Appointment of the High Magisters of Provinces III and V

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
People of the Empire,

The recent gap of oversight upon the third, fifth, and sixth Provinces has no doubt been worrisome to you, and I am pleased to say that such a time has come to an end. On behalf of His Imperial Majesty, it is my pleasure to announce the appointment of two Magisters to the rank of High Magister of their respective Provinces:

After proving himself adept at the manipulation of the Province's finer magical art of Force Magic and showing exceptional affinity for the different materials and constructs of the Province, the Forger of the Eternal Skies has been appointed the High Magister of Province III until further notice. Whilst his mastery of Force Magic is no replacement for the late Overseer of Great Heights, he has been deemed suitable for the time being.

After a grand demonstration of the formal Death Magics attuned to the nature of the Province and showing sufficient command the people of the Province, the Lord of Crushing Despair has been appointed the High Magister of Province V until further notice. A good friend of mine since childhood, I assert my confidence that he shall hold the fifth Province in order as well as the late Master of Blackened Blood.

Now that there is a High Magister once again in the Provinces that have lacked such a role, one of the current High Magisters of the other Provinces will be reassigned to the position of High Magister of Province VI in the coming months, serving as an overseer of the Province on the behalf of His Imperial Majesty. The High Magister in question will be chosen based on how proficient he or she has become in the art of manipulating the sixth Province’s magical energies, and until such a time as a High Magister is selected, the Officials of His Imperial Majesty and the Red Lions under General Mandrake, The Sword of the Emperor, shall serve as appropriate overseers of the Province's denizens as needed.

May the glory of the Emperor and his wondrous Empire grow ever higher with the assistance of the new High Magisters.

- Justicar of the Fields of Reaping
Official under His Imperial Majesty

It pains me to see such chaos amongst the Empire, it truly does. I’m sure the new High Magisters will do well in their newly appointed roles. I also have no doubt they will fall just like the previous owners of their position. I do not mean this as a threat in any way, I’m merely stating the truth. The truth of the matter is that the Master of Blackened Blood met obliteration. The Overseer of Great Heights fell a few times and never got back up. Your grand general himself fell, although briefly a year and a half ago. In my honest opinion, things are still not going well for you.

If I may recommend a candidate for overseeing The Sheltered Lands, I would welcome the current High Magister of Province 4, The Lady of the Rising Tide. I feel she’d be a perfect fit for these lands, and I can single handedly guarantee she’d end up washed up like her other fallen High Magisters.

I know my voice doesn’t have much sway, but I hope you consider this recommendation of who you’d be sending to their death next.

Forever your threat,
Asher Oakheart, Druid of Serenity Among Discord
Lunar Mage of Gaden
Druid of Serenity Among Discord,

Your words have been noted.

- Justicar of the Fields of Reaping
Official under His Imperial Majesty