An Invitation


To Squire Griffon and the good men and women of Shademarch,

It has come to my attention that you are seeking a venue to hold a tournament of champions to celebrate your struggles against your foes. I offer you the fields outside of New Haven, Donated for a time by the grace of the Duran family. I have contact my good friend Gillan of the traders guild to ensure there will be plenty of food as well as prizes for you to compete for. It is my hope in this way that our fair lands can offer some measure of comfort for the warriors of Gaden and allow an opportunity for those interested to meet you.

Any questions as to the specifics can be addressed to Sir Kalthor as he has agreed to handle security. While it is unlikely that I will be able to personally attend I hope that you will all accept my invitation and come relax among the snow covered fields of central Roskaria.


Princess Lisonra, Daughter of King Palon
as scribed by the hand of Aney Emry.
Your Highness Princess Lisonra,

It is with great admiration and respect that on behalf of the adventuring people of Shademarch, we humbly accept your gracious invitation and will make preparations to attend the competitions and celebration at the fields outside of New Haven. We know the responsibilities of the kingdom must take precedence, however should the opportunity arise it would indeed be a privilege most high - to have the honor of being in your presence. Thank you, Your Highness, for the arrangements that you have made. We look forward to participating in the tournament games, and meeting other honored guests.

Squire Victor von Gryphon
Nice ta see dat you guys are coming back, now maybe we can have a good talk about my old underguy Birk, after all Pik nevah did get back from going to find out what happened....

Your Highness Princess Lisonra, Honorable Squire Victor von Gryphon and Aney Emry,

Zhis is most vounderful and gracious news! Your invitation and extention for a banquet and tournement is most welcomed during these times. Now, I'm not sure on all zhe details of Gaden, as I've recently been in Briarpass, however I'm sure zit is vell deserved.

Vith a championship, a banquet, security and food provided, I can only see vone thing missing. However, vhatever could be missing from a grand event like zhis? Vhy of course, zhe Master of Ceremonies! Who could captivate a crowd, tell terrific tales and is educated vell enough to keep records of all this? Vell the weaver of vords, the spinner of tales, and zhe one who zimply knows how to have a party vill offer my services to Emcee this grand event. However, should you find another to fill zhis need, zhat is perfectly acceptable. Though, zhey are no Gregory Binks!

A simple knave,
Gregory Binks