Adventurers' Assistance Wanted!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Adventuring community,

I am pleased to announce that the 22nd Annual Roskarian Mercantile Conference will be held in Rivenside on the 31st day of March!

For those who are not familiar, the Roskarian Mercantile Conference is a gathering of representatives from different mercantile groups and companies from across the Sheltered Lands, all getting together to discuss and facilitate further trading and growth options between these groups. The location of the conference changes year to year, and with the banditry issue in Rivenside being the lowest it has been in seven years, we have decided that it is high time that the conference take place in Rivenside once again after sixteen years.

The adventuring community has proven itself quite effective at dealing with a number of issues in Rivenside over the years, let alone other places in the Sheltered Lands, and we event coordinators definitely recognize your prowess. This being said, numerous merchants and their wares from near and far will be travelling into the Rivenside area shortly before the Conference, and we are looking for a bit of assistance from the adventurers to help clear up any minor issues that may be problematic or inconvenient to our arriving visitors. We are, of course, willing to provide compensation for your assistance in ensuring the region is appropriately safe for the Conference days.

Those adventurers that are interested should please arrive in Rivenside on the morning of the 29th day of March so that there is still time to clear up any potential problems before the majority of the merchants arrive for the start of the Conference on the 31st. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Have a pleasant day,
- Grant Dugar
Conference Coordinator
Mr. Dugar,

Would you kindly let us know of any hostile activity the area has experienced recently? If memory serves me right, last time I was in these lands a year ago there was a bandit issue along with a few Troglodytes. If there is nothing of concern, then I can only hope things go smoothly. Is there anything specific the adventuring community can do?

I will represent the Earth Guild and provide medical aid should anyone be in need of it. It should be no trouble at all, as I'll be passing through the Capitol on my way there.

- Asher
Mr. Asher,

Like I said, the issue of banditry is the lowest its been in Rivenside for seven years, thanks to the help of the adventurers. A lot of the ex-brigands have started up doing honest work again, and even if it's just because they're scared the adventurers will come and beat them up if they go back to thieving, it's still made Rivenside a much finer place to live. We occasionally see the trogs on the outskirts, but they haven't been much of an issue either.

To be really honest, there haven't been a lot of directly hostile things in the region lately, save for the wolves. There are these peculiar wolves that have been prowling around one of the north roads with weird wisps of magic coming off their fur, and no matter how often we think we've killed them off, they just keep coming back. We were hoping maybe you adventurers would have better success in making sure they stay off the road. Other than that, we were hoping that some of you might be able to help us in closing up a little Blade Eater cave just outside town. The Blade Eaters haven't really come out and started attacking lately, but we'd hate for them to do so right in the middle of the Conference and melt down some of our guest merchants' goods. All in all, I don't think it should be too much trouble for people with as much skill as you adventurers.

Thank you so much for your offer of healing, and I look forward to meeting you on your way into town.

- Grant Dugar
Conference Coordinator Grant Dugar,

Not that we are looking to upstage the Celestial Guild of Roskaria, be it known that representatives of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden will be available to provide services for the conference.

1) Identification of Arcane Artifacts (5 Silver donation requested)

2) Teaching of Read Magic (subject to Celestial Guild Member Availability)

3) Casting of Wards: 2 Gold per Ward

- If you wish to purchase this service you may privately contact me.

4) Spellcrafting Services:
Costs associated with this service will vary by effect type and strength desired. However the basic costs are as follows:

- If the components for the spellcrafting are provided then the cost is 2 gold per level of spellcraft.
- If you require The Royal Celestial Guild to provide the components the cost is 4 to 5 gold per level of spellcraft (subject to availability).

The Royal Celestial Guild values the privacy and discretion of those seeking services, therefore you are encouraged to contact me privately regarding all requests and costs thereof. Furthermore, if you have a ritual that you wish spellcrafted that is not listed above, the scroll must be provided for study beforehand.

