Announcement from the High Magister of Province VI

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Current residents of Province VI,

On behalf of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, I welcome the people of Province VI to the Empire. With the new Province, it is without doubt that the Empire will become an even greater and more prosperous place than it already is.

The foundation border to this Province is still in the transitioning phase of solidifying, and may take anywhere from eight to eighteen score days to fully solidify. During this transition phase, there are several matters that are to be made clear to the current residents of Province VI, as noted below:

As soon as the foundation border has reached a fully solidified state, Officials of His Imperial Majesty will be collecting a full census of the Province before subjecting all current residents to the Citizenship Exam. For those of this Province who are not yet familiar, the Citizenship Exam is a process undergone by all residents of each of the Provinces of the Empire to gauge the loyalty of each resident to His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and His Empire. Those who have passed their Citizenship Exam are to be appropriately marked to show the sign of their passage, whilst denizens who are deemed unsuitable for the Empire are left unmarked and sent to Province I to be destroyed in His Imperial Majesty’s circle. This process is undergone to purge out bad blood, ensuring a successful and prosperous Empire. Magical potential and permission is granted by the results of the Citizenship Examination, and those citizens who have not been ordained to cast magic are forbidden from the instruction of scholarly arts.

Once the census is complete, the process of administering the Citizenship Exam will take as long as is necessary to examine every resident of this Province. Participation in the Citizenship Exam is mandatory, and not undergoing the Citizenship Exam and/or failing to comply with the orders of the Citizenship Exam examiners is an offense against His Imperial Majesty and is punishable by destruction in His Imperial Majesty’s circle. Those in positions of leadership or power in this Province are to report early for examination, and once the Citizenship Exam has been fully administered, these positions of leadership in this Province will be fully examined and altered as His Imperial Majesty sees fit.

In addition, with the solidification of the foundation barrier, there is a high potential for the discovery of additional Slipstone deposits in this Province, which may serve as a strong new source for His Imperial Majesty’s Slipstone. Slipstone is a mineral material recognizable by its metallic gray-black color, and its purity can be easily measured by a Magister of sufficient knowledge. Possession of a Slipstone of a purity level equal to or above 0.5% must be registered with an Official of His Imperial Majesty. Furthermore, Slipstone of a purity level equal to or above 50% is unlawful to possess and must be turned in to an Official of His Imperial Majesty. Possession and/or failure to turn in Slipstone of a purity level of 50% or higher is an offense against His Imperial Majesty and is punishable by destruction in His Imperial Majesty’s circle.

Shortly after the foundation border has fully solidified, one of the current High Magisters of the other five Provinces will be reassigned to the position of High Magister of Province VI, serving as an overseer of the Province on the behalf of His Imperial Majesty. The High Magister in question will be chosen based on how proficient he or she has become in the art of manipulating this Province’s magical energies. However, until such a time as the High Magister from another of the Provinces has been appointed, I, the Walker of the Gilded Path, have been appointed by His Imperial Majesty to serve as the temporary High Magister of Province VI. Furthermore, additional authorities of His Imperial Majesty are now to be stationed throughout Province VI, including Officials of His Imperial Majesty and members of General Mandrake’s Red Lion forces. Failure to comply with the orders of any of the Officials, including the High Magister of Province VI, or the Red Lions is an offense against His Imperial Majesty and is punishable by death at minimum.

I look forward to seeing this Province rise to its greatest age under the rule of His Imperial Majesty.

~ The Walker of the Gilded Path
Appointed High Magister of Province VI
High Magister, if I might ask a question of you, why must the High Magistrate of this province be selected from the high magisters of another province? Would it not be possible for a magister who is not currently overseeing another province to be appointed as a high magister of this land?

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe, of the Runebinder Clan
Once the border is solidified, will you be sending through a sizable army to exterminate the corrupt? I'm sure in your research, you've discovered that the corrupt are an infectious disease that causes something similar to undeath. These corrupt are only loyal to Ultimate Corrupt, that believe themselves the highest order of existence (Higher than His Imperial Majesty the Emporer). You can see the inherent blasphemy of this. The corrupt cover about 80% of Province 6 and are very strong. I recommend an army of 2,500,000, give or take, depending on the strength of the individuals you send through. This is in addition to the forces already present in Gaden, of course. It will take the full combined strength of both the Gaden force and the forces the Empire sends to efficiently route the Corrupt. If you would like to meet with me in discussing these corrupt and and tactics for exterminating them entirely, I will happily serve as a local adviser for this war. I am sure, like most citizens of Gaden, that we will happily join the Empire and hail you as saviors from the Corrupt menace. I am very glad that you have decided to come and spend such a unimaginable sum of resources in defeating the Corrupt menace, and that by joining borders with us, you guarantee your continued participation in the Corrupt war. It is very noble and selfless of the Empire to do so, a true work of charity.

I, for one, welcome our new Imperial masters.

Hunter Davion