Attunement Request


Chicago Staff
Dear Friends of Gaden,

I am once again able to travel to your lands with out hindrance of magical barriers and as I had promised before I will be joining you all soon. I see that there is to be a feast in honor of the safe return of his Highness and I would like to attend this event as I had done so last year. I look forward to seeing you all once again and to all of you I would like to make a request.

I know that I have been told that the Mist Cave is a formidable challenge when trying to attune magical items from outside the lands, but I have heard tale that things that could not be attuned before have been attuned recently. I would Like to ask you all to accompany me to this Mist Cave once again to try and Attune a Magical weapon of High Magical Creation, made with a maximum number of formal scrolls, that has been crafted with no limit to its duration. This item I believe may unlock a milestone in the research of how the Mist Cave works as well as help me to better defend those around me.

From what I already understand when you go into this Cave you may use any skill that you have learn through toil and training and it will be restored to you upon completion as long as it is not a skill that is duplicated through magical means or any sort of expendable item. I am willing to throw everything I have into this task and I ask if any if not as many of you as possible would accompany me on this task.

I will try to come up with a sort of compensation for those who would request it.

May the Raging Storm Be your Protection,

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Neptunian Apprentice of the Celestial Guild of Arbor
Bearer of StormBringer

Thorador has discovered a means of research that may allow all items from your lands to travel to ours without any hinderance. As well as items of a non local effect from other lands. I would recommend pursuing this path. After having done several attunements for items in the mist cave, I would estimate the difficulty of your item to be something like the following.

1 earth scholar able to cast four life spells a day
1 celestial scholar able to cast four storms per day
1-5 mistlings swinging 20 dagger blows

I would expect these creatures to apparate in the cave about 10 times.

I may be underestimating. In the past, attuning items of permanent duration always failed, and often those were limited to just one or two affects. I am not trying to discourage you, but merely attempting to guide you towards, most likely, a less difficult challenge.

It will be good to see you Sera,
Hunter Davion

The reason I pose this request is because I know that when you emerge from the cave from failure it is the same effect if there were completion... So I also wonder if it depends on the number of times you have entered said cave as well. I am of the opinion that It never hurts to try because you never know what you may find out in the process, as well as, if you are restored as if you had never entered the cave in the first place then what have we got to loose? I understand if this is going to be a challenge but it may be a beneficial challenge.

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Champion of the Plane of Lightning
Neptunian Apprentice of the Celestial Guild of Arbor
Bearer of StormBringer
What you lose is your time, effort, energy and chance to pursue something more useful in the mist cave. You are welcome to try all you like, though.
Hunter Davion
Would anyone else Like to try this? I can offer those who go Compensation in the form of goods and coin. It is not the most important of tasks but it may pose to be full of useful information.

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Champion of the Plane of Lightning
Neptunian Apprentice of the Celestial Guild of Arbor
Bearer of StormBringer
Sera Eldandirill,

It vould be an honor to accompany you into this cave of myst. The concept of dis cave interest me greatly. If vhat you say is true and no harm can possibly come from it, then it vould appear there iz nothing to lose!

A simple tailor,
Veah agreed if no one elze ve vill gather what familia there is too help vou

Kitaruen Kopanari
I suppoze vone might convince me to help vith this cave of mist. Familia allvays here to help, and I alvays velcome a little coin.

I must say zhat I agree vith Davion; if zhere is a vay to allow all items to travel zhe mists into Gaden, zhen it seems zhat vould be zhe better choice to spend our time on. However, if my couzins are of a mind to help vith zhis task, I vould gladly offer my assistance vith zheirs.

Roy Gallentine
My dearest Eldandiril,

Should we be able to gather sufficient numbers to attempt to attune your sword, I naturally would be willing to join. However, like I said, if we know that we don't have enough people to make it happen, then I would like to use some of my time within the Mist Caves to attune some of my Order's substantially-smaller-than-your-sword items, rather than merely spending time and effort on failure. I'm sure you can understand that.

But you also know that I stand alongside you, and if we do this, I'll do my best.

That also being said, perhaps on the second day of the gather, I have a few items, some weak, some strong, that I would like to get attuned. If anyone would be willing to assist me in these matters, let me know.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft

I would be happy to help you on the second day, and yes, you are right, since you were delighted to be able to use the temporary copy of StormBringer you can understand why it is indeed a useful item and could possibly tip the mist caves scale. I understand where the fear of it being a waste can come in, however it was posed to me last year that perhaps it actually can be done, for there were questions asked that were harder. If this succeeds what if it breaks the caves workings and lifts the barrier that causes these items to go inert? Would that be a good or bad thing? As well I was told that some how by attuning enough Items through the cave it has become not necessary to do for Magical Armors, however, my Arcane is also my weapon so i am sure that it will stay inert until the cave is accomplished.

All Romani,

I am honored to have such a group to volunteer like yours, I welcome you to join me in this quest and as I said I offer compensation for doing so. Thank you for the investment that you have placed in me and my item.

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside
Champion of the Plane of Lightning
Neptunian Apprentice of the Celestial Guild of Arbor
Bearer of StormBringer
I'm in, eventually we'll need to know just what the limits of the mist caves "mist creatures" are... this might help us know that so even if we fail we'll have an idea just how strong we need to be to succeed, that, in of itself is worth getting out of bed for... a coin or two tossed our ways doesnt hurt either does it?

Fern Woods

It would be silly for me not to help you...We can speak of this more on our travels to Gaden.


Ps. Please come get me as I am helping to repair the University from the damage it sustained recently. And time, it flows oddly when I am concentrating on a project...
I might suggest that you could either before or after, you could ask the cave what it would take to attune the sword, as the question itself should be significantly easier to answer, and it will give you an idea of what to prepare for. Yes, it will take another trip to the mist cave for some, but it increases your chance of success significantly if it works.


Having asked similar questions of the mist caves and gotten cryptic responses which I'd characterise as evasive or in other words no help at all, its probably more efficient to go and have everyone either succeed or fail based on who choses to go. If we succeed, great, if we fail then we discuss what happened and what we need to do next time and when to try next. The margin of error is abysmally low.

How hard a challenge is is highly subjective to the commitment, confidence, and ability of those taking that challenge hard what the mist cave will do when we try is unimportant compared to what we do to meet the challenge. The notion that its not worth trying or that its a waste of time will ultimatly prove to be a self fulfilling prophecy, for every sword or spell that doesnt answer the challenge then the odds of success go down. Enough naysaying will end this fight before it even begins.

If you concerned about making sure you have arrows, ask the Knight she can furnish you with some for this fight. Or if your looking for compensation, tell her your price.
Im afraid i won't be at this gathering, so i will be unable to help in the mist cave, but I thought I might suggest something and try to be useful at least. Best of luck to you all, whatever you try to attune.
