PASS AGB Rules Proposal - Race Change with the implementation of 2.1 rules set


Atlanta Staff
Proposed by AGB March 22nd
Seconded by NEPA March 22nd (additional seconds, but not enough to expedite)

Summary: This vote proposes to include a Race Change (Racial Transformation) for all Alliance LARP characters as part of the 2.1 transition. This change will allow players to rebuild their characters within the new system to utilize the benefits of the Race modifications in the 2.1 System.

Vote: Race Change with the implementation of 2.1 rules set [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Crossroads, NEPA, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Roanoke, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Minnesota

Synopsis of conversations: The proposed change was seen as a necessary update due to the significant changes in the 2.1 update that affect several Races. Allowing players to rebuild their characters within the new system was seen as a pro for the adoption of this policy. However, there were concerns about the potential for some swings in character races and an increase in optimized character builds due to the new/modified racial skills.