Advice Needed

Shadow Wolf

Hello I am a extreme noob and need someone or people to give me advice. Please help me as I am just starting my quest. Also I would like advice as to which guild in Oregon I should join.
Your friend in need
Shadow Wolf
My name is Rick and I'm the New Player Representative. Why don't you fire me an email over at and I'll help you as much as you need.
Well, you'll find that we're a pretty friendly bunch that freely give advice. Rick is the official new player rep and can be contacted as above (was literally typing it out for him when he responded. XD).

Now I'm going to quote myself shamelessly:

Well, I'm going to steal a bit of our player rep Rick's thunder and give you the address to the player FAQ:
The biggest tip I can give for LARP in general is if you are looking to do it for less money, prepare to spend some time crafting and sewing. Wrap pants are easy to sew, in genre and all around great. Match that with a simple peasant shirt pattern and you've got the base layer for your first costume. Used carbon fiber golf clubs + pipe cutter = core of ultra-light homemade boffer. Socks, you always want more than you have... and wool stays warm when wet. We're here for happy together pretendy fun time, not to "win", because if you've had a good time, that's the only win condition in this type of LARP. Out of Game Rule 1: be safe, Rule 2: don't be a ****, Rule 3 and on are in the rulebook. In Game Rule 1: don't die, Rule 2: seriously, don't die, Rule 3: if you have to die, die loud! If you're going to be a jerk in game, it's always a good idea to let people know after game that you're still friends and are having pretendy fun times. When it comes to character traits, go big, Big Damn Hero, Big Damn Lawman, Big Damn Assassin... you only get to portray them for a couple of days each year so make it memorable.

So, that's just a random assortment of things I can think of off the top of my head. If you want a really good source for other LARPing information I'd recommend
Hey-lo! I'm Evan, and I totally advocate sending an email to the new player address that Rick provided. He's a pretty smart guy, and he knows his stuff.
I vote Ben should be assistant new player Rep.