Annual Visit


Chicago Staff
Greetings friends in the Sheltered Lands,

I will be visiting this next gather and look forward to seeing some old friends. My sister and I are end route as we speak and will try to meet with other travellers on the way.

May the rolling thunder and coming storm be your protection,

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Brotherhood of LifeStorm, Sister
Champion of Balance, Lightning
Bearer of the StormBringer

Sera Zanabanath,

In the anticipation of your visit from Wayside, did you require a guide to meet you at the edge of the mists? If so, I am certain an honor guard of adventurers would be more than willing to meet you.

During your visit, as a reciprocation of your recent hospitality within Wayside, The Order of Shadow's Light would like to formally invite you to share tea with us at a time mutually convinient to both of us.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

I would be honored to have tea with you and your's and would also enjoy seeing familiar faces when the mists part and open to your lands. I am travelling on foot and can't wait to arrive and see all my friends.

May the rolling thunder and coming storm be your protection,

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Brotherhood of LifeStorm Sister
Champion of Balance, Lightning
Bearer of the StormBringer
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

I wanted to thank you and the rest of Shadow's Light for the hospitality shown to me during the last gather. I know that we didn't actually share Tea but I feel like we had shared so much more than that with all of you. Please come to Wayside and visit me very soon, I look forward to it.

May the rolling thunder be your protection,

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath