A Riddle Between Friends


A Whispering Wind is sent out into the dreaming and Manifests as follows to each of you...it is clear it is a one way communication and is accompanied by rhythmic thumping like that of a door being broken down. Unlike most whispering winds its a colorful swirl of words not so much sounds but art....

Ha ha ha ....Its incredibly hard to dream when your an undead, even when you have a dream, a dream of being unified once again with your family. My family have long been taken from me and I no longer care to serve my master or be a second fiddle to his bits. Thus I have not been doing a single thing I am supposed to be doing in recent months...unfortunately some of his knights have decided to take an issue with that. They will be breaking down the door to the hidey hole I am now in and I will not survive: They already destroyed my bottle and now its just my last charge of essence between me and uniting with my family. You know I am not really the type to hold a grudge...or am I....or maybe I just like spreading a bit of chaos....But here goes...figure out this riddle and you will figure out where I have hidden a book which outlines much of what Viktor Hooks real agenda is...what he is really doing......Bwahahah....Do I look like someone with a plan....no way there is no way I have a plan.... why so serious. Listen Close you Dum Dums and Read Between My Words....

the book can simpLy be fOund wherever yOu looK Each Floor Has A Chest Maybe Trapped Maybe Not
If you look iN the right place The Traps Will Explode with Necromancy or Maybe Candy who knows such things not me....
Why woUld you ever look in the Right place though i do not know since your kinda Mean, Stupid, Ediots, now now No name calling let'S all get along Hate Y'all!!
tactics will noT save you fOr all is lost for soon the bits Will be done and hE will win and eat you all up why so seRious Enjoy the Rust Monsters!! BwHaha

Bwahhahahahahah - oh nossss...buh bye Not Going So Easy Boys

Your Favorite Friendly Murderous Jester Phineas

Sound of a door breaking and intense combat abruptly end the Whispering Wind.....
I mean the answer is obvious but I'm guessing that victor could be listening, how should I tell people it if they don't already have it. Should I just post it or would that lead to another Mwa haha and a possible movement of the book? Also maybe it was to easy and I'm missing something.


nevermind I saw now. we are good