A notice on the tavern board

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Shatrevar pins a notice to the board within the tavern as he prepares to leave town on his way to the Remmington estate.

Lost / Misplaced

A reagent has been lost that is needed by Nadja.
The item is a "sharks fin" which was recovered by
my fellow adventures and I from a land shark (oog: Bulette)
and we seek assistance in locating it.

If found, please return to Sheriff Isawda.
Garridan reads the note, and chuckles. Obviously someone left it just lying around. Everyone should know by now you can't just leave stuff lying around unattended.

He searches Shatravar out and mentions to him, "Oh someone left a Shark Fin lying around, so Charlie grabbed it and I believe handed it over to Clover. And I know Hamish had a fin or two he handed over to Nadja."
"Ahhh, thank you Master Garridan. I spoke with the Sheriff and someone had turned in the fin, so I retrieved it and gave it to Mistress Nadja already". "I spoke with my companion Nazrat and impressed upon him the importance of not just leaving items laying around any longer; thank you for all your help".
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