Attention Citisens


Former Duke Stone has escaped his confinement in the capital city. His current whereabouts are unknown, anyone with information on his current whereabouts or about how he escaped his confinement please come forward we are offering a 5 gold reward for any relevant information.

Royal Scribe of Valdanis
Duke Stone escaped?

He was locked in an extended prison, and confined within a trunk... and escaped. I truly hope there was some other worldly power at play here. We already knew he bought half the army, I hope we didn't just put him in with the regualr prisoners.

Perhaps the giant fire creatures that are chaperoning my leige may have been better spent guarding Duke Stone.

Well done, capital city. Well done.

Squrie Idris
Hey Royal Scribe. You spelled "citizens" wrong. I'd tell you to fall on your sword, but I'm going to venture an assumption and say you don't have one; I'd suggest jamming your quill into your jugular.

Happy Trails, Failure.

A. Runebeard
Beloved Vassal Knight
Ordo Tempestus
Duke Stone escaped?





