April 1513 Rumors

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
The Corrupt strikes have seemed to become less frequent recently, but when they happen, they’re definitely more focused and powerful.

Cho Ko Nu is Jimmy Three Face.

The Celestial Guild has been requesting that anyone with information regarding the possible whereabouts of Guildmaster Mage Leopold Vincent Cromwell VI please come forward.

Sarr travelers seem to be regarded with even more caution than usual from locals, ever since rumors of some powerful “Red Lions” have started to circulate.

Local drunks are conflicted: When they want to get hammered, ought they to head to Gabriel, or should they go to Squire Gryphon’s tea tent?

Baroness Shademarch has been spending a lot of time in her manor, so Sir Thaylen has been stepping up a bit to make up for her absence. Maybe he thinks that if he takes care of the barony well enough, he’ll have a chance with her?

The Dark Elves were wiped out by an unknown threat over the winter. The few remaining Dark Elves are very sensitive about the subject and deny the truth vigorously.

Duke Idden is Jimmy Three Face. That way, he never has to worry about paying the bounty on Jimmy's head!

Is it just me, or have purple facial tattoos come into style?

The Gaden Military is stepping up recruitment and lengthening service terms in order to take advantage of the coming land grab.

Ritual components are always a commodity, but it seems that this last year has really sparked demand for Pyrotis for some reason.

Winter’s coming to an end, which brings a smile to many a face, but the realization that those pesky Attercobs are starting to come back out of their caverns quickly wipes the smiles away.

Has anyone else noticed the Mist Wall has been less swirly and dense the last few months? Come to think of it, the peculiar caverns of Mist have been far rarer as well.

More Stone Elves have been seen in the capital lately. Word on the street is Pratorak is requesting to join with Gaden as a vassal!

This weather's been awfully weird lately... I thought all the natural wonkiness was solved when the adventurers dealt with those Forsaken things.

Did you know? A group of gypsies is called a Darn Good Time!

The tide of the war is turning, and the Corrupt threat should be no more within a few years!

It seems the lesser-known Johnny Three Nose is irked. It appears he'll never get to be as famous as Jimmy Three Face.

The Corrupt are in fact extremely weak to Command effects, but the Gaden military does not employ them due to the existing treaty with the Mystic Wood Elves of Roskaria.