Alliance Cards

Yay, no dilemma as to where to place this post! *clears throat* Anyway, I'll just get right to it.
To everyone:

About two weeks ago, I was hanging out with some fellow players(you know who you are), sketching a dwarf in a sketchbook of mine while waiting for dinner and a game to be decided upon. Once the sketch was transferred over to a small card, and passed around a few times, it was suggested that maybe there should be cards for each player in Alliance. (There was also a few other ideas tossed around...)

Now, this is a great many cards just for PCs, not to mention NPCs, because let’s face it-- our game just isn’t that awesome without our NPCs. However, I have no idea of whom to draw first. I worked on the idea over the past few weeks, and came up with a few ideas on it. (Health assessment left me with a lot of free time Sunday. This is what I do with it...)

First, I decided on ten (10) cards per set. I also decided that while I would love to do these for free, I really can’t afford to buy the materials and manage my own finances. With that said, I settled on $15. I also believe it to be a great idea to give each person their own personal card, even should that person be featured already in the set--sort of like a special edition of sorts. (Just in case you die, and someone wants to collect you or something...)

Second, I really know maybe ten people well IG. That’s where you guys come in. I want to hold a kind of contest to decide who will be on the first set of cards. Depending on how well this is done this time around, I may do this each and every time.

This is how I’d like it to be done so that it is easier for me to go through and tally things up. There’ll be two rounds. The first round is this--pick up to ten people, and list both their character name and their actual name. You can have a reason why if you wish to add that as well. I’ll have this posted on both the forums, as well as on Facebook. After two weeks, I will go through and find the top twenty choices. Part two will be the whittling down of those twenty to a lucky ten. After that is posted, I’ll take orders for sets of cards.

From there, I’ll make up the sets, personalize them with your own “special edition” of your own card, and get them to you, either myself, or by giving them to someone I know to bring and deliver.

That’s about it, for right now. There may be a rules set going with these but I’m not sure about that yet. Just an FYI, it starts today-- February 14th, 2012, and it will end February 28th, 2012. Remember to let those who are not on the forums or Facebook often know so that they also have a chance to get their choices in.

Thanks everyone!