A Message heard across the Land


<This message is heard as if by an accepted Whispering Wind by all those that are considered to be citizens of Gaden. This includes adventurers new and old, even if you have strong ties to other lands as well.>

By Heritage and Birthright, I now take up the Scepter of Ages and command that it recognize me as the one, only, and true King of Gaden.

I wear upon myself the mantle of lordship over all the domains held by the Gaden family and its servants. I haven taken upon myself and recognize the weight of my Father's crown.

I proclaim myself King as my ancestors have before me and hold my rights, privileges, and power as absolute in these lands. Woe be to any who would contest this from this day forward.

<The scepter activated, there is a short, silence as if the King is Gather his thoughts.>

It has been only a bit more than three years since I took up the mantle to lead, on that day I made a promise that no longer would we cower and hide from the corrupt, that we would take the battle to them, and engage them we have. Now the corrupt face their end, cornered by the Vanguard and the brave forces led by Ser Griffon.

But like any beast, our enemy is at the most dangerous when cornered, our allies are under siege. The brave men and women in Pratorak are facing and advance like no other. Having crossed the grasslands our foe is less than a week away from engaging our Western border, a far broader battle than they have ever brought against us before. Even the rulers of Bomae have broken their stubborn silence to inform us that they have been pressed greatly.

The Vanguard and our other troops are even now pressing in to break the last of the corrupt, but we must all do our part, and defend our lands from the forces of our enemy long enough for the blow to be struck. Many long years of combat has seen our military spend much of it's strength and while the courageous men and women stand their guard on the Western forts, this is no longer a fight that can be left only to our fighting troops.

To that end, I have called upon my Father's brave servant Duke Idden to join me as we personally take to the Western front, to lend our strength in this coming battle. In this battle we will bring our all to stand against of enemy's full fury, and at the end I believe we will stand resolute having realized the dream of all the children born in our lands.

I am hear-by ordering all Men and Women over the Age of 12 years, that are not in ill health, to join me at any fort on the Western border. Those children under the age of twelve are to head to the Roskarian border on the wagon trains provided. There they will await with the Mystics of that land for word of our victory, or should our might fail us, to carry on our story, and our dreams into the many realms through the mists.

Many old sources have been found through out the years of other groups trying to bring down the corrupt. The first of such sources note the first group that served the forgotten dragons of lore, they referenced the end of the corrupt as the bringing of the dawn after a long and dangerous night. I can think of no better metaphor as we seek to draw our world out of the darkness that has befallen it and back into the light all our citizens so richly deserve.

The Magic of the scepter wanes, may we all fare well in the battle to come, as we help to realize the dawn so many have sought for.

- King Talon Gaden
Seventh of his Line, Ruler of Gaden
All hail King Talon!
May Victory come swiftly!
Onward to the Dawn!

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade