A potential bounty if you have the time.


Greetings all,

I've continued my duties keeping up with the shipments too and fro, and I believe I have found something of interest near the town of Rivenside. It seems a wagon slated to resupply the earth and celestial guilds on the western border was left behind as part of a convoy and I can find not sign that it was ever recovered.

This likely means the wagon is still there, I have found a local scout named Freddie who has offered to lead the way for anyone not named McGregor (why that is his official policy I have no idea).

I have set up transportation from the Celestial guild for those arriving early enough this Friday to have time to make a quick run out to check into things.

Assistant to the secondary Quartermaster of the Order of the Iron Anvil, Artisan Cedrik
Ya wagon will not go amiss. Bevin n' me should be able to get dhere with Freddie show'n me the way.

I can guarantee you there was a reason it was left. And you'll need someone to fix it up should it be damaged. I'll be coming along as well.
