Also Selling Items - Components


Chicago Staff

I'm going through some things as well that I don't really need. Perhaps those who enjoy making magic items can make use of the below for 2g each, all are very fresh for over 4 years.

Jetsam x2
Fangtooth x2
Heartstone x2
Nightshade x2
Cariosus x2
Truesilver x1
Pyrotis x1
Penna x1
Wand x1

Cure Critical Wounds Potion: 6s each
Cure Mortal Wounds Potion: 1g each

Other alchemy, lots of scrolls and misc stuff available as well. I honestly don't use any of it.

Im not sure the next time you will be in Gaden but I would be interested in an Earth Aura scroll to make my wacking stick swing with the power of the earth.

Bruisey Foemangler
I can sell you the conps but I do not have an Earth Aura scroll.

I am interested in your scrolls and miscellaneous gear. I am also interested in your potions, but would only pay double the production cost of them.

-Joseph Smith
Double production I can certainly do. Lots of coatings and gasses available
