Available Services Provided by The Celestial Guild



Let it be known that the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden will be providing the following services to interested parties this Friday evening.

1) Teaching of Read Magic (subject to Celestial Guild Member Availability)

2) Casting of Wards: 2 Gold per Ward - If you wish to purchase this service you may privately contact me.

3) Spellcrafting Services as Outlined below.

As a reminder, the magics imbued by spellcrafting rituals will last no longer than 5 days; the rituals below are available for spellcrafting:
- Cloak: Will grant you or an item the ability to cloak one pre-determined spell or effect.
- Monster Slayer: Will grant a weapon the ability to swing at least two additional dagger blows of damage against a specific type of monster or beast (e.g., the Cursed Corrupt).
- Spirit Link: Binds a weapon, shield, or item to your spirit preventing it from being disarmed or stolen.
- Vengeance: Exacts unavoidable retributive justice on the person or being seeking to perform a coup de grace on your physical body.

Costs associated with this service will vary by effect type and strength desired. However the basic costs are as follows:
- If the components for the spellcrafting are provided then the cost is 2 gold per level of spellcraft.
- If you requrie The Royal Celestial Guild to provide the components the cost is 4 to 5 gold per level of spellcraft (subject to availability).

The Royal Celestial Guild values the privacy and discretion of those seeking services, therefore you are ecouraged to contact me privately regarding all requests and costs thereof. If you wish these services, you must contact me before this Friday to ensure your request can be filled. Furthermore, if you have a ritual that you wish spellcrafted that is not listed above, the scroll must be provided to me for study beforehand.

Additionally, if you desire any rituals to be cast resulting in the consumption of the ritual scroll, please contact me privately before this Friday, and we will see what can be done to accomodate your needs.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
How many components is it for a +8 corrupt slayer? I believe I'd like to have this for our next journey, although it might perhaps be wise to evaluate the situation before I choose what type of slayer.
Hunter Davion

The magics of a slayer of that magnitude are not possible with spellcrafting, but a +6 Slayer is possible and would take 3 components, plus whatever gold fee is being charged.

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden