Attention all Wayside Musicians, Bards, and Songweavers! The Song of Purification

Greeting, all you who weave sound into music!

As some of you know, one our assets in the efforts against the corruption of Hook is artifact whose purifying power is activated by song. Here is our chance to turn the most precious gift of music into a weapon of beauty that will cut through the chaotic din in our lands!

We are looking for 5 Adventuring Spirits who love to Sing to help us make sure that when the time is write, we can chant in unison the Lyrics of Power that will stir awake the latent purity of the Rod of Purification. I have a melody prepared to go with the lyrics, but we can use whatever harmonies we are happy with!

((Don't worry about what we sound like, or if you are "good" at it whatever that means- as long as you like singing, be part of the Purity Quintet!!!!))

Let's meet in the Tavern before bedtime!

Madrina Adlao- HM, LSW
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