April Event Favorites


NEPA Staff
Let's hype until June arrives.
Hey guys! Doing this much earlier this time before all the amazing memories leak from my brain.

Let's start with the OoG stuff. Cole you are an amazing and understanding person, and I am proud of you for stepping into this role so handily. When life handed you lemon after lemon you made some sort of amazing fruit drink concoction to feed to the PC's and we sure came back for more (even though it probably wasn't a good idea for our character's health haha (definitely good for the players health though)). Your staff and the NPCs this weekend were also awesome, and I want to thank all of them personally. I won't lie: this has been one of my favorite events and is very nicely situated in the top 5 for me.

Onto the event!:

Let's start with the obvious: Sir Cyno. Cyno has been working toward this for quite some time, and while as a player I had a suspicion this might happen this season, I didn't think it would happen at the opener and was caught slightly off guard. You are also heartless monsters who make marsupials cry by giving me Kailani's old belt. I hope you're happy. (I know I am). Having both Qiu Jun-Wu, Ezri, and even Kailani in spirit was the best and Cyno is humbled to have been knighted in the presence of people he respects so much.

Onto the plots of the weekend. I think it's safe to say I was thrown on a rack and torn into pieces as 4 or 5 different plotlines pulled me in 4 or 5 different directions. This isn't even because I had the belt: it would have happened regardless. I'll get to specifics here in a second, but man did I feel extremely involved this event. It feels even weirder because only select portions of my resources were ever tapped, and part of me felt confused as to how I had such a good time and yet spent so little. My reasoning for this is that I think we had an amazing compliment of groups and people this weekend. There were a lot of faces, old and new, and certain groups were more than happy to handle beating down the monsters and having a good time with their friends while I and a couple others tried to piece together what exactly was going on (Spoiler Alert: We didn't. Things only got more complicated haha). I as a player greatly appreciate this.

Nightmare plot: In all honesty, I had only been barely involved in this over the last season and simply helped as I could. I daresay that this has changed drastically as of this event. Whether it was delving into Dominic's dream, babysitting Rayna and
Nasheera while they did... a thing, or spellcrafting seek the whole on a Dram Knight's heart, every twist and turn was awesome. Shoutouts to the aforementioned players for being nothing but awesome. Speaking of seek the whole, that roleplay actually gave me insight into Cyno both in and out of game that I had never realized before. Being a giant chunk of hope makes perfect logic to me and now Cyno gets to sense his own presence for the next 3 or 4 days.

Necro-botany Plot: After translating all those ciphers last season, it's super awesome that this is finally coming to fruition (that is an OoG statement obviously). Now we've gone from ciphers to jigsaw puzzles of torn up notes. Cyno WILL figure this out and has some choice words for this botanist, especially after what you did to Hal. Also Hal? Could you not? Haha, I'm just kidding, but I will be quite upset if you die and somebody (aka Cordy the necro-botanist) will be experiencing the same fate, that much I can assure you.

Other minor plot points that may or may not be related to the previous two: Magnesium golems? Kaboom? Ouch. There were those fleshlings that I don't have the spoons to look into right now as well. Super sensitive Noble mission is super sensitive. Got to oversee an execution with my other fellow nobles. Totally the most pleasant thing for my first weekend as a noble. Carved up corpse does not bode well. Master I'm-going-to-reach-through-and-shatter-your-spirit also bodes poorly. And what was with those twisted runes that burnt people and poltergeisted stuff? Who is Lord N? Uhhhg, so many things to figure out, but I will do it. It's juggling time!

I also just want to give shout outs to other characters I had good roleplay moments with that I haven't already mentioned. Mori, you are awesome and roll with the punches. I'm so glad you're with the Shield, and have excellent potential for squireship if I do say so myself. Balbanes, I really appreciate the moments we had together and your support means a lot to me too. Larien, I'm so glad to have gotten to see you after s year or so of absence. Don't ever change, and thank you for your help. Bulli and Dominic were clutch this event... and now my mind is just racing to think of who I'm forgetting to mention in this long rambling post. Let's just say this: EVERYONE. Everyone in alliance is generally awesome in some way or another and I am thrilled to be a part of such a community of people. I want to thank you all for giving me a great experience this past weekend.

(Final Side Note: I can and will spell anyone and everyone's names wrong and I apologize if i did.)

I'll post more if people are hype for June (I know I am) and I can remember more things.

Thanks again, and I love you guys!

~ Jordan | Sir Cyno of the Shield of the Archives
So many to be listed, but in no particular order.....

To the bound nightmare that I slowly hacked away at on the porch while nearly laughing myself to tears- cheers.

To Hal- oh lordie I’m sorry.....

To Balbanes- Thanks for the sword and the good times as always!

To the nice lady that I ran and got water for and got a cursed shield in return- well..... lesson learned I’d say.....

To Raven- thanks for the super cool sword enchants for lil ol’ me!!

To the kitchen lovelies- expect me to continue to return for the snacks and company!

To Cyno and Nikole- I said it before and I’ll say it again, congratulations! May the Shield stand strong.

To Dame Ezri- you may have made a fan girl of Mori.....

To Sir QJW- good to see you back in action and it looked like you had a great time as well!

To Alexander- it was a bit terrifying and a bit exhilarating to have Sir Simon put us “in charge” when the knights went on their super secret mission, eh?

To the many visitors from other lands- while I may not have spoken with all of you and definitely don’t remember every name that I was told, I was very glad for your presence! Your experience and your swords were much appreciated and it was a pleasure to role play with you all.

To plot and cast members- many thanks and very well done. I felt that the event ran very smoothly and was involved at every step that I sought out. I’m quite looking forward to this season, cheers!

-Mori, Initiate of the Shield of the Archives, Graduate of the Bardic College

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I enjoyed coming back! The weekend was full of nightmares (awesome) and necro botany (sweet), which could be my jam all the time.

Swingin' and pokin' and role-playin'! I do enjoy this game.