compare ^.^

Marcena's head to a 3.5 lb dumbbell?

I thought it a fairly natural comparison...
Maybe Marcena's head. But Jesse is somehow much brighter than that. And apparently less evolved come to find out....
Marcena said:
But 3-5 pound dumbells? I mean, congratulations to him, but that's not impressive.

and the blonde hair is a tad out of place, I think.

3-5 lb dumbells, but he is 21 lbs.... thats the "impresive" part. It is like being able to bench your own weight and more. A sign you are in shape.

So proportionally, he's lifting a third of his body weight. I can lift fourty six pounds as well. But for his size it's likely far more difficult. So congrats to the little man!