Ashen Spire's Field Reports from 08/30/2013 to 09/02/2013


The Order of the Ashen Spire intends to provide access to the information it has acquired over the past several days through a field report. This report, along with any relevant documentation that may have been recovered, is available upon written request. Please route your requests to me by means of missive and a return communication will be provided to you with the field report and copies of associated materials.

We would like to remind everyone of the unsecure nature of this method of communication I am using to speak with you now. As a result, it is requested that any discussions regarding the information made available are conducted in a secure format and not one which can be accessed openly by undesired parties. This includes any further communications in this realm. While it is imperative that we communicate diligently with one another, we must still be mindful of information security.

Elementals in this region are beginning to eat, along with exhibiting other mortal traits. One elemental I communicated with described this as a newfound 'need'. It is not unreasonable to believe that they may soon sleep, and perhaps even dream. Should that become the case, this realm may no longer be a safe region for communicating critical information.

Commander Tevas
The Order of the Ashen Spire
Re: Ashen Spire's Field Reports from 08/30/2013 to 09/02/201

Commander Tevas,

I am grateful to hear that we are attempting to share in communications and would also like to extend to you any information I may be in possession of that you are currently not. Please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to exchange any details I have recorded. I do not, as a practice, keep notes of hearsay or conjecture, rather, only those which we are told as fact, so in some ways you may feel my notes lacking but I prefer to keep them factual.

On a note of the Elementals becoming more mortal, I find this potentially great news! Perhaps these lands can be restored and we will have assisted in creating a new species of sentient mortals. If they continue down the path they are on, perhaps once we have restored the lands, we can help these new races find their own place in the world.

As always, I look forward to discussions with you. May your blade remain swift, and your shield sturdy until we meet again!
