August 7th/8th Preregistration Is Now Open: He Who Walks Between Never More


Happy to announce all events will take place at their scheduled weekends. There will be further information released about sites for the other events in the coming days. But for now lets focus on the event in front of us. We will be hosting at Camp River Trails in Sheridan Illinois. It has showers/real bathrooms and good kitchens. The majority of sleeping will be on floor style mattresses, so those of you with an airmattress may wish to bring them.

The event will cost $50, however anyone who preregisters will only pay $40.

The site opens 6PM on Friday the 7th, registration will begin at 8PM and game on should be at 10PM. Sunday will be plot loose ends and clean up like always. The sites address is : 2599 US-52, Sheridan, IL 60551 ...

A food plan for an additional $10 will be available. This includes a breakfast, lunch, and dinner. NPCs are free to play however are asked to pay for their meal plans.

Preregistrations should include needed tags, MIs, spells, and whether you want a food plan. These must be sent to no later than Tuesday Aug 4th at midnight. Or you may use our brand new handy-dandy prereg form found here.

Prepay via paypal to...

Please note if your a first time player you should still contact us so we can help you with character creation ahead of time.

1. Rob S (Eric)
2. Jen W (Arsita)
3. Nick P (Foss)
4. Amanda F (Liddia)
5. Jame F (Grimshaw)
6. Melaina F (Katarina)
7. Bill H (Biff)
8. Dara W (Mordagh)
9. Paul F (Jehan)
10. Paul S (Kael)
11. Daphne P (Eve)
12. Tristin W (Frederick)
13. Gab R (Haraka)
14. Ethan R (Ignathis)
15. Jenn P (Zima)
16. Vaughn W (Keeper)
17. Emma B (Illana)
18. Emily G (Terra)
19. Aaron V (Gnot)
20. Dawn V (Dont)
21. Tom M (Ractor)
22. Nadine V (Neolani)
23. Adam P (Asura)
24. Sean V (Nehani)
25. Jon M (Roff)
26. Connor J (Rose)
27. Josh S (Roy)
28. Locke (Kayla)
29. Chris S (Shikaar)
30. David Z (Vyers)
31. Jonathan Z (Ornelos)
32. Jon D (Aramis)
33. Katie D (New)
34. Seamus C (Tarqaq)
35. Tim F (Vexx)
36. Brianna D (Valandra)
37. Kent C (New)
38. Sid P (Beryl)
39. Chris T (Tadron)
40. Ranee J (Pandora)
41. Derek S (Sam)
42. Jared H (Thorn)
43. Jake V (New)
44. Ian S (Draco)
45. Kujo (Nuka)
46. Nate S (Nikolai)
47. Dave G (Enan)
48. Chris I (Link)
49. Matt N (Kalin)
50. Brian G (Thaddeus)
51. Mike T (John)
52. Ian P (Banradi)
53. Teague M (Therion)

1. Rob D
2. Ryan B
3. Kyle Dreadlord Guy
4. Carly The Clawsome
5. Nate B
7. Bryan L
8. Leanne L
9. Vicki P
10. Carrie S
11. Heather J
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Please make sure to get your preregs in to get your $10 discount, and to help make logisitics run smoother.
I did. And my wife.
Finally sent- hubby sent his yesterday:-)
With the close of prereg please note you may still register if you are attending. I will now give a few notes about the site. PCs will be staying in Lenona Lodge (Merrybrook and Dreamcatcher) this entire lodge will be considered a sleeping area and will require rogue marshalls, also sleeping is on the floor with floor mattes. So please plan accordingly. Also note if you come or go from site during the event you must sign in or out at NPC camp which will be Bonnie Brae Lodge. Smoking will only take place at the fire scars around site, and lastly there is no driving to the lodges. Everyone must park in the parking area and then the Ranger will haul your gear using trailers. The walk to the PC cabin is not severe so if your packed light hauling it yourself could easily work.
Leanne and I are hoping to be able to get there before 10 but we might be a little later depending on how soon I can get off work.