Furthermore, if you desire any rituals to be cast resulting in the consumption of the ritual scroll, please contact me privately, and we will see what can be done to accommodate your needs.

May the Darastrix guide your steps until they bring us the dawn once again,

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Historian and Seeker of the Lost Lore of the Sheltered Lands
Mage and Guildmaster of the Hope's Reach and Shademarch Cadres, Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Saturnian Journeyman, Wayside Celestial Guild
Greetings Mr. Dugar,

While I have pressing matters here in Shademarch, others have assured me that I can be relieved long enough to make travels to aid your call.

I am particularly concerned about these wolves you have mensioned as we have wolves within Shademarch that are our allies. Obviously of different packs, and with different intentions, however, we have some skilled 'negotiators' among the adventureres that have skill in such areas.

Blade Eaters can be a nasty lot when provoked. I recomend adventurers to have some extra blades at hand, and sharpen your throwing and archery skills.

Adventurers and Conference days participants are welcome to join me on the Kendra's Fury and travel up river to the Capital and then onward to Riven Side. As the smaller rivers here in Shademarch are still icy, travel to meet up at the head of the Great River (at Great Round Lake), wherein we will set sail in three days time from now up the Misty River to the Capital, and from there by road to Riven Side.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

I have contacted you privately about a service you say you can provide, and I look forward to having someone of your expertise present to assist us.

Squire Von Gryphon,

I am pleased to hear that you plan to make an appearance. I'm not sure about your ability to negotiate with the wolves, though. They're wild animals after all, and there aren't many people I've heard of that can calm wild wolves just by talking to them. I wish you the best, though.

- Grant Dugar
If there have been any yellow-skin-pointed-tooth's by since the wolves showed up have they said anything about imbalance? Or maybe tribesman shaman? I worry that nature isn't right with angry wolves, especially if sky magic or necromancy is involved. This makes me uneasy but I don't know very much about magic so we should find someone who does. This troubles me greatly especially since the giant turtle incident.


I have not seen any High Ogres around in the area recently, nor any Tribesmen. I admit that I don't know too much about magic myself, let alone the balance of nature, but you are welcome to check out these weird wolves with someone who knows more about magic if you think they have something to do with whatever you're worried about.

- Grant Dugar
If anyone has knowledge regarding nature imbalance or planar disruptions please send me a runner with the message or a pigeon. I have a trusted friend to read them for me. Please I worry greatly about the imbalance of the nature in the area ever since the incident with the turtle. Your speed in relaying knowledge is much appreciated.


The day of the Conference is coming closer, and we're doing our best to get everything all sorted out to be ready and perfect for the Conference. With that in mind, those among you that are looking to create Wards and spellcrafted Limited Circles of Power inside the building must come see me prior to doing so.

- Grant Dugar

May I ask why? There was never an issue in the past unless the laws have changes within the year.


I will contact you privately to elaborate further on the matter. Anyone else who has an interest in putting up a Ward or spellcrafted Circle of Power is welcome to speak to me privately for more information.

- Grant Dugar

I'm sure you're well into the conference by now and I truly hope everything goes smoothly the rest of the day. I'm glad we could be of assistance.

Though we still have dinner left tonight for the Conference before things draw to a close and the merchants go their separate ways, I feel I can say that things have gone excellently well for us this year at the Conference. Not a hiccup in the arrangements as everyone arrived in town, and I know who I have to thank for it. I once again thank all the adventurers that met up in Rivenside this past weekend for their assistance in cleaning up the region to make the Conference such a success, and on behalf of the locals that supplied goods to the bargaining table, Rivenside thanks you for your business.

I soon shall be returning to the capital, though I hope that I can someday see some of you again, and if ever you have need of an event coordinator, feel free to send me a letter!

Thanks again,
- Grant Dugar
Grant Dugar,

It was our pleasure to be of assistance. Thank you for your kind words, I hope our paths cross in the future.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon