"Thank you Elspeth, I very much appreciate your help." With a smile and a nod Tengu takes a step through the portal and... Finds a short drop to a mouthful of salt water on the other side. Breaking the surface and taking a deep breath he looks around and sees the shore a short distance off. "Well, that was bracing. It's all downhill from here..." he thinks as he swims towards the beach.
Heading inland, the morning sun quickly drying his clothes, it was not long before he spotted signs of habitation. Following the scent of wood smoke down the road he begins to see occasional foot traffic. Waving down a bull-kin pulling a cart piled with wood Tengu asks, "Excuse me, where is the nearest town?". Casting a furtive glance around the bull-kin quickens his pace, eyes suddenly focused on the ground in front of him. Quizzically watching the kin retreat down the road he frowns. "Definitely not a good sign." In fact all he saw seemed to react in much the same way, and oddly enough most were kin though there were a human or two as well. Not a word in passing, fear evident in the eyes of those whose briefly met his own.
As the sun approached it's zenith he spots a settlement. "Finally, some answers," he sighs. Walking through the gates he is not surprised by what he sees; feathers crossing the brows of most and those without staying close to those to whom they answered to. "The stench of fear gave it away. Biata, slaves, I am most certainly on Domus." Passing more than a few contemptuous looks at his disheveled appearance, meeting each one with a level stare of his own, he recognizes an inn and makes his way towards it.
Approaching the bar the innkeeper, a portly Biata with graying hair, arches a single yellow and white plumed brow with a smirk. "Well don't you look like something the cat-kin dragged in."
"Yes, my... transportation... ran into difficulties and left me cast adrift. Worry not, I can pay, I will be needing a bath, a meal, a room, a tailor, and directions to the Capitol if you would be so kind," Tengu responds with a smile.
Wiping his hands on his apron the bartender chuckles. "I suppose I can set you up." Reaching under the bar he passes over a key. "Room 4, up the stairs on the left. Public baths are down the street and Flavius next door can set you up with some fresh clothes right quick." Giving the Biata a once over he continues, "The Capitol is up the road out the South gate, three days walk. You're obviously not from around here, what takes you to the Capitol?"
"Simply delivering a message. Much appreciated for the information."
Arriving in the Capitol Tengu crosses the great square, pausing to look at the Homestone. Though obviously fractured and still missing pieces it is a grand sight to behold, a monument of living stone and racial memory. He had only been here once before, to return his parents nearly destroyed hematites to the stone, and had not thought that he would return so soon. "Al'Zoon has much to pay for," he think s to himself. "Not only for this, but why an entire race avoids conflict with such a hated foe is beyond me." Shaking his head he turns in the direction of those he is here to speak with, the offices of the Opus Imperatum.
Passing between the pillars of the entry hall Tengu approaches the front desk. The woman behind the desk fixes him with a hawkish stare. "What may I help you with?" she asks coldly, disdain dripping from her voice.
"Greetings," he responds. "My name is Tengu Tietzsche, Executor of the Inner Circle of the Calenhelm Earth Weavers, currently stationed in the Lux Obscura. I have information pertaining to events concerning Aeternous Mortis and Al'Zoon and the shard of the Homestone which was previously in the town of Parson's Breach. If you would be so kind I would like to meet with someone who is qualified to speak on such matters at their earliest convenience."
Heading inland, the morning sun quickly drying his clothes, it was not long before he spotted signs of habitation. Following the scent of wood smoke down the road he begins to see occasional foot traffic. Waving down a bull-kin pulling a cart piled with wood Tengu asks, "Excuse me, where is the nearest town?". Casting a furtive glance around the bull-kin quickens his pace, eyes suddenly focused on the ground in front of him. Quizzically watching the kin retreat down the road he frowns. "Definitely not a good sign." In fact all he saw seemed to react in much the same way, and oddly enough most were kin though there were a human or two as well. Not a word in passing, fear evident in the eyes of those whose briefly met his own.
As the sun approached it's zenith he spots a settlement. "Finally, some answers," he sighs. Walking through the gates he is not surprised by what he sees; feathers crossing the brows of most and those without staying close to those to whom they answered to. "The stench of fear gave it away. Biata, slaves, I am most certainly on Domus." Passing more than a few contemptuous looks at his disheveled appearance, meeting each one with a level stare of his own, he recognizes an inn and makes his way towards it.
Approaching the bar the innkeeper, a portly Biata with graying hair, arches a single yellow and white plumed brow with a smirk. "Well don't you look like something the cat-kin dragged in."
"Yes, my... transportation... ran into difficulties and left me cast adrift. Worry not, I can pay, I will be needing a bath, a meal, a room, a tailor, and directions to the Capitol if you would be so kind," Tengu responds with a smile.
Wiping his hands on his apron the bartender chuckles. "I suppose I can set you up." Reaching under the bar he passes over a key. "Room 4, up the stairs on the left. Public baths are down the street and Flavius next door can set you up with some fresh clothes right quick." Giving the Biata a once over he continues, "The Capitol is up the road out the South gate, three days walk. You're obviously not from around here, what takes you to the Capitol?"
"Simply delivering a message. Much appreciated for the information."
Arriving in the Capitol Tengu crosses the great square, pausing to look at the Homestone. Though obviously fractured and still missing pieces it is a grand sight to behold, a monument of living stone and racial memory. He had only been here once before, to return his parents nearly destroyed hematites to the stone, and had not thought that he would return so soon. "Al'Zoon has much to pay for," he think s to himself. "Not only for this, but why an entire race avoids conflict with such a hated foe is beyond me." Shaking his head he turns in the direction of those he is here to speak with, the offices of the Opus Imperatum.
Passing between the pillars of the entry hall Tengu approaches the front desk. The woman behind the desk fixes him with a hawkish stare. "What may I help you with?" she asks coldly, disdain dripping from her voice.
"Greetings," he responds. "My name is Tengu Tietzsche, Executor of the Inner Circle of the Calenhelm Earth Weavers, currently stationed in the Lux Obscura. I have information pertaining to events concerning Aeternous Mortis and Al'Zoon and the shard of the Homestone which was previously in the town of Parson's Breach. If you would be so kind I would like to meet with someone who is qualified to speak on such matters at their earliest convenience